Random thoughts on parrots

You know you're a Parront when you've got a safflower seed shell stuck to your cheek and a down feather in your hair... and you just got out of bed.... that was me this morning. :)

so cute so true
Penny is so funny, I don't think any wonderful pet throughout my life has made laugh as much as she does.

I accidentally fell asleep in my chair, the sound if snoring woke me. It was Penny mimicking my snore! When my eyes opened, she was right in my face, eyes lit up with happiness and she let out another big snore! So now i know i snore lol and what it sounds like !! She looked like she had been having the time of her life. She loves to copy funny noise, beeps, dog barks, yips, growls, meow (from her life before I guess)

For those that don't know, I found Penny at terrible time in her life, being treated terrible, covered in filth, screaming and lunging. She just needed some kindness and stability to bloom.
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One never knows for sure that you snores until your Parrot confirms it for you!

Now that is funny! :D
Penny is so funny, I don't think any wonderful pet throughout my life has made laugh as much as she does.

I accidentally fell asleep in my chair, the sound if snoring woke me. It was Penny mimicking my snore! When my eyes opened, she was right in my face, eyes lit up with happiness and she let out another big snore! So now i know i snore lol and what it sounds like !! She looked like she had been having the time of her life. She loves to copy funny noise, beeps, dog barks, yips, growls, meow (from her life before I guess)

So cute!!

Trigger seems to learn something new every day... so every day I discover some sound, word or phrase that apparently I say a lot, because I hear it from him.

My favorite thing though is when he starts to combine the things he's learned in new, and very funny ways...

He learned from me to say:
"Birdies birdies birdies!"
"Lunchy's ready!"
"You're welcome"
"Pew pew!"

...and a bunch more stuff... here's a few of the entertaining combo's he has come up with:
"Birdies birdies CORN!"
"Lunchy's Trigger!"
"Trigger Trigger Pew Pew!"

Oh that's so true.

I can't count the number of times Bella started saying something and I think "where did she learn that"

The first time it happened was
"What's going on"
It took me a while to realize it was what I would say when entering the Cockatiels area when they start flapping around.
Oh that's so true.

I can't count the number of times Bella started saying something and I think "where did she learn that"

The first time it happened was
"What's going on"
It took me a while to realize it was what I would say when entering the Cockatiels area when they start flapping around.

Lol! Too funny!!

Last year we heard Trigger coughing a lot and we were worried about his health... then we realized he was mimicking MY coughing... which made me realize I was coughing a lot... so I went to see the doctor about it.

Thanks for looking out for my health Trigger! :D
I thinkni need to see a new Trigger picture!!
Why is it that 95% of everything Trigger says, he learned from me... but 95% of his talking he does when I am not near him. When Wolfy is with him he talks, he plays, he rolls over on his back and does silly, playful things... As soon as I AM near him, he goes silent and just stares at me entranced.

Crazy bird!

I can relate. My family gets to see the outstanding flight maneuvers, as Meisha makes her way to find me. I miss out on the good stuff.

She will talk for my son. Embarrassingly quiet with me when I want her to showoff for a client.

She will stop her activities with others and watch my every move, when I walk up.
I thinkni need to see a new Trigger picture!!

Ask and ye shall receive :)



What is it with Parrots and hanging up-side-down?

It’s part of their plot to charm us to death with their cuteness so they can take over the world.

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What is it with Parrots and hanging up-side-down?

It’s part of their plot to charm us to death with their cuteness so they can take over the world.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That has to be it! Global Control, one Human at a time! :D
Obviously the best path to domination is to gain control of the smart people... You know, like those who keep parrots! Heeheehee ;)
There is NO doubt at all they are plotting something wicked... their cuteness is too overwhelming, they are surely up to no good!!!
That embarrassing moment when your patients visit, and your dad asks what is your parrot doing? You look over , there is your girl masturbating !!@ OMG!!

I was like she is playing......but no...he was like is she stuck on the toy? I was hmmm......she found a sweet spot......my mom got it....finally I just said she is masturbating... awkward silence....then they left...
Its funny now! But I would not wish to hsve that awkward conversation ever,
That embarrassing moment when your patients visit, and your dad asks what is your parrot doing? You look over , there is your girl masturbating !!@ OMG!!

I was like she is playing......but no...he was like is she stuck on the toy? I was hmmm......she found a sweet spot......my mom got it....finally I just said she is masturbating... awkward silence....then they left...
Its funny now! But I would not wish to hsve that awkward conversation ever,

My mom is so weirded out buy Noodles because of this...I try to tell her, at least she doesn't hump things like male dogs that have been neutered..Granted, based on the blue butt of a friend's cockatoo and a blue toy, some do lol! Noodles just grabs her tail and swishes it in circles. No one would ever know....unless they knew...
So Phoebe is a 2020 baby. Generation Alpha. Or are. they calling them Generation Q ? For quarantine babies,?

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