Random thoughts on parrots

Speaking of colorful Sun Conures.... I just finished making these for an order and I really enjoyed making them. It's fun to work with such brilliant colors! :)

Beautiful!!!!! I love your creations!!@ they are so special!!! Is that a leg Band? So cool!!
Speaking of colorful Sun Conures.... I just finished making these for an order and I really enjoyed making them. It's fun to work with such brilliant colors! :)


An exceptionally cute pair of Suns! :):)
Beautiful!!!!! I love your creations!!@ they are so special!!! Is that a leg Band? So cool!!

Yup... the customer said the two sunnies are identical except for the purple leg band on Kiwi's left leg. :)
Parrots aren’t pets; they’re a lifestyle.

One I’ve happily immersed myself in. In fact I’m currently tapping this out on my phone and trying to see it through tail feathers, because Bummy thinks my phone is a lovely place to sit with her back to me.

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my very own beautiful Squeekmouse creation!! She made one for my Neptune, so gorgeous and special more than words can say!

Sleeping when you have parrots.

Ear plugs can help but keep an extra pillow nearby.
Ear plugs + extra pillow over your head works for me.
Funny you should mention sleep... I normally sleep like the dead. I have literally slept through earthquakes, windstorms that knocked down trees, and more alarm clocks than I can count.
And yet, a few months ago Trigger got sick. His first symptom was that he threw up at 2:30am. I know this because his cage is in our bedroom and the tiny little patter sound woke me up from a dead sleep and I looked at the clock. :) I guess my Mama-bird sixth sense was set off.
My Salty doll lives on my computer screen; I'm staring at it right now!
He unfortunately hates it!
Sometimes its just hard having parrots. They never stop being smart, or active, or needing attention. They are always the toddler. Dog or cats can sleep a rainy day away, like me ( but I never get to) , but the parrots are still on.
WHY are their little feetz so stinkin cute??? Especially larger birds when they’re babies and the feetz are too big and they stand all cross-toed UGHHH it slays me.

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Aaaah, the joy of watch one's flight expert glide and tart about one's home. Such an expert in full control of flight! Then, one gets gut smacked as you simply walk across the room. Too add insult to injury, they look at you like you're the problem! :D
Why is it that 95% of everything Trigger says, he learned from me... but 95% of his talking he does when I am not near him. When Wolfy is with him he talks, he plays, he rolls over on his back and does silly, playful things... As soon as I AM near him, he goes silent and just stares at me entranced.

Crazy bird!
Species. Parrots are different species. Dogs are the same species but different breeds.

Quakers and parrotlets, two very different species, both in size and personality.
And while there are generalizations to be had about any species, every single parrot is it's own bird and may act 180 degrees different, exhibiting some traits but not others or all of them.

Contemplating that parrots are Usually different species...

But...what about them green cheeks? I mean, it's kinda like saying that dogs Species are: wolves, coyotes, jackals, dogs, white poodledogs, brown-haired white poodledogs, black-haired white poodledogs, etc...

I mean for example. Budgerigars come in all sorts of colors but they are all called budgies. And, they are entirely different species from, say, Lovebirds or Parrotlets.

But then you get the Conures. The GCC's in particular. Is it a Green Cheek or is it a Cinnamon Green Cheek? Every color variation has it's own name. Like its a totally different species. Maybe it's not a GCC because, no, it's a Pineapple GCC.

(Or, is it a Yellow-Sided? Maybe it's Chartreuse-Shouldered? Maybe it's a Calamine-Covert Heliotrope-Toed GCC !)

I don't think all the color-differentiated birds are all different species. And if they actually can count as different Types -- then I wonder if the GCC's, at least, (and maybe some of the color-differentiated birds, like macaws or amazons?) maybe can count as Dfifferent Breeds
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Different coloration in a species is usually considered a mutation or possibly a hybrid.

I can’t say I am familiar with the Conure species.
Green cheek conure regardless of color are one species. The mutation for feather color, don't change that. They carry the genes for the other colors too, and haven't been bred to have other characteristics. I guess over time, with lots more generations and color mutations locked in , maybe " breed" or such would apply. I don't really know? A crimson belly conure is a separate species, but close enough to hybrids. Right now cinnamon, teal, pineapple are just color labels.... but yeah after awhile it gets tricky , I dint know what the "rules" are for a subspecies, or " breed" right now some color mutations are sex linked. So only the male ir female will express that color. To have a breed or sub species both would hsve to have the color locked in and always breed true for that color, plus other stuff im sure lol is interesting to think on!
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They way I look at green cheek conure mutations is like the colours with in a dog breed, or the colour morphs of a corn snake. It's still a green cheek even if it's a pineapple, cinnamon, mint, violet, what ever because it will still have the set species characteristics, behavior etc. The only thing that's changed is its colour (unless its hybridized)

From my understanding, With dogs they are broken down from the species (canine) , then the sub species (cannis...) and then breeds with in that subspecies, so poodle, Boston Terrier, wolf hound, setter all come under the umbrella of cannis familiaris (aka domestic dog), and they have all been selectively breed for certain looks and behaviors and qualities and then with in the breeds you will get colour variations, take the poodle. It has literally every color under the sun except for merl as it doesn't genetically carry the gene for merl. You see a merl poodle, its had Collie crossed in its lines and bred back to the poodle. You can cross breed domestic dogs and you can hybridze them to wild dogs too like the wolf, cyote, dingo. Hybrid dogs carry a whole goat of issues both health and behavior as it could count as being a wild animal and will have very staong wild instincts making th very difficult to train and gain their trust. Most "wolf dog hybrids" you see are often not true hybrids, rather, they are just a fancy husky/malamute/eutongan /German Shepherd Cross breed that hasn't been properly trained. A true wolf dog hybrid (at least in the uk) require you to jump through a load of legal hoops and strict requirements (dog must be chipped, neutered, muzzled in public, dangerous breeds licences to name a handful) to own a true wolf dog..... And if gone completely off topic, my apologies

I realised the point I was making! My point is that domestic animals that we have selectively bred makes the breed the species is the animal group we have bred from by picking out the stock with the characteristics we want in the offspring
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Right. But how many generations would qualify as a " breed," for lack of better term? Like over time they have done with chicken and pigeons? All chickens came from the jungle fowl. Now you have all these fancy chicken breeds
That feeling when you realize that a bird perched on your glasses, munching the broccoli you’re holding up for her has become your new life and...you wouldn’t change it for the world.

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You know you're a Parront when you've got a safflower seed shell stuck to your cheek and a down feather in your hair... and you just got out of bed.... that was me this morning. :)

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