Do you wonder if the birds whose voices are naturally more harsh, wish they had better singing voices?
Or, same question with regard to plumage?
My Sunny used to make little cooing noises which I'm pretty sure were her attempt to "I love You" back to me, but she could only manage the "ooou" part. She does it less now, I think the sound may have become more difficult as she has gotten a little older. Her general voice has gotten a little More abrasive. (Her age is 2 1/2 years now.) At times she will yell at me until I Sing her yelling-sounds back to her. She doesn't make any sort of singing.
Sometimes I hear her imitating the budgies - but it does not sound musical in her voice. In fact, she is best at imitating their fighting-sounds. (It still sounds like Sunny, though; she cannot imitate well enough to fool, as her own voice stays the same.)
Sunny has the most beautiful plumage... a friend recently described her as a "Living Flower" ...but definitely not the beautiful voice. My budgies both have beauty and lovely voices too. (I am so blessed!)
Birds are so aware of sounds and visuals, I do wonder if less-beautiful birds are jealous of more-beautiful, and if less-lovely-sounding birds wish for better voices.
Very interesting thoughts.
Pikachu was a man's bird, and when he first came he spoke in man's deep voice. Now he matches my voice wich is very light and childlike ( I hate that , in my voice lol)
Penny came to me with a smokers voice all scratchy with a little twang... now she too matchs my voice.
There are some things that all 3 quakers say, and sound identical! So much so I didn't first catch when Orbit started talking!
Ta-dah has the scratchy conure voice that's very distinctive. After 5 years of not being a talker, she has taken off and has the largest vocabulary. She works hard to say each thing very carefully. My favorite is " Whats up little burd?" I only say that to her and she knows it! It's the first thing she says to me in the morning. At mommy and me time she talks a lot and I have to repeat each thing she says or she gets mad.
On beauty, isn't it in the eye of the beholder? To me Ta-dah is very beautiful, I love how she looks. Her colors are muted, and drab to some. She doesn't have the highh yellow or reds they are breeding for, or the rich deep color of normal/ standard green cheeks. She was even on sale when I found her. I asked why ? And they said nobody wanted her because of her ugly colors!!!! When I first saw her I thought she was so beautiful, but I'm happy to have gotten a deal!!!
Too me her soft colors are so beautiful, her soft peach belly, and her greys like a fawn, and her greens shimmer with hints of blue like a moon stone, and in ways I haven't seen on other conures, its not really what yiu can see in pictures. She never looks in pictures as she does in person
Ps. Please share picture of Sunny!