Please... tell me I am crazy!

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The Mac family is a gift and a curse. Lol. I would recommend spending a long while forming a solid bond with your zon. Throwing another bird into the mix too soon can create insecurities. I've had my Mac for a year. I'd love to get another in the future, and have had many tempting adoptions offers. After thinking about it I would rather wait until my bond with Phoebe is solid and she has reached maturity. Roughly another 5-7 years. It's not just about what I want but also what is in the best interest of my current girl. Her needs come first. They are not quite as independent as zons, and will require hours of one on one attention each and every day of their lives; regardless of if you get a new job, go back to school, start seeing someone, or even if family or medical problems arise. I know you are excited about taking this new step in your life, everyone here will give you honest feedback. The reason it's always recommended to wait awhile and do tons of research is because if a macs needs are not met then they develop behavior problems, when behavior problems arise the owner tends to handle them less (maybe they don't have the time to deal with it, or they become afraid of the beak), the bird then get neglected for lack of attention, screaming becomes the birds release, owner can't take the noise and rehomes or surrenders the bird to an already full rescue. By the time this happens it's normally been months to years since the bird was truly handled and it needs to start from square one with trusting humans. No harm if you find out in a year or so you still want one, but getting one on impulse could possibly lead to emotionally destroying the bird if you're not prepared.
Thank you all for your honest feedback, I am finding it so hard to resist as there is a Severe Macaw at my local store >.< I will try to resist. After all Carlos has been there for me through thick and thin, even if I did get a Macaw I would still give Carlos the attention he deserves... Of course I think everyone is right I don't need to rush in.

Now you're not just talking macaw, you're talking about ONE OF THOSE macaws... !!!
Yeah, I'm of no help either. I'm already on that crazy train, with the hope of getting one in about two years.

Actually, you're not. You're just thinking about climbing aboard...

I on the other hand, have one on my lap, and one on my shoulder.

The one on my lap has been there all weekend.

Macaws are the most "toddler-like" of the bunch.

You are essentially contemplating taking on a permanent toddler with feathers, that never grows up. Same IQ. Same attention needs. Except macaws bite harder than toddlers do. And these don't grow up and move out. EVER!

Honestly one of the reason macaws appeal to me is the amount of work they require. Brazilian mastiffs are difficult, stubborn and can be vicious (they are actually more highly regulated world wide than pit bulls) if not properly socialized. I do miss the many hours of intense work a day required to keep my dogs good citizens.

One big difference is life span. That's actually a positive for me as I don't have to say goodbye nearly as often. The Average life of a mastiff is 8-10 years. That means a lot of goodbyes.

That said, there's no way I'm bringing an animal into my home unless I'm positive I can provide him or her a good home. I have a lot to learn about birds, so I am going slow, trying to get a volunteer position at a sanctuary, and learning as much as possible without actually living with one. Who knows; maybe after a year of working in a sanctuary I will discover there's another species that's truer to my heart. The only way to find out is to work with them as much as possible.
Thank you all for your honest feedback, I am finding it so hard to resist as there is a Severe Macaw at my local store >.< I will try to resist. After all Carlos has been there for me through thick and thin, even if I did get a Macaw I would still give Carlos the attention he deserves... Of course I think everyone is right I don't need to rush in.

Haven't you not had Carlos very long? I know he is a sweet Amazon to you. Have you had him long enough that you've been through hormonal behavior, or have been bitten badly (being a mature male zon)? Even our sweethearts can and do bite hard at times, and the bigger they are, the more "dangerous" it becomes to not have a firm grasp on how to handle that, and the more imperative it becomes to learn. ;)

Solo gave some good advice regarding learning ALL ABOUT Carlos first. We all know what it's like to have MBS, and many of us know what it's like to get something on impulse, but it's not always the 'right' decision.

I know also that the huge 'appeal' is that (and you've admitted) you want the prepetual baby/toddler to nurture and cuddle. As Wendy pointed out, they don't come like that, and there can be a huge learning curve getting them like that. There are stories here on this forum (and I'm sure every forum) where people got in over their head with a large mac, thinking they knew what they were getting into, but didn't really have the whole story. Even though they're likened to toddlers in a lighthearted way, in actuality, it's not the same thing.

Many times when we're researching about a species, people tend to 'enable' by saying witty things or an innocent come on just for lighthearted fun. Also, we tend to only hear about the good, the positive, the plus sides of a species. We don't often hear about the bad and the ugly. People get excited to share and brag about the good times, rather than admit about other times.

Just stuff to think about...
Thank you all for your honest feedback, I am finding it so hard to resist as there is a Severe Macaw at my local store >.< I will try to resist. After all Carlos has been there for me through thick and thin, even if I did get a Macaw I would still give Carlos the attention he deserves... Of course I think everyone is right I don't need to rush in.

I think you have had Carlos for under a month? I am not sure the thick or thin has happened yet. You may still be in the honeymoon phase and hormones will come. I would also worry about his wing and inability to fly away and defend himself if the need arose with a macaw.. They may not get along and he would be at a disadvantage.
Thank you all for your honest feedback, I am finding it so hard to resist as there is a Severe Macaw at my local store >.< I will try to resist. After all Carlos has been there for me through thick and thin, even if I did get a Macaw I would still give Carlos the attention he deserves... Of course I think everyone is right I don't need to rush in.

Any macaw you can imagine owning will always be there when you are in a good place to get them. Severes, blue and golds...they're not going anywhere. There will be babies available when you're ready. There's no rush.
I have definitely been bit by Carlos, and I have experienced his hormonal phases. I admit I haven't had him long but I've had him enough to know what I'm getting myself into. :P Even if his love becomes conditional mine will never be. :)

I just love animals I must definitely be crazy... I did something terribly bad... Please don't be upset but... i got a severe, yes it bites but it's young and we're bonded okay we'll sort of :P - they said I can have 10 days to see but I want her forever. I will quarantine, I will love them both the same. Promise. Oh and she does bite but I'm used to it. :21:
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Is this a joke?

You've had Carlos less than a month. You have NOT experienced your bird outside the honeymoon period. Trust me you haven't seen any hormones from Carlos. You also don't seem to have much experience with birds and reading bird language. Usually during the first month they're so afraid to do wrong.

You can't possibly have gotten a severe today after receiving advice from extremely experienced people to WAIT.
Is this a joke?

You've had Carlos less than a month. You have NOT experienced your bird outside the honeymoon period. Trust me you haven't seen any hormones from Carlos. You also don't seem to have much experience with birds and reading bird language. Usually during the first month they're so afraid to do wrong.

You can't possibly have gotten a severe today after receiving advice from extremely experienced people to WAIT.

I kind of figured someone would be really upset with me... I know I have only had Carlos for close to a month but I truly love Carlos, and I love Jazzy... Carlos is not in a phase, every bird bites and like humans they have hormones but I know my buddy. I also know Jazzy too... I really did want to hear advice but when I saw Jazzy and she came after me I knew that we bonded.

If your kid hurts your feelings or you physically would you cast them out? I could never cast out my own... My birds are like my kids. I am not here to teach them goofy tricks, or even how to talk, I don't care about all that... I don't care if they bite me or not, I will always love them.

You say I don't have experience? I have a heart, a mind, and a soul... so I guess that's all I need. I have done enough research to know that the birds first and foremost need love, they need a bond, they need guidance, they need food and water, all else can be learnt but without love we are nothing.

I am sorry I made you upset, I truly appreciated the advice and I never meant to hurt anyone or make anyone upset but I couldn't help my heart and what I felt... So I am sorry if I hurt or offended anyone. I don't quite know how to take your post, I have tourrettes so I feel deeply wounded. I am not an animal hoarder, I love my animals, I own all kinds of big birds like turkeys and stuff...

To the rest of you all I am sorry I never meant wrong... I was just happy.
Just because you love the animal
Doesn't mean it's the best thing for you or it.

Love doesn't mean you can or should take in every homeless child does it?!?

Same thing.

You should allow yourself time to bond and gain more experience with Carlos first before even thinking about adding another, difficult, bird.
Just because you love the animal
Doesn't mean it's the best thing for you or it.

Love doesn't mean you can or should take in every homeless child does it?!?

Same thing.

You should allow yourself time to bond and gain more experience with Carlos first before even thinking about adding another, difficult, bird.

I always take care of my animals, Jazzy will have an amazing home here. How could you say that? you don't know me... I have a lot to give to a bird. I love Carlos and I love Jazzy, AND I love all my budgies, and every other animal I have outside from my cats, my dog, my flock, my rabbit, etc. I have TONS of experience with animals, I am definitely not a dodo brain.

As for taking in a homeless kid I don't see the issue with that either, in fact I wouldn't mind adopting a child in the future. I am not saying I can adopt every bird or animal, but if my heart is set on one why not? I have a lot to offer.

Again I did want advice, but I never really expected to make anyone upset to the point where I get ridiculed... trust me this isn't the first forum I have been blasted and it probably unfortunately won't be the last. On another forum members got mad because I went from 2 budgies to 4, from 4 to 6, then I got Carlos, now I got Jazzy... I don't see the big deal, I am sorry they do though...

I guess I just don't understand why you're upset... I got a bird that I liked, shouldn't you be happy for me? Why worry about the bird? she is safe with me... The store said nobody wanted her, everyone walked past her, but I wanted her. The whole store was so happy and excited she found a home! When she was there she was not happy! She would bite anyone who got near her, now with me she cuddles in my arms and she cries for me and I love her.

I am sorry if I offended anyone or hurt anyone, but I don't regret Jazzy...
I understand how you feel. I have my Parker and I couldn't be happier with him. But I do have a yearning for another bird, likely a mini macaw because when I adopted Parker I really sort of had my heart set on an illigers or red front macaw. I got Parker because the price and opportunity was right, and eclectus were he other bird on my short list of options.

Understand you're getting the rough treatment because these people here care about you and your birds. Please take it in, and take the direction to heart. They really want to help you.

You're perception of your situation is way off, and this is the problem. Just because you're love is unconditional doesn't mean you know everything there is to know about your bird. Doublets is right, you haven't seen hormones yet...those are coming in a month or so, and males can be in unhandleable for a week if you get a particularly prone male.

As much as I would want a macaw, I've had my Parker for 7 months and don't know all about him. I've subsequently learned how he handles separation for a week (not well, I have the scars to prove it), and I can read him. True bonding with him didn't actually deepen until a couple months ago, when he started seeking out my mouth to get me to kiss the side of his head. There was a lLONG period of feeling each other out.

Ekkies are cool that way, very deliberate with everything.

Essentially, you don't know anything about your new boy other than he's generally a sweet boy most of the time. I guarantee you there are dimensions to him you have yet to learn about. Since he's your first big one, best to sit back and observe. Parkers my first big guy and I wouldn't dream of jumping into a blue and gold right now.
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I understand how you feel. I have my Parker and I couldn't be happier with him. But I do have a yearning for another bird, likely a mini macaw because when I adopted Parker I really sort of had my heart set on an illigers or red front macaw. I got Parker because the price and opportunity was right, and eclectus were he other bird on my short list of options.

Understand you're getting the rough treatment because these people here care about you and your birds. Please take it in, and take the direction to heart. They really want to help you.

You're perception of your situation is way off, and this is the problem. Just because you're love is unconditional doesn't mean you know everything there is to know about your bird. Doublets is right, you haven't seen hormones yet...those are coming in a month or so, and males can be in unhandleable for a week if you get a particularly prone male.

As much as I would want a macaw, I've had my Parker for 7 months and don't know all about him. I've subsequently learned how he handles separation for a week (not well, I have the scars to prove it), and I can read him. True bonding with him didn't actually deepen until a couple months ago, when he started seeking out my mouth to get me to kiss the side of his head. There was a lLONG period of feeling each other out.

Ekkies are cool that way, very deliberate with everything.

Essentially, you don't know anything about your new boy other than he's generally a sweet boy most of the time. I guarantee you there are dimensions to him you have yet to learn about. Since he's your first big one, best to sit back and observe. Parkers my first big guy and I wouldn't dream of jumping into a blue and gold right now.

If these pics don't melt your heart I don't know what will, aren't they cute? They're so innocent, I wuv em SO much... :21:


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Nobody doubts you love both birds, and that your heart isn't in the right place, however...

You and I both came to these forums for a reason. We're new to owning birds and these people have a wealth of knowledge and experience. We want what's best for our birds, so we sought out the experts (as close to experts as birds can have, since they've not been around much as pets for very long). If we really want what's best for the birds, it's wisest to listen to the people who know more than we do.

I'll tell you a story. Up until recently, I had no intention of getting a bird of my own. Goofy was about as much bird as I could handle. He's MrC's bird and lets me know it in uncertain terms. Honestly, I was afraid of birds, even though I tried really hard to work with him. One day we were at the bird store where MrC gets all his bird supplies. I went into the bird room and there was this gorgeous blue and gold macaw that kept reaching over, wanting attention. This bird was HUGE and based on my experience with Goofy, I was rather terrified of him. On the perch next to the macaw was this lovely little African Grey. I was just standing there talking to the little CAG when the macaw quite literally climbed up onto my arm without an invitation. I was nearly paralyzed with fear, but the shop employee just chuckled and said "Just talk to her, she's a sweetheart." He was right, she was a sweetheart.

I went back to that bird store almost every day for the next two weeks. I was, and still am, completely in love with that bird. I wanted her so bad I could taste it. I even quit smoking so I would have extra money for her toys (and I'm still tobacco free...8 weeks and counting). But I also did a lot of research. The more research I did the more I realized how ill-equipped I was to handle such a bird. She needed somebody who knew more than I did, who has more experience. It wouldn't be fair to her, or me, or even Goofy and Cookie to bring in a bird that I was ill-suited to care for.

So I did more research. I kept looking around for available birds. I found this little Senegal who needed a home. By this point, I was doing research on just birds in general, and felt confident that I could take care of Leopold. I still have a lot to learn, not just about caring for Leopold, but also in helping to care for Goofy (Cookie is easy...such a laid back, chill bird in his twilight years).

As much as I wanted that Blue and Gold, and as much as I would have loved her, it wouldn't have been fair to any of us for me to take her.

These people on this forum, they see these things all the time. They see people with good intentions get over their heads. They love birds and they don't want to see anything bad happen to any bird, even the ones they just hear about on the internet. But they see it all. They see the people who are so happy and excited when they get their first bird turn into miserable wrecks because the bird became a hormonal jerk at mating season. They see people enjoy the honeymoon period so much that they take in more and more birds, until the flock becomes unmanageable and the birds suffer. The see bird after bird after bird get rehomed at best or mistreated (intentionally or not) at worst. They will do anything they can to help prevent it happening to another bird.

They did not advise you to hold off on getting Jazzy because they're mean. They said that because they have experience you and I don't and know what's going to happen as soon as the days start getting longer. They want Carlos to have the best life possible with you, but they know that adjusting to two hormonal birds before you have a solid bond with one of them is a recipe for disaster. They care about your birds and they care about you. That's why they're upset. They don't have to care. They could just toddle off into the sunset saying "good luck with that", but they're not. They're telling you as gently as they possibly can that you haven't made a good choice. You have a grace period in which you can change your mind about Jazzy.

As a non-expert, my advise would be to listen to those people here who know far more than we do and take advantage of that. Yes it will be sad for you, but remember that you're not doing it for you. You're doing it for Jazzy and Carlos.
I appreciate everyone's concerns but I'm definitely not like everyone else, I'm me. I'm sorry if I angered or offended anyone but I did what I felt was right and I'm happy I wish others could be happy for me but I see that may not be the case.
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You should take time to read Beatrice's post and let it soak in.

Nobody is out to hurt you. You did come here to get advice and people here have the experience to give it.
As an adult we all have to listen to advice we do not want to hear and learn how to cope with it.
What's done is done. I can only wish you well, and hope that you will continue to give them the best care possible, as it appears you have been doing with your amazon.

What you must understand is many of the people on this board, including myself, have experience with folks who got in over their heads, and the birds ended up suffering... so we've seen too much of this stuff so we are wary when impulse purchases take place. You asked our advice, we gave it to you. You disagreed and did it anyway. Please understand, that most macaws get rehomed 5-7 times in their life time. It goes from the "I wuv you" stage to "the d@#%ed thing bit me!" to cage bound, to "get this thing outta my house." Severe's were one of the "frequently dumped" varieties of macaws for biting issues. I have personally rehabbed about 8 of these guys, and ALL of them had the exact same issue. Biting and aggression due to overbonding. It doesn't make them bad birds, it means that extra socialization and handling is needed to keep them tame and docile. YOU ARE NOW RESPONSIBLE FOR DOING THE WORK WITH THIS LITTLE GUY. YOU'VE TAKEN THAT ON, AND THERE IS NO TURNING BACK.

You seem like a good hearted person.

You have taken on one of the most "behaviorally challenged" species of macaws there is. I have a scar on my thumb from a rehab bird who sliced my finger clean down to the bone one day which required a trip to the ER and several stitches to close, because the bird was angry... [AND I AM AN EXPERIENCED MACAW PERSON!]


Please understand that severe macaws need extra socialization work, or they have a very real tendency to over bond with just One person, and then everyone else gets bitten... IF THIS BIRD DOESN'T GET PROPERLY SOCIALIZED AT A YOUNG AGE, IT TENDS TO HAPPEN BY THE TIME THEY ARE BETWEEN TWO AND SEVEN YEARS OLD. THEN THEY BECOME EXTREMELY DIFFICULT FOR ANYONE TO HANDLE.


AND THAT'S WHY WE GAVE THE ADVICE WE GAVE. Again, none of this is meant with ill will. It's out of concern both for you, and your bird that we say these things.

If we didn't care, every post would say something to the effect of "Oh, how cute!"
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