Please send healing vibes to my new addition. Little Baby Pipsqueak.

I'm so sorry to hear this Hannah, and I'm sorry I really can't give you any guidance one way or the other. Is it worth contacting the vet clinic in the morning to see if maybe they can advise? Or if they can contact their bird vet for his opinion at least? Pip is still in the best place he could possibly be with you and your devoted care, his Uncle Fang and I both send him and you our warmest hugs!
I'm so sorry to hear this Hannah, and I'm sorry I really can't give you any guidance one way or the other. Is it worth contacting the vet clinic in the morning to see if maybe they can advise? Or if they can contact their bird vet for his opinion at least? Pip is still in the best place he could possibly be with you and your devoted care, his Uncle Fang and I both send him and you our warmest hugs!

Thank you for your support! I’m trying not to be too worried, as he is eating and acting alright in himself. His weight is somewhat okay.. 66 grams. So he has lost slightly but also better than it was a few days ago!
I will see how he is tomorrow and go from there, will definitely ring the vet if I become more concerned.
Thank you!!
Your thread is the first one I check everyday Hannah. That little guy has been through so much in his short life and I agree with others, he is in the BEST possible place right now with your loving care!
With a history of rolling good and bad periods using antibiotics can be problematic as one is not certain if you are stepping in front of an infections or attempting to treat a virus or fungus with a medication that will not really treat the problem.

We have a fairly complete med group, but hold back on providing unless we have a discussion with our Avian Professional.

See if you can obtain the name of the glue used on the wings feathers. This may allow you to determine if normal feather cleaning is bring in a toxin still held within the glue and causing this roller coaster effect. Not highly likely, but worth the effort.
No advice from me, just lots of hugs-both human and feathered-coming from me and Bumble.

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With a history of rolling good and bad periods using antibiotics can be problematic as one is not certain if you are stepping in front of an infections or attempting to treat a virus or fungus with a medication that will not really treat the problem.

We have a fairly complete med group, but hold back on providing unless we have a discussion with our Avian Professional.

See if you can obtain the name of the glue used on the wings feathers. This may allow you to determine if normal feather cleaning is bring in a toxin still held within the glue and causing this roller coaster effect. Not highly likely, but worth the effort.

Excellent advice! Poor pip is on a roller coaster and there might be a broad cause for repeated bouts of apparent illness. Hannah, I'd contact the vet Monday and see if a repeat of antibiotics might help. Given the variety of symptoms, a fecal culture may be helpful. If I recall, Pip has never had blood taken for labs?
With a history of rolling good and bad periods using antibiotics can be problematic as one is not certain if you are stepping in front of an infections or attempting to treat a virus or fungus with a medication that will not really treat the problem.

We have a fairly complete med group, but hold back on providing unless we have a discussion with our Avian Professional.

See if you can obtain the name of the glue used on the wings feathers. This may allow you to determine if normal feather cleaning is bring in a toxin still held within the glue and causing this roller coaster effect. Not highly likely, but worth the effort.

Thank you sailboat for your support.
I agree on the antibiotics which is why I haven’t jumped into giving him any yet. I do feel it may be more of a bacterial infection, but that’s just a gut instinct. I could be completely wrong.
I didn’t phone the vet today only because because, Pips vet (the only avian specialist) wasn’t in today. Also Pip seemed in good Spirits this morning before I left for work. However when my partner got home and got pip out Pip had a wobbly 5 minutes, close to a seizure but not quite. I’m home now and Pips fast asleep.
It’s unfortunate that I have work for the next 2 days, But 100% going to phone the vet first thing tomorrow. I’m going to ask if I can bring in a poop sample to be tested, and also talk about the antibiotics or anti-inflammatory.

I have no way of finding out what glue is in his wings as I have no way of getting the guys contact as it was an old gumtree ad.
Excellent advice! Poor pip is on a roller coaster and there might be a broad cause for repeated bouts of apparent illness. Hannah, I'd contact the vet Monday and see if a repeat of antibiotics might help. Given the variety of symptoms, a fecal culture may be helpful. If I recall, Pip has never had blood taken for labs?

Thank you Scott! I’m going to give the vet a ring in the morning and suggest a fecal sample. And also discuss the antibiotics!
Correct, I wanted bloods taken but The vet wasn’t confident that Pip was strong enough to undergo the procedure, which unfortunately will still be the case.
I am saying NOTHING - in case i jinx the little guy!
Sounds like a great plan, Hannah! We're all breathlessly cheering you and little Pip on to great health!!
Pip says “Good morning everyone on PF, mum and I have just got up. I’ve been happily cleaning myself on her knee. My favourite thing to do in the morning!”


“And you’ll never guess what I found in my feathers...“


“MILLET!.. best snack to find!”


“Back to preening now..”

Pip is looking quite well all things considered. Poor guy has had it rough. If you are stuck in a bind for an avian vet try Bird & Exotic Animal Clinic in Williamstown. A little expensive but they know what they are on about.

I was also wondering if you may be better off removing the feathers that have glue on them just to remove a potential cause of his relapse. If there is a possible residual toxin it is something I would consider.
I was also wondering if you may be better off removing the feathers that have glue on them just to remove a potential cause of his relapse. If there is a possible residual toxin it is something I would consider.

I was wondering the same thing myself, though how you'd go about it I'm not sure. Certainly can't pluck them, I don't know if it would be worth clipping them since he's not able to get any elevation out of them anyway. Worth discussing with his doc when you see him though, if you haven't already!

Thanks for the sweet pictures to get our day off to a good start!
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I was also wondering if you may be better off removing the feathers that have glue on them just to remove a potential cause of his relapse. If there is a possible residual toxin it is something I would consider.

I was wondering the same thing myself, though how you'd go about it I'm not sure. Certainly can't pluck them, I don't know if it would be worth clipping them since he's not able to get any elevation out of them anyway. Worth discussing with his doc when you see him though, if you haven't already!

Thanks for the sweet pictures to get our day off to a good start!

Likewise was also wondering about that.
If the glue is making him sick, then clipping them could remove that risk. I suppose on the other hand, there is the risk that they will feel weird and itchy and make he more likely to fixate on his feathers, which could lead to some issues...BBBBBBBUUUUUUTTTTT AT LEAST he would be healthier in that IDK why I am even playing devil's used to it lol! Just always like to consider all of the possible issue in any situation I guess.
Getting a cut (single) feather examined to determine what glue we are taking about is far safer than a clip of any amount at this point!!!

Remember Folks: Feathers are expensive for a healthy Parrot to replace... Replacement places a heavy demand on this Parrot's reserves (which we all can agree is at a low point) to create new feathers.
Getting a cut (single) feather examined to determine what glue we are taking about is far safer than a clip of any amount at this point!!!

Remember Folks: Feathers are expensive for a healthy Parrot to replace... Replacement places a heavy demand on this Parrot's reserves (which we all can agree is at a low point) to create new feathers.

Also a good point-- so I guess that's why I played devil's advocate ;) LOL- didn't even think of that....all good points though, from all directions!
Just came across this latest group of pictures. More great thoughts offered above, so I don't have much to add at the moment, but I have to say, I LOVE Pip's little face! Sweet little guy! [emoji3590]

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Hannah? Pips?? Percy???

Hey everyone!
Thank you for all your suggestions last week. The vet and I are quite confident that the small amount of hardened old glue on his wings are not the cause of any of his current issues. He is starting to find his wings and learning to fly quite well, so I definitely do not want to clip his wings.
Thanks for all his get well wishes :D
Pip is doing okay. I played phone hockey with the vet last week and never actually got around to speaking to him as I missed his call backs as I was at work. And the next day I felt Pip was doing much better.
Pips his usual self, bit shaky but happy, perky and has a great appetite. Here are a few videos from the past few days..
Here he is flying into my hand Last Friday (excuse the mess)

Pip enjoying a good old head rub, you hear his mumbling at me when I stop. You can also hear Percy in the background..

Here he is just a moment ago preening himself on my shoulder and being a bit dorky.

And a few photos.



And Bird owner reality LOL.. thanks pip!..

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