Please send healing vibes to my new addition. Little Baby Pipsqueak.

Hi I don’t know if this has been covered, but he might have metal poisoning????? Has the vet checked his blood for this or done an X-ray???

The symptoms match for that, but of course they symptoms can match for a bunch of other stuff to.
I’m rooting for you guys big love
Hi I don’t know if this has been covered, but he might have metal poisoning????? Has the vet checked his blood for this or done an X-ray???

The symptoms match for that, but of course they symptoms can match for a bunch of other stuff to.
I’m rooting for you guys big love

Really good point, considering his awful cage and living conditions before rescue.
That poop butt and weight loss is concerning, but glad he seems to be doing better..
If it makes him tired, I wonder if maybe that had something to do with it (less energy for efficient pooping and eating?)---glad you are getting him in.

My cockatoo often helps herself to random midnight snacks lol--at least if she hears me moving around---it's like "well, now that I'm awake, I may as well eat some food in the dark". lol

The fact that you are hearing him means that he is also hearing you---he probably does it more because he's not sleeping as soundly with people still moving around (mine is like that, even though she does sleep when I am up---it's just certain noises etc will wake her or prevent her from sleeping as soundly).

Haha love that noodles gets up for midnight snacks too :p
Pip tends so wake up regularly between 12am and 7am. And he tends to wake me up rather than me being awake stirring him. Vet recons it’s just all due to his neurological issues, who knows! Hopefully he’ll grow out of his weird sleeping habits.

Noodles is just like a weird teen-- If she thinks there is a party, she wants to go and if she can't sleep, she's eating everything and doing weird stuff in her room lol! For a long time, Noodles also slept with a pellet in her mouth---(how, you might ask, do I know?---well, it just so happens that whenever she had been sleeping for a long time and I would make a sound, I would hear the clank of a single pellet hitting the cage floor. Within 5 minutes, I would hear her digging in her bowl (presumably to find a replacement "security blanket") hour later, I could make a noise again, and the same thing would happen LOL. She still does it from time-to-time, (sleeping with a pellet) although not as much as she used to. It was so funny though--because she always flaps in her cage when startled from a sleep, so I would hear "CLANK- flap flap flap flap flap" a kid with a pacifier.

She does actually eat at night though--and she's had billions of tests run-- pretty healthy gal these days (although sickly when I got her).

Noodles also woke me up around 2-4 am due to tossing pellets (not for attention- but because she was actually eating lol). So, while Pip certainly has neurological concerns, I am not convinced that cockatoos and cockatiels are not just kind of weird at times LOL. They like food- but especially when making up for lost time or recovering from a situation, I think this could be normal within an abnormal situation (no expert-- just basing it on my experience). FYI- Noodles has always been a good, healthy weight (on the thin side, but not too skinny- despite her nighttime feasts) listen to your vet (but also know that Noodles is neurologically normal these days and just a bit of a glutton, apparently).
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Hi I don’t know if this has been covered, but he might have metal poisoning????? Has the vet checked his blood for this or done an X-ray???

The symptoms match for that, but of course they symptoms can match for a bunch of other stuff to.
I’m rooting for you guys big love

The vet and I did discuss this on day 1 but decided Pip was too sick and weak to have bloods done. And after his great improvement after a week he thought it was unlikely to be metal poisoning.
Also I’ve had him 5 weeks today (yay!), So if he had metal poisoning I don’t think he’d have lasted this long?

Thank you! It’s 8am and pips in his cage eating and preening while he’s waiting for me to get my butt out of bed! :D
Yes zinc can lead to a chronic poisoning issue, I might have plugged that in my ornithology thread I’ll check. Also you mentioned glue or some substance on his feathers. That could be a source if toxins as well, don’t know if you can cut out the effected feathers?
Good luck to you and your little fighter, I hope things keep getting better

Ok here is a paragraph, the last page of my ornithology thread I have a bunch on metal toxicity I’ll bump the thread so you can read if you want

Heavy Metals, Especially Lead, Zinc and Copper
Metals are everywhere in our environments and are an often overlooked source of toxicity in pet birds. Metals can be found in paint, linoleum, soldering, wire, zippers, twist ties and many other objects on which birds love to chew. Even some older bird toys, especially the clappers on metal bells, have been found to contain lead. Birds who may chip away over time at a lead-painted windowsill, lick a metal bell toy, nibble on the soldering of a stained glass Tiffany lamp or chew on a metal zipper are constantly ingesting heavy metals and can potentially become intoxicated. When ingested in large enough quantities, these metals can damage nerves and cause vomiting, maldigestion, neurologic signs, such as imbalance and clenched toes and even seizures. Most cases of heavy metal toxicity in birds are treatable if they are diagnosed early enough before permanent nerve damage has occurred. However, these metals are not routinely tested for in birds unless the owner indicates that his or her bird has been exposed. So, if you think your bird may have ingested any of these substances, speak up to your veterinarian immediately, as it could be the difference between life and death.
Chronic zinc toxicity, can happen more than we think. So info on this.

" And from a different article, note ITCHY us a symptom listed below
"More commonly however is chronic zinc poisoning, where small amounts are taken in over a period of time. This is often not in the form of zinc metal, so x-rays may not show up any metal particles in the stomach.

Signs of chronic zinc poisoning may be vague, with depression, lethargy, weight loss and problems eating. Chronic zinc poisoning has been show to be a cause of feather picking in some birds and appears to cause feather loss, skin changes and itching in others.

Chelation treatment can resolve picking in these cases. There are obviously many causes of feather destructive behaviour and zinc poisoning is perhaps over diagnosed as a cause of feather picking. Feather loss on the head, where the bird cannot pick the feathers, can be suspicious for zinc poisoning, although again this is only one of many possible causes.
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Pips back from the vet, I think he enjoyed his little adventure out in the car. He pretty much ate the whole way there and back.

Vet was pleased with Pips progress, Not too worried about his messy vent he had a couple of days ago as he hasn’t had it since and is Back to being bright and alert. And he’s weight is back up to 68grams. I recon the weight loss and build up of poo was mostly due to the fact I haven’t been home much the past 5 days as I had work. He probably just sat in his corner the whole time being sad, eating and not doing much else.
Vet gave him another calcium injection as that did him the world of good last time.
I have to ring him in 2 weeks for an update.

Here is Pip this morning, before the vets. Feeling good..
Hannah,does Pips try to fly?

Hannah,does Pips try to fly?

He tries.. every now and then he’ll attempt a take off which tends to send him a couple of inches forward and then he comes crashing down. He also quite often will be flapping his wings on the sofa and then accidentally push off backwards! Then suddenly he’s high powered reversed down to the floor and he looks oh so confused how he got there lol!

Aaaah, the positive effect of a great diet, great vet care and TONS of Love!!!

Thank you. I must admit his diet isn’t great, He is OBSESSED with millet and only picks at the other seeds in his bowl. I can’t get him to eat pellets, I do offer them everyday. He does enjoy kale and broccoli though so that’s good! And he has a good nibble on a cuttlefish a few times a day :)
Pips back from the vet, I think he enjoyed his little adventure out in the car. He pretty much ate the whole way there and back.

Vet was pleased with Pips progress, Not too worried about his messy vent he had a couple of days ago as he hasn’t had it since and is Back to being bright and alert. And he’s weight is back up to 68grams. I recon the weight loss and build up of poo was mostly due to the fact I haven’t been home much the past 5 days as I had work. He probably just sat in his corner the whole time being sad, eating and not doing much else.
Vet gave him another calcium injection as that did him the world of good last time.
I have to ring him in 2 weeks for an update.

Here is Pip this morning, before the vets. Feeling good..

Pip's flight feathers in this pic don't look particularly well formed, not surprising given his rough start in life. But I imagine when he grows some new ones in he will be much more able to get himself airborne! :)
Hannah,does Pips try to fly?

He tries.. every now and then he’ll attempt a take off which tends to send him a couple of inches forward and then he comes crashing down. He also quite often will be flapping his wings on the sofa and then accidentally push off backwards! Then suddenly he’s high powered reversed down to the floor and he looks oh so confused how he got there lol!

Aaaah, the positive effect of a great diet, great vet care and TONS of Love!!!

Thank you. I must admit his diet isn’t great, He is OBSESSED with millet and only picks at the other seeds in his bowl. I can’t get him to eat pellets, I do offer them everyday. He does enjoy kale and broccoli though so that’s good! And he has a good nibble on a cuttlefish a few times a day :)

I'm not the world's greatest supporter of pellets, but believe in them being 'part' of a well rounded diet. Try crushing some of the pellets to smaller sized bits (various sizes down to crumbs) For whatever reason, our Amazon's have all started by mistakingly crewing on a crumb.

Flying in reverse, love that one! No wonder he looks confused! Standing in place and flapping is great at building muscle and at some point, the angle of the wings will click in and up, up and away.
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Honestly, I wouldn't worry about Pip surviving on millet for the moment. Cockatiels naturally eat cereal grain, native grasses and other native seeds, so millet isn't such a far cry from that. Just keep offering him variety in the form of veggies, fruits and a few pellets. He'll catch on eventually, I'm sure.

In the meantime, he's doing beautifully! Now, all we need is for Sir Percy to take a leaf from his book. :)
Just thought I'd pipe up and say well done on rescuing this poor little one. There are too many dodgy breeders out our way who just want to turn a profit. I'm just down the road in Melton so I see a lot of the same ads on Gumtree.

Now to be a little black cloud. The formation of those feathers on his wings remind me of parrots suffering chronic PBFD. Pip has too many other feathers for this to be likely and I'm sure it's something that the vet would have mentioned. Possibly some other viral issue given the state of things you described?

As already stated most likely the combination of poor nutrition, glue and dirty housing rather than something as dramatic as PBFD or another virus. Don't mind me I tend to think of the worst scenario so I'm prepared for it or pleasantly surprised when I'm wrong.
Honestly, I wouldn't worry about Pip surviving on millet for the moment. Cockatiels naturally eat cereal grain, native grasses and other native seeds, so millet isn't such a far cry from that. Just keep offering him variety in the form of veggies, fruits and a few pellets. He'll catch on eventually, I'm sure.

In the meantime, he's doing beautifully! Now, all we need is for Sir Percy to take a leaf from his book. :)

Thank you Trish. Like you said, I’m not too worried about his diet at the moment as long as he’s eating!
Yes hopefully Sir Percy will catch onto the whole tame idea soon!

Just thought I'd pipe up and say well done on rescuing this poor little one. There are too many dodgy breeders out our way who just want to turn a profit. I'm just down the road in Melton so I see a lot of the same ads on Gumtree.

Now to be a little black cloud. The formation of those feathers on his wings remind me of parrots suffering chronic PBFD. Pip has too many other feathers for this to be likely and I'm sure it's something that the vet would have mentioned. Possibly some other viral issue given the state of things you described?

As already stated most likely the combination of poor nutrition, glue and dirty housing rather than something as dramatic as PBFD or another virus. Don't mind me I tend to think of the worst scenario so I'm prepared for it or pleasantly surprised when I'm wrong.

Thank you for you kind comments, yes sadly far too many bad Animal breeders in Melbourne and surrounding areas!

I’m quite certain that he hasn’t got PBFD. My vet would have realised if he had as he’s a very good exotic vet. Also my other bird would have contracted symptoms by now as they’re in the same room.
His wings look so bad because their still hard from the glue, it’s impossible to get off!:(
How did poor Pip get glue on his wings? I will ask my bird vet here tomorrow and see what he says about getting it out of his wings. I HOPE it wasn't anything like super glue.
How did poor Pip get glue on his wings? I will ask my bird vet here tomorrow and see what he says about getting it out of his wings. I HOPE it wasn't anything like super glue.

The breeder did it to stop him flying:rolleyes::(
OMG you are kidding!!!!! Seriously that guy needs a taste of his own medicine! I trust that karma will bite him square in the butt one day!!!
I’m not sure what to do.
I feel Pip is slightly under the weather, perhaps an infection of some sort.
He is acting okay, cleaning, eating, drinking, chirping etc.
But on and off over the past couple of days his breathing is bunged up sounding(?). Similar to when I first got him.
He also has slightly runny poops and lots of urine stain around them.

Typically when he went to the vet the other day Pip was showing no symptoms of illness.

But now 2 days later I’m slightly concerned again.
I still have his left over antibiotics, Do you think it’s okay for me to put him back on a 7 day course and see how he goes without asking the vet? The vet won’t be in until Tuesday and I really don’t want to wait 3 more days.

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