PBFD Sunny is showing symptoms

Oh Linky I am so with you and Sunny in my heart. The photos are just too adorable. Yellow is my favorite color now. I am so happy his is playing and enjoying his life with you.
ahhh Linky, they are lovely pictures!

I am back and waiting anxiously for the results.

So many things go wrong with babies, crossing everything it is something fixable and not what was suspected.

Dave, Cal and I are all looking at the pics of Sunny and awwwing. He is so very special.

This waiting is absolutely killing me.:( The results is there, on his table, he is too busy to look. He will phone me IF he gets time to look. They are open until 6, I am going to phone again just before.

We are going home now but I will update you from home.

Oh Linky </3

I know vets are very, very busy people, but this is urgent!

You must be tying yourself in knots there.

Oh my goodness....I have to go to MY vet with Boots at 4 which is your 5.....I will be back after that.

I am still hoping and crossing everything. I am holding your hand, you just can't see it.

Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxx
I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, I don't know how to tell you.....
Linky phoned me about an hour ago, unfortunately the results came back positive, Sunny has PBFD. Linky and Christie and Craig are absolutely shattered.
Dr Russell wants to see Linky and Sunny tomorrow morning.
I offered to go in with Linky, to take Sunny to Dr Russell tomorrow, but unfortunately the risk of contaminating Mishka is to risky. Me being in Linky's car, having any contact with Sunny could be fatal for Mishka.
I mentioned to Linky, Sterretjie must also be tested. Please God Sterretjie will be free of PBFD.
Please keep Linky, Christie, Craig, Sunny and Sterretjie in your prayers
We're thinking of them all here and I am so upset for little Sunny.

Sterretjie is a born fighter....I will continue to hope that our girls ok.

Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxx
This is such sad, sad news.

I never even knew about PBFD until this. Now I can hardly watch his videos....poor little guy. I hate to sound like a little kid, but....it's just not fair.

Linky, you have all of most heartfelt sympathies.
Linky I am hugging you and in tears at the same time.
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So sorry to hear the results :( I agree with nofearengineer that its just not fair. Together with the vet you will figure out what the right thing to do is.
So very sorry Linky. We are all thinking of you. This is so hard for you.
I am so very sorry....I know I am new to the forum, and you all seem so close but I couldn't help but get attached. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this hard time. I am a million miles away but your little Sunny touched my heart xo.
Linky is taking Sunny to Dr Russell tomorrow morning. Linky sms me...............

I am not going to kill him, I CAN'T kill an animal. He is still happy, playing and learning. When he shows signs of suffering THEN I will save him from pain and not before.

Linky feels it in her heart that Sterretjie is the carrier, but also agrees that parrots above 3 survive it.

I pray to God
, to give Linky the courage and strength to get through this difficult time.

This is such sad, sad news.

I never even knew about PBFD until this. Now I can hardly watch his videos....poor little guy. I hate to sound like a little kid, but....it's just not fair.

Linky, you have all of most heartfelt sympathies.

You are so correct saying it's just not fair
Norf I knew very little about PBFD, below is a link which SB pm'd me, sure you will find it very interesting.

Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease, PBFD, Beak & Feather: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options as well as Prevention
Oh, I am sorry...although I did expect this diagnosis, after seeing all the feathers lost. I do hope that Sterretjie will be OK, and maybe Sunny can somehow get through it....
The active virus does a number of the immune system and very often another infection sets in because there is no defense against the germs. Of course we have sometimes had miracles and I pray Linky has the miracle angels at her home.
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Oh Linky. I read the whole thread and I'm ripping apart on the inside. Poor Sunny. I'm sending as much healing energy as I can to help you, Sunny, Sterrejie, and your family through the rough patch. I pray for all of you.
PBFD is very common in babies. I don't think he was in Linky's care long enough to have gotten from Sterrejie. I just hope she has not gotten form Sunny.
I tried calling Linky, voice mail, guess they are at Dr Russell as I post this. Sent an sms, we are thinking of her, and praying.
I have not slept a wink, since hearing the news about Sunny. Linky has had such a tough time, not forgetting the metal poisoning episode with Sterretjie. How Linky fought, for different tests to be done, not resting until blood and ex-rays were done, until Sterretjie was diagnosed correctly Linky saved Sterretjie's life, through sheer determination.
I know Linky well enough, knowing she will fight tooth and nail, for the well being of Sunny. Whatever her decision, we will be here for them, giving them our support and love.
I thank God, each and every minute that Mishka was not infected.
I personally feel that Sterretjie was not the carrier, surely then Mishka would have got ill as well, I don't even want to go down that path.

Still praying and hoping for a miracle, that somehow, some way......
While waiting to hear from Linky, I put together a beautiful video,
of Sterretjie and Sunny celebrating life.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvBEKfllD4c]YouTube - Celebrating Life Sterretjie & Sunny[/ame]

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