Parakeet food?

Hi Blazer, I am looking forward to seeing pics of your new parakeets. That might give us an idea of their ages and whether they are clipped. (What have you named them?) That is a nice big cage, I'm glad you got that one for them. Where did you get them, was it a pet store chain? IF so, they are probably clipped and possibly quite young. IF so, they can probably fly a little but not a lot. Do you have the perches up very high, or close to the bottom? IF they know they cannot fly well, and/or if they are simply very young, they might not want to sit on perches that feel too high to them.

It's normal for birds to eat not want to eat when you first bring them home, I'm glad their appetite returned.

At first they are going to be scared of all new things and new foods. Parakeets are often little fraidy-cats! Sometimes when I give something new to mine, they avoid it like the plague for 6 months or so, before it becomes their favorite thing.

Among their favorites, are romaine leaves (which I clip to the bars for them to chew on), carrot (also clipped to inside of cage, one of my budgies loves to just shred carrots, I don't think she actually eats them) and little pieces of broccoli tops, which they nibble at the florets. You should start giving them veggies right away, just know you will be discarding them after, it will take them quite a while to work up the courage to try them.

Here is my favorite video about taming parakeets:

[ame=""]How to Tame Your Budgie Fast! *5 Easy Steps* - YouTube[/ame]

(She makes it look easy but really it's not.)

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