problem with young male parakeets


New member
Nov 3, 2023
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8 budgies
I have 2 young male parakeets 1 is a little over a year, the other one is about 8 months they were no longer wanted the problem is when they are out of their cage they are fine but when I go to put fresh foods in their cage they like to bite or try to bite my other birds don't have this problem could this be hormonal the other birds are well over a year old, what can I do?
I have 2 young male parakeets 1 is a little over a year, the other one is about 8 months they were no longer wanted the problem is when they are out of their cage they are fine but when I go to put fresh foods in their cage they like to bite or try to bite my other birds don't have this problem could this be hormonal the other birds are well over a year old, what can I do?
I don't think it's solely a male budgie problem because I have females that do this and young males that don't.
But I agree that young male budgies going through puberty can suddenly have behavior problems. What you describe (one of my boys right now) and, worse, dogging any female he can jump on the back of. One of my other boys, 8 months, thinks he's a real loverboy but the girls don't agree and one gal attacked him yesterday when he wouldn't leave her alone. (you go. Girl) He's fine.
As for the biting, try to ignore it.
It will likely pass and you don't want ato give him the reaction he wants.

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