Parakeet food?

While you do want diameter to vary across one perch, you should look for diameters ranging from roughly 1/2" to 1"-- you can have a perch that is too large... The point is though you don't want any perches that are uniform in diameter all the way across. You can get away with it short-term, but parrots are creatures of habit and get very attached to things, so it's best if you can avoid having to change them out, as they may be scared of new things...which is why I'd start with the right ones, right off the bat.
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While you do want diameter to vary across one perch, you should look for diameters ranging from roughly 1/2" to 1"-- you can have a perch that is too large... The point is though you don't want any perches that are uniform in diameter all the way across. You can get away with it short-term, but parrots are creatures of habit and get very attached to things, so it's best if you can avoid having to change them out, as they may be scared of new things...which is why I'd start with the right ones, right off the bat.

Will this cage be able to support 2 Parakeets. I think this is the one you were talking about in your earlier paragraphs.
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It depends on which one--- I referenced a few
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It depends on which one--- I referenced a few
I forgot to put a link to it, the link is on the post now.

I have found some varying lengths of Parakeet perches. Will these be all I need?

With 2 birds, you will want at least 5 total, but the perches look okay- You might shoot for a longer one, but these look much better than dowels-- that 3 pack is full of perches that are super short, so think of that as partially working for one bird- you still need that other one though. That bell on top of the wreath on looks dangerous-- please remove it-- it is too small and likely made of zinc.
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It depends on which one--- I referenced a few
I forgot to put a link to it, the link is on the post now.

I have found some varying lengths of Parakeet perches. Will these be all I need?

With 2 birds, you will want at least 5 total, but the perches look okay- You might shoot for a longer one, but these look much better than dowels-- that 3 pack is full of perches that are super short, so think of that as partially working for one bird- you still need that other one though. That bell on top of the wreath on looks dangerous-- please remove it-- it is too small and likely made of zinc.

How about all the bells on these toys, will I have to remove them?
I would- they often contain zinc and they can be choking hazards--they are super easy to remove...Just wire clippers should clip them off easily. Zinc (even mouthed) can be very toxic to them, so metals should be stainless of bird safe powder coated iron. Aluminum (within reason) is also safe, but don't let your bird play with foil or soda cans....
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just a different perspective. My 3 budgies love huge perches, the largest i have for my bigger parrots are actually their favorite!!! Tge small log size ones! I was surprised at first, but they always choose the big perches
For cages, I recommend the A&E flight cage which is perfect for parakeets, cockatiels, and conures I highly recommend this cage especially if you are going to school or work for 5 hours or more because it gives them space to move around and entertain themselves when you are not there. For toys, I recommend at least 5-6 because birds need a lot of mental stimulation shredding toys, foraging toys, and swing are my cockatiels favorites, so I recommend those. Perches I agree with the above 5-6 seems like a good amount of perches since you are getting two birds not just one when you place them make sure you are placing them at the opposite sides of each other, so they mimic tree branches, and they can fly from side to side. Good luck with your new feathered friend they are a handful, but they are also so much fun, you have to post pics of them once you get them good luck!!!!!
just a different perspective. My 3 budgies love huge perches, the largest i have for my bigger parrots are actually their favorite!!! Tge small log size ones! I was surprised at first, but they always choose the big perches

For sure- They just say that it's harder on their feet if the majority of their time is spent on a too-wide perch. They sell those platform ones etc, which are fine, but you just want a lot of variety, and preferably, the perch they spend the most time on to be well-fitted
just a different perspective. My 3 budgies love huge perches, the largest i have for my bigger parrots are actually their favorite!!! Tge small log size ones! I was surprised at first, but they always choose the big perches

For sure- They just say that it's harder on their feet if the majority of their time is spent on a too-wide perch. They sell those platform ones etc, which are fine, but you just want a lot of variety, and preferably, the perch they spend the most time on to be well-fitted

Do you think I can wrap some of this mesh wire around a larger DIY cage that has 1-inch bar spacing?


Also, do you think 2 Budgies can drink out of the same water dish-food dish?
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I would say, no to the mesh, although that is creative. Two CAN drink from the same, but that depends on them having already been raised in the same clutch--if not, you have to quarantine for 40 days...If they do share, it has to be cleaned OFTEN.

Mesh wire OFTEN contains toxic zinc....That does not look's also part fiber-glass...and the metal used is not clear but very likely toxic.

You seem very smart and I applaud your research, but if money is very tight right now, why not wait until it is less so? I am no stranger to financial stress and birds are like kids...there shouldn't be corner-cutting, no matter how much you want one (or 2)...I TOTALLY think that you are very respectable for taking the time to ask questions etc--I just worry because it sounds like this may be a real challenge and if you are at that point, a bird is going to be way more work and way more expensive than a dog or cat...and they aren't cheap...but to care for a budgie/parakeet properly, it's not super easy or cheap, and the reason people think they are cheap is because pet stores sell them for next to nothing, but just know that they have the intelligence of a 3-year-old...

I really do hope you find a way to make this work, but from the bottom of my heart, I would wait until you don't have to worry so much about budget.
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Keep asking questions etc (I didn't mean for you to stop asking lol)-I do think it is wonderful that you care enough to research more than most and that is HUGE!!! So, just do what you have to do, but please think about what I said.
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I didn't mean to stop the thread! I just said the thing about finances in case you were buying as you go instead of tabulating costs ahead of time.

I also wanted to add that having 2 water dishes would be better in case they get territorial over it-- I mean, sure, they could do that anyway, but at least with 2, you know that they will both have access if need be.

Here's that cage that one person said contained lead, but then someone else said they tested and there was none---reviews are if it's safe but you could get it tested probably if you called around to find a hardware store
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I didn't mean to stop the thread! I just said the thing about finances in case you were buying as you go instead of tabulating costs ahead of time.

I also wanted to add that having 2 water dishes would be better in case they get territorial over it-- I mean, sure, they could do that anyway, but at least with 2, you know that they will both have access if need be.

Here's that cage that one person said contained lead, but then someone else said they tested and there was none---reviews are if it's safe but you could get it tested probably if you called around to find a hardware store

I know, I just don't have any more questions. If I have any more questions, I will ask here :).
I didn't mean to stop the thread! I just said the thing about finances in case you were buying as you go instead of tabulating costs ahead of time.

I also wanted to add that having 2 water dishes would be better in case they get territorial over it-- I mean, sure, they could do that anyway, but at least with 2, you know that they will both have access if need be.

Here's that cage that one person said contained lead, but then someone else said they tested and there was none---reviews are if it's safe but you could get it tested probably if you called around to find a hardware store

I know, I just don't have any more questions. If I have any more questions, I will ask here :).

Awesome-- I just wanted to make sure you knew that you are always welcome here etc! Was worried I came off the wrong way-- obviously we all have learned either through questions or experience, so I wanted to make sure you didn't feel discouraged!!! Thanks! Glad you are just out of questions and not feeling shy!
I didn't mean to stop the thread! I just said the thing about finances in case you were buying as you go instead of tabulating costs ahead of time.

I also wanted to add that having 2 water dishes would be better in case they get territorial over it-- I mean, sure, they could do that anyway, but at least with 2, you know that they will both have access if need be.

Here's that cage that one person said contained lead, but then someone else said they tested and there was none---reviews are if it's safe but you could get it tested probably if you called around to find a hardware store

I know, I just don't have any more questions. If I have any more questions, I will ask here :).

Awesome-- I just wanted to make sure you knew that you are always welcome here etc! Was worried I came off the wrong way-- obviously we all have learned either through questions or experience, so I wanted to make sure you didn't feel discouraged!!! Thanks! Glad you are just out of questions and not feeling shy!

I found a 2 in 1 cuttlebone and mineral block. Should I get that for 2 Budgies, or should I buy an individual cuttlebone/mineral block?

Cuttlebone/mineral block combo link-®-B...neral+block+for+budgies&qid=1611280356&sr=8-3
If you have two birds, it's best to have 2 of things in many cases, so that there is less need to fight over things.
I would void mirrors in general. Again, you don't know if they will get along and even if they do, one or both could still obsess over the mirror

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