Ona’s Thread

Eating some chips and salsa. Turn around for one second… a green blur, the flutter of wings and:

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Snatched right out of the bag!
Yuuuuuuuuupppppp, they're never faster or more determined than when they're after something they KNOW they're not allowed to have, like Peachie with lorikeet food!!
Good Lord little miss is in a mood today. She is kinda driving me insane today 😭 Super super needy, needs to be on me every second or literally screams her head off. And has given me TWO very hard painful bites today. Geesh! Love her to death but anyone wanna babysit a needy bird? 😅

Wouldn't trade it for anything.
Good Lord little miss is in a mood today. She is kinda driving me insane today 😭 Super super needy, needs to be on me every second or literally screams her head off. And has given me TWO very hard painful bites today. Geesh! Love her to death but anyone wanna babysit a needy bird? 😅

Wouldn't trade it for anything.
Nope, not me!! The little red-headed rooster's got a similar thing goin' on right now. Super needy and in my face all the time, takes about 6 attempts to leave the living room without him trying to come with me and is rather bitey too. I'm sorry Ona is doing this to you, but at least I'm not the only one!

And I wouldn't trade it for anything either :)
Nope, not me!! The little red-headed rooster's got a similar thing goin' on right now. Super needy and in my face all the time, takes about 6 attempts to leave the living room without him trying to come with me and is rather bitey too. I'm sorry Ona is doing this to you, but at least I'm not the only one!

And I wouldn't trade it for anything either :)
Oh no! Lovejoy too!

She is always clingy and needy but some days it’s just on a different level. I gave her some birdie tea and am hoping that helps her mellow out a little. Earlier she ripped the arrow key off my work laptop and immediately after started making all these weird noises like she knew I was going to tell her no and was mocking me 😂😂 She’s too smart for her own good.

She is molting so that could be contributing to the extra crankiness.
Wanted to share some recent funny Ona moments.

The other day she dropped a piece of dehydrated fruit in my water glass and then just walked off! 🤦‍♀️ I guess she was trying to share?

She has started occasionally mocking/backtalking when told no 😂 She was biting on my husband’s hand and he was telling her “no bite, gentle”. She said something I couldn’t understand but it was clearly some sassy back talk 😂 She also mocked me after ripping the arrow key off my keyboard the other day.

She is still making demands to go out in the sunroom when she wants to by screaming or saying “outside”.

What a personality she has!
Personality plus over here. Kokkie is such a snob only wanting an occasional scritch but heaven forbid you don’t scritch when she asks for it. She never fails to show up with a new personality every day 🤣
Wanted to share some recent funny Ona moments.

The other day she dropped a piece of dehydrated fruit in my water glass and then just walked off! 🤦‍♀️ I guess she was trying to share?

She has started occasionally mocking/backtalking when told no 😂 She was biting on my husband’s hand and he was telling her “no bite, gentle”. She said something I couldn’t understand but it was clearly some sassy back talk 😂 She also mocked me after ripping the arrow key off my keyboard the other day.

She is still making demands to go out in the sunroom when she wants to by screaming or saying “outside”.

What a personality she has!
Dehydrated fruit is a VAST improvement on poop in one's water glass, which is what Fang once offered to me. Token of his esteem right there! 😝

Awwwwwwwwwwww, she's so sweet!! 😍 Did I hear her say her name at about the 25 second mark?
Awwwwwwwwwwww, she's so sweet!! 😍 Did I hear her say her name at about the 25 second mark?
I think so! She does say “Ona bird” and “pretty bird” when she’s chatting/singing sometimes.
I put this together to try to explain to her our upcoming vacation. I swear she looked upset when I was explaining it 😞 Probably at hearing “mommy bye bye”. I will tell her and show her this everyday until we leave. Worth a try.

I put this together to try to explain to her our upcoming vacation. I swear she looked upset when I was explaining it 😞 Probably at hearing “mommy bye bye”. I will tell her and show her this everyday until we leave. Worth a try.

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Ona's a smart girl, she's probably 10 steps ahead of you and has worked it out already! Is she going to be sat by that sitter she likes so much?
Ona's a smart girl, she's probably 10 steps ahead of you and has worked it out already! Is she going to be sat by that sitter she likes so much?
Yes, she will be going to stay with her!
Yes, she will be going to stay with her!
Oh that's great, it can be SO hard to find a good sitter, let alone one that you and your bird both like. I hope you all have a wonderful time on your respective vacays!
According to my husband he heard Ona chattering in her sleep cage last night so he went in and said "Daddy loves you Ona" and she said back "Ona loves you". :love: He said she even used her clear, high-pitched voice!

I'm so jealous!
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According to my husband he heard Ona chattering in her sleep cage last night so he went in and said "Daddy loves you Ona" and she said back "Ona loves you". :love: He said she even used her clear, high-pitched voice!

I'm so jealous!
Oh I'd be jealous as heck too!! Seems my flock always save their cutest antics for my hubby, guess cos they don't see much of him during the week, so it's like he's "king of the kids" when he's here. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not fair!!

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