Not again. I'm super stressed.

Woop! I agree.. if he has strength to bathe, that means excess energy!!I haven't been much on the forum lately, but I have peeked every day to see if there was any update on Leo and held my breath! So very impressed with the efforts of everyone involved! Great demonstration of what it means to be a parront!!
So far this morning he's eating on his own and I haven't yet given him formula. He's not eating quickly, but he's constantly nibbling, so I'm going to give him a chance to keep at it and re-evaluate around 1pm (his afternoon medication time). This is what we did yesterday. He definitely looks perkier than he's been looking, and he's looking around trying to figure out how to bust out of his little bin. This is a *very* good sign. I'm a little bit more hopeful today than I was yesterday.
And his lunch time weight is 137.4. I gave him his afternoon meds and will check his weight at dinner time. Still no need for formula!
I'm loving the trend! Great work Leo and Beatrice!!
Alright Leo, rock on!

"Dance like nobody's watching..."
Weight is holding steady. That means two whole days without formula. I'm starting to relax just a little bit now, and not so worried that he's not going to make it.
Thank God!

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Beatrice, I met the cutest Senegal yesterday. Went to a local pet store , not a chain, a Mom and Pop kinda place, and they had a young Seni in the open play area. He was the boldest thing, sitting right on the edge of the enclosure, chirping away. I offered by balled hand to him to see if he would step up, and got a nip on the finger as my reward. You know the kind they can deliver. OK says I , you're not ready for that I guess. I chated to him a little more, and then moved on the do my shopping. But I swung by the enclosure again, and he was still there, but this time when I approached , he bowed his head and offered his neck for scratching. And Boy did he love it it. Top of head, beak, chin, back of neck, all with his little eyes closed. The other customers were ooo-ing and ahhhh ing at how cute he was. Little did they know that he had to get his pound of flesh ( well only a tiny drop of blood) first, in order to get the privilege of scratchin him. I knew I was not bringing another parrot home ( we are strictly a one parrot family), so I whispered to him to be a good boy for other people, and he will find a home that loves him. To be careful of dogs and cats and to eat all his veggies and fruits. I told him what a smart parrot he was and wished him a good life.
Beatrice, I met the cutest Senegal yesterday. Went to a local pet store , not a chain, a Mom and Pop kinda place, and they had a young Seni in the open play area. He was the boldest thing, sitting right on the edge of the enclosure, chirping away. I offered by balled hand to him to see if he would step up, and got a nip on the finger as my reward. You know the kind they can deliver. OK says I , you're not ready for that I guess. I chated to him a little more, and then moved on the do my shopping. But I swung by the enclosure again, and he was still there, but this time when I approached , he bowed his head and offered his neck for scratching. And Boy did he love it it. Top of head, beak, chin, back of neck, all with his little eyes closed. The other customers were ooo-ing and ahhhh ing at how cute he was. Little did they know that he had to get his pound of flesh ( well only a tiny drop of blood) first, in order to get the privilege of scratchin him. I knew I was not bringing another parrot home ( we are strictly a one parrot family), so I whispered to him to be a good boy for other people, and he will find a home that loves him. To be careful of dogs and cats and to eat all his veggies and fruits. I told him what a smart parrot he was and wished him a good life.

Al, have you had your blood tested lately? You must have antibodies that protect against MBS! :D
Mr. Wrench, you are the sweetest guy!!!!!
You should come over to the dark, er, I mean senegal, side. :D
Well, I'm gonna have a heck of a time reconverting Mr. Spoiled off seeds, nuts, and goldfish crackers. He's continuing to eat okay, but not so much in the way of fruits and veggies. At the moment we don't really care, but this is gonna be not fun once he's recovered. On the other hand, I'm thinking about "once he's recovered", which 5 days ago I didn't think I'd be saying, so I'm totally okay with this.

He's favoring a seed mix that has various dried fruits, dried peas, and nuts in it, so it's not the worst thing ever. He's also eating broccoli, bananas and mango, plus birdie bread, the last of which isn't bad either. If I try not to put the dry stuff in his bin, or only pellets, he only nibbles, but once I add the seed mix and goldfish, he eats like a champ. He's still a little poofy and his tail is still pointing down a little bit, so he's not completely recovered, so he can eat whatever he wants. Every day seems to be getting a little bit better.

Team Leo breathes a collective sigh of relieeeeeeeeeeeeeeef...
Like all children, Leo probably digs the extra attention and comfort foods and will be loathe to return to normal!! But it will be worth it considering his precarious state earlier.
We've had a setback. He stopped eating again yesterday. I formula fed him last night and this morning, and I held off on lunch to give him a chance to get hungry and eat on his own. He went back to the vet for additional blood work today. In the interim, I'll keep doing what I've been doing.
Oh no :( prayers going your way.

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This back/forth must be terribly stressful. Wishing you and Leo the best.
He has basically not eaten today. I'm getting ready to give him his last formula feed for the day. I was hoping he'd eat a little between lunch and dinner, but he didn't. Sigh.

Dr. J. is starting to wonder if he's a lot older than we thought he was. He always says that "second hand" birds are always 2 or 10. That's what everybody says their birds are. I was told Leo was between 7-9, so we split the difference and called him 8. That could have been incorrect. He could just be old. We'll see what today's test results say.

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