New White Fronted Amazon Owner

What beautiful photos of your pretty guy! :heart: Your TLC is truly showing a hundred-fold! He looks 'spectacular' (pun intended) ;)
What beautiful photos of your pretty guy! :heart: Your TLC is truly showing a hundred-fold! He looks 'spectacular' (pun intended) ;)

Ha ha Wendy Thanks, he is laughing himself at the pun I just read your post out to him and he is muttering to himself since he heard it :)
Forgot to tell you: I LOOOOVE your signature!!! :D Just beautiful! :heart:

Thanks I was playing around with the pics and stickers and editing on my phone and sort of accidently ended up with the image.
We had a little "OOPSEY" this morning while we were harness training with the wide loop of the harness as it went a little bit farther down Mr Biggles neck and back than expected* but while it was mommy who panicked and nearly had a heart attack Mr Biggles just did a summersalt and wriggled out of the harness and returned as if nothing had happened to claim his treat through the loop of the harness again. Hee hee alls well that ends well :)

As he was being so playful I couldnt resist taking a few more shots after our harness session



And then he totally surprised me when he went back inside his cage and he accepted (for the first time I might add) a slice of Apple which he then held in his little fist to eat...I was thrilled with him and he ate 3 slices of apple in all spitting out none of it.


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Anyone understand leg bands ? I finally got what is on Mr Biggles leg band but its written in different format to PetePans band mr Biggles has this on his leg band
NB06 KL66
So either hes 10 years old or hes 50 years old...I hope hes only 10 years old I dont think the White Fronted live to be over 50. Presuming that one of these is his age


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Biggs is so photogenic ! Love him!!!
Unfortunately, leg band inscriptions aren't standardized. The meaning of each number, letter, or sets thereof can vary widely from one breeder to the next.

So, unless you can get in touch with either the person who banded him, or someone who is familiar with that bander, all anyone could do is make a guess as to what the band is saying.

That said, there are some on this forum who might be able to give a more educated guess than others, due to the nature of their experience. A good person to ask, off the top of my head, would be Richard (Henpecked) or Dani (SilverSage).

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Unfortunately, leg band inscriptions aren't standardized. The meaning of each number, letter, or sets thereof can vary widely from one breeder to the next.

So, unless you can get in touch with either the person who banded him, or someone who is familiar with that bander, all anyone could do is make a guess as to what the band is saying.

That said, there are some on this forum who might be able to give a more educated guess than others, due to the nature of their experience. A good person to ask, off the top of my head, would be Richard (Henpecked) or Dani (SilverSage).

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Thanks I added in the pics to go with the above post where I spoke about the ring they hadnt uploaded when I takes me nearly 15 mins to upload a pic and sometimes longer ...hopefully somebody will know as there is no way for me to know who bred him or even if he was bred in Ireland as lots of birds come into the country from the UK too. If he is really old thst might account for his poor health when I got him and sadly he would be near the end of his life as their lifespan is 40 to 50 I think so if 66 is the year of birth then he is already 50 so Im hoping the year of birth is 06 which would leave him 10.
...If he is really old thst might account for his poor health when I got him and sadly he would be near the end of his life as their lifespan is 40 to 50 I think so if 66 is the year of birth then he is already 50 so Im hoping the year of birth is 06 which would leave him 10.

The age span for cockatiels is supposed to top out at what, like 22? Yet there have been 'tiels in their 30's. I know one was around 36 and still going strong.

Average lifespans are just that... the average. So don't go around feeling like the sword of Damocles is hanging over Mr. Biggles head! He's looking mighty spry to me!

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...If he is really old thst might account for his poor health when I got him and sadly he would be near the end of his life as their lifespan is 40 to 50 I think so if 66 is the year of birth then he is already 50 so Im hoping the year of birth is 06 which would leave him 10.

The age span for cockatiels is supposed to top out at what, like 22? Yet there have been 'tiels in their 30's. I know one was around 36 and still going strong.

Average lifespans are just that... the average. So don't go around feeling like the sword of Damocles is hanging over Mr. Biggles head! He's looking mighty spry to me!

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Hee hee Thank you...I needed to hear that...I think since I got Mr Biggles death has been hanging over him as our Avian Vet was convinced he was not going to make it initially and then he couldnt believe how much he has improved and how he got so well so quickly...he still has to undergo a number of tests to ensure no permenant damage has been done and to rule out any other heslth issues but he looks well now and just when I thought I could take a breath I had to go look at that legband of his and here was death stalking him again... but you are so right average age span is just that "average" and from what I know about Mr Biggles there is nothing average about him and he never does anything in half measures... Im hoping he has a long life ahead of him :)
Well what are the odds...I found a White fronted Amazon breeder's number some time back to ask him about Mr Biggles and whether judging by his behaviour of eating out of my hand etc that perhaps he might have been a hand tamed parrot to begin with and the guy told me the white fronts in his aviary were pretty social birds and although wild would come to him often when he offered food and eat from his hand...anyway it turns out that he almost bought Mr Biggles 2 years ago...he also almost bought him a couple of months ago but on finding he (mr Biggles) was ill (two whole weeks before I purchased him) he decided not to bring a sick bird into his aviary. He was actually surprised to hear that Mr Biggles was alive and thriving. Anyway from the info on his leg band this guy was able to tell me that Mr Biggles was bred in the UK and the letters and 66 number had to do with the breeder and probably the hatch number and the 06 number was his year of his Birthday is November 2006 and he is coming up on 10 years old in November of this year.
He probably was well looked after in the UK as he looked in good feather when the bird breeder saw him over 2 years ago but he was very skittish which is why the bird breeder chose to purchsse instead another steadier white fromted Amazon . He had only one WFA hen at the time and so only wanted the one male but he remembered him because they were so rare at the time...they are still rare in Ireland he said and he is among one of the very few breeders in Ireland who breeds them. Hee hee I must have a knack of getting parrots that are hard to find in Ireland there is only one breeder in Northern Ireland that I know of who breeds Roger's breed ; the White Eyed Conure. Im glad I saved that guys number otherwise I would never have found out all this information which I am so grateful for. The guy I bought Mr Biggles from doesnt answer my phonecalls at all. Mr Biggles is totally oblivious to all this information about his birth and that he is one of a few of his kind in Ireland, he is into learning a new game today and is playing basketball...maybe tomorrow we will do a video but its not easy for his silly servant to hold the basket and the camera at the same time hee hee :)
Here is my basketball champ...I dont think he has quiete figured out about the ball going in the net but he seems to like the clatter it makes when it lands there hee hee :)

[ame=""]Mr Biggles the Basketballer Champ - YouTube[/ame]
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Go BIGGS! After awhile, move The basket bit by bit aways from him, make him move to it. So good to hear he is 10 tears old, he'll be with us a long time, really good news.
Go BIGGS! After awhile, move The basket bit by bit aways from him, make him move to it. So good to hear he is 10 tears old, he'll be with us a long time, really good news.

Thanks wrench 13 I will try your tip and as he gets used to putting it in the basket I will as you suggest try moving it a little farther away from him...its a childs plastic toy I modified to make it parrot friendly...he likes things that clatter or ring but its really difficult to get good parrot toys here unless you import them and that can be really costly. The chewy ones you can get but games and interactive toys are hard to find.
I too am really happy about the fact he is 10....hopefully he will live a real long life and we can get to play lots and lots of games together :)
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Peter Pan isnt the only one got Dandelions I got a dandelion chain around my perch too after I had a go at stealing PeterPans one :)

Amy and I just came in from being outside..she was walking about in the grass,chewing on 'lions too lol..I like the chain you made for Mr. Biggs..I'll try and make one too for Amy :p

He is so pretty! How did he like the dandelions?

Thanks :) He plays with it once Im moving it but once Im gone he dismantles them and lets them fall to the floor of his cage where he climbs down and nibbles at them from time to time :)

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