New White Fronted Amazon Owner

Go Biggs! When he gets more used to it, make him put his head thru the harness to get the treat. Next step is to lay the harness on him while giving him continuous treat , I crumble up a pine nut and give salty tiny bits of it while the harness is on him. The wings are gonna be a problem for me, he hates his wings being touched. But food wins all. Biggs is so handsome.
Thanks wrench will have Salty flying in harness for sure long before I get the harness on Mr Biggles....I havent even been allowed the privilidge of touching him yet except his beak and he reserves the right to allow me do this or nip me as the humour strikes him hee hee so he will be a challenge to get the harness over his head and on his bavk for sure if we ever get that fsr LoL :) However so far so good...he is getting braver now and letting me put more things in on and around his cage...every few days we add something or change something so he gets used of things moving and changing. I bet you cant wait to fly Salty in his harness :)
Fly?? No, no - Salty will never be flighted, I had my first parrot fly away. His harness is just insurance so I can take him outside and not have a repeat of what Mark ( birdman) is going thru. Actually I dont think the Aviator is really designed so you can fly your bird ' on a string' so to speak. The tether is too short IMHO to let them get steam up to fly. WHat happens when they get to the end of the tether? Just yoink them back to you? I dont see that.
Fly?? No, no - Salty will never be flighted, I had my first parrot fly away. His harness is just insurance so I can take him outside and not have a repeat of what Mark ( birdman) is going thru. Actually I dont think the Aviator is really designed so you can fly your bird ' on a string' so to speak. The tether is too short IMHO to let them get steam up to fly. WHat happens when they get to the end of the tether? Just yoink them back to you? I dont see that.
Sorry to hear thst your first parrot flew away...was he also an Amazon...people do fly them but you have to add a lead to the elasticy leash...personally I would just like to be able to take mr Biggles out and if he flew a little bit then thsts okay too but I wouldnt be into giving him a long leash to fly way up in the air I'd be afraid of preditors like hawks and such but we will see how far Mr Biggles goes with the harness first before we make decisions about how far he can fly...Mr Biggles is flighted. Poor Mark ...I do hope he gets word of Maggie soon and that she comes home safe.
Awwe I see in your sig that Schyler was a red spectacled Amazon...They are pretty sorry for your loss wrench 13
Yes , loosing him was heart breaking, I can sympathize with Mark and the others who have lost birds.
Yes , loosing him was heart breaking, I can sympathize with Mark and the others who have lost birds.

Yes indeed I hear ya...its not easy
I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your first parrot that way, Al.

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I have been trying oatmeal breakfasts wit Mr Biggles for the past while. Oat meal on its own or with Apple or with strawberties or raspberries ...each time it was refused...he wouldnt even try it and would walk away from the spoon (he does this if he doesnt like either the look or the taste of whats on the spoon...if he likes it he is happy to eat off the spoon) any way after running out of recipes and ideas I finally sliced a Peanut (which is Mr Biggles idea of what Heaven is like and is the God he worships...) he will do anything for peanuts...anyway I sliced the peanuts and put a little dollop of the oatmeal on each sliver of peanut as I handed it to him...he is so crazy about peanuts that even with the oatmeal on it the peanut was worthwhile to him...he did get a tiny bit of oatmeal into him I think but most of it is decorating my walls as he very professionally tossed it in all directions while still holding the sliver of peanut firmly in his beak . I even got some tossed in my eye...perfect aim Mr Biggles Thank you :) :) :)
Well today we had lots of fun and games and for the first time I didnt have to think about hiding the camera and Mr Biggles even flew over to it and perched on it at one point...he has lost his fear of it and he is getting very comfortable about flying to me now too. I have to say Im really proud of the way he is beginning to relax with me while out of his cage and within reason is willing to try new things it was a dandelion...he wasnt sure of it to begin with but he soon joined in the play...he also hung upside down on his perch and did some acrobatics...his first time doing that too...all in all a great day. Im just sorry that there are only a couple of hours left before its his bedtime...I hate it when he and Peter Pan go to bed :)








[ame=""]Mommys Best Boy :) - YouTube[/ame]
Nice! You're watching him Blossom before your eyes!

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Nice! You're watching him Blossom before your eyes!

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Yes indeed he is blossoming and its wonderful...when I got him I did so because Peter Pan was grieving for Roger and I wanted a parrot any parrot to make noise for her and do flock calls and take her mind off Rogers absance but Mr Biggles hasnt just done that he has done so much more and he has also healed my aching heart too. I couldnt imagine waking up in the morning and not hearing his excited squawk and open winged dance on his perch...he doesnt speak english but Im understanding alot more parrot chatter than I ever did before in my life :)
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He is such an awesome looking amazon! And your work with him is really showing off.
Well done both of you!
Thanks wrench13 is Salty after his day at work.
I love seeing Mr. Biggles! I can't get over what a beautiful head coloring he has! Love that blue and white, with red spectacles. It's striking, and especially because he has mature color and great plumage. I've seen baby/juvenile White Fronted Amazons at the store, and they were SO surprisingly tiny, they appeared 200 grams tops lol.
I love seeing Mr. Biggles! I can't get over what a beautiful head coloring he has! Love that blue and white, with red spectacles. It's striking, and especially because he has mature color and great plumage. I've seen baby/juvenile White Fronted Amazons at the store, and they were SO surprisingly tiny, they appeared 200 grams tops lol.
Thank you...they are pretty small arent they :)
Thanks wrench13 is Salty after his day at work.
He is fine, he just conked out early last night and took a nap when we got home. Tonight he is his usual play full self, I got a big Hello when I got home, played on his round boing, attacked his bells gave Geri and I a full serenade of his words and sound, some hand play and rough housing with daddy, corn wheels for dinner, some more play on the boing, then nite nite. No training tonite I am a bit out of it, personal problems .
How is Biggs appetite? He is eating well now?
Thanks wrench13 is Salty after his day at work.
He is fine, he just conked out early last night and took a nap when we got home. Tonight he is his usual play full self, I got a big Hello when I got home, played on his round boing, attacked his bells gave Geri and I a full serenade of his words and sound, some hand play and rough housing with daddy, corn wheels for dinner, some more play on the boing, then nite nite. No training tonite I am a bit out of it, personal problems .
How is Biggs appetite? He is eating well now?
Hope alls well with you and your flock. Sounds like Salty had a great time and wore himself out shaking hands with everyone and did well to serenade you all yesterday and get some play time in with his daddy aswell...he appears to be a Great Character. Mr Biggles still has a problem with veggies and fruit...he spits most of it out...he does the same with oatmeal, and me and the walls end up weaing most of it :) He is at least picking at it and eating some once the pasta is in the mix too but without the pasta he wont even pick at the veggies...thats why I introduced the dandelion as they usually love dandelions but I dont think Mr Biggles knew it was for eating though after a while he did eventuallt take it in his beak and work the stem up and down before he dropped it... I know it takes time for them to get used of new foods so hopefully eventually he will start to eat these foods and grow to like if they were peanuts or sunflower seeds they would be gobbled up...he was probably used of being fed on a diet of peanuts and sunflower seeds before I got him as they seem to have been the only things he was familiar enough with to eat when he came ...thats why he ate the treats from my hand from day one and refused to eat from his bowl where there were no peanuts and sunflower seeds. Well he eventually started to eat the pellets and good food from his bowl so Im betting he will eventually grow to like his fruit and veg too in time

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