My New Red Sided Eclectus Babies!!!!

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  • #21
The previous owner have no idea about them except he bought them as a pair of Eclectus. He was told Soloman is smaller so he thinks they're red sided. I don't want to breed them but if they want to im not gonna stop them, its a part of nature. I was hoping you would respond Pedro. Cause I knew you breed them. Thanks, ill check that link out...
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  • #22
After looking at that site im even more determined that I have Soloman Islands, not Red Sided.... which that was my first instinct when I saw them yesterday. But I was too tired to question the man. It don't matter anyway cause we love them just the way they are. At least their cage is a lot bigger then the one they had before....
Mikey, Judging by the photos, I would say that they are SI Eclectus. The other know spieces of Eclectus are much larger and the color is a bet different. In my opinion, the SI Eclectus are the best. Specially the Males. They stay really sweet as they mature where sometimes the Females get a bit nippy. I was always told that to keep parrots seperate if you want them to bond with you, otherwise, if caged together, they will bond with eachother as a bonded pair and will want nothing to do with you. Just a helpful hint, to bring back the color of the females feathers, After bathing, use a dime size amount of aloe. Rub it onto your hands while their feathers are wet, then either towel dry or blow dry. The Aloe is very good for their feathers and skin. I use it once a week for my boys and they get baths 2 times a week. The Eclectus diet is much different then other diets for parrots, watch the fat intake, limit the seeds, I use Zupreme natural pellets, Never use Pellets that have different colors, these pellets make the feathers really dull. The brown natural pellets are the best, either Roudy bush or zupreme. Hope this helps. Joe
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Im not feeding them pellets period. I feed them variety of fruits and veggies in the morning and seed mix at night. So far they're doing good with the new change. They were being fed colored pellets, too much sunflower seeds, junk stuffs. What kind of slow you use? The guy had them together for over a year in a tiny cage with a nest box. No toys!!! My first instinct when I saw them is they're SI not Red Sided. After extensive research my conclusion is what I thought they were in the first place. Which it don't really matter. They been together for a year with him, who knows how long before that... I have no trouble taking them out of the cage as they are both very friendly. Especially Gracie, she wont leave my side. I can't leave the room without her. She would fly out looking for me.... :)

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