Musings of a feathered soul

This thread is pure gold! I haven't laughed this hard since the last time my feathered overlords allowed me to laugh.
I never thought that 'poo bombings' would become a part of my vocabulary, but here we are. 🤷‍♀️ :poop: 💣 🤣
Some want all of the above at THEIR specified time, mood, and rewards for their choices

Some want all of the above at THEIR specified time, mood, and rewards for their choices!
Some of them(a hem a hem cough) don't want to go to bed so they act like they didn't finish dinner and then cheep and warble under the cover...
Some of them(a hem a hem cough) don't want to go to bed so they act like they didn't finish dinner and then cheep and warble under the cover...
Or tell you to shut up, go to bed, go to sleep and lastly just go to sleep all in gravelly voice. If that doesn't work, the screeching of a hawk from yard, roaring of the dragons from video game resonating through house forces lights out, computer off everwhere. Nothing can be on in house.
Or tell you to shut up, go to bed, go to sleep and lastly just go to sleep all in gravelly voice. If that doesn't work, the screeching of a hawk from yard, roaring of the dragons from video game resonating through house forces lights out, computer off everwhere. Nothing can be on in house.
It's a sign of our love for you, dear human! If we just meekly accepted bedtime, then we wouldn't be truly expressing our deep and abiding love for you poor non feathered goofballs. It is so adorable how you run around bald with no feathers.
I got a whole millet spray for Christmas. I feel no need to eat anything else. If my human eats cookies for breakfast, why shouldn't I? Still she croaks "Eat your peas! Eat your carrots!" Sigh. Humans. I rubbed my beak in my veggies to make it look real. It worked like a charm. Now I have two treats. Hee hee hee hee. I took a long bath and looked adorable, as usual. My human is so gullible. Hee hee.
This English beauty of mine, a bright ball of red-eyed sunshine, thinks that if she stands perfectly still behind the cagetop perch we won't see her when it's time for her to go back in her cage and go to sleep!
I spent a goodly portion of vacation decorating. It feels so good to help the needy. My human was sick so I flew to the rescue. The walls are better now because of me. I am really considering a career in interior decorating. I also talked to some Tufted Teetmice at the local seed bar and learned some new foreign phrases. One guy named Skwhur L. was causing problems but I think his feather deformities were making him insecure.
A new laugh of the day. At 0545 my daughter took trash out. My well trained, non aggressive, service dog went with her. Next thing I knew she was screaming and yelling. My dog had run across street chasing 2 skunks. He got it on chest. Ran in house spreading the oder. My CAG asked me🤔 IF I HAD A BATH!! Then her Vincent Price chuckling. In the same sarcastic voice I use if my canine and human kids aggravates me. Nope she's never said that before! Used to be a show something about kids say the darnest things. Anyone who's got a vocal parrot can add their feathered friend.
Oh yes the infamous black and white stink kitties
Why is it some dogs never learn to leave them alone?
My younger and much dumber dog had a run in just last week.
He plays w deer. Ignores cats, birds etc. He allows my CAG supervised rides on his service harness. So why at the ripe age of 7 yo he decided to chase 2 skunks?

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