not my bird, feather plucking? not sure how to help from afar


New member
Sep 30, 2024
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Green Cheeked Conure, Parakeets
looking for advice, not sure what stage this would be considered and how long itā€™s been occurring. my momā€™s bird and i do not live with her. I didnā€™t see any bald spots? just fluff. sheā€™s about 2-3 years old, my mom says she refuses to take baths and noticed the plucking a week ago which i dont believe. she thought it was molting. feather loss also visible on back under wings. any help is appreciate tyy
Yeah, looks like a bit of neckline plucking. Why does it happen? If only I knew. It's a common heartbreak of parrot owners. You have only to use the search engine on this site to hear of the many, many, experiences. I'm so glad you're here.. You're a kind and caring person.
I tried a product called Feather Grow. It worked for my parrot, after about a week, stopped picking feathers completely. Still took many weeks for the feathers to completely regrow but it works!

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