Meet Snow.

It is confusing determining which gender they are. I was told by the pet shop the blue nare meant they were male. I bought Trish because all the birds in the cage were picking on her. I didn't plan on buying her either. I just can't help myself when I see somebody being picked on.
That is exactly how I got my white parakeets. They were in a large flight cage with a lot of other parakeets, they where the only white ones and they were being picked on something awful by the other birds. It took about two weeks of aloe baths before all the poop washed off their feathers. I had to wonder if the other birds were picking on them because they were white. Albino animals generally don't survive too long in the wild. My two have been closely bonded to each other from day one. They also seem much quieter than other parakeets but that may be because they have each other. Either way, I'm happy I found them. The color of their ceres are completely different, one is a deep lavender blue, the other is a creamy biege.
Well, there was another white one there- not an albino though, but s/he had grey marks on the wings....snow was just sitting by herself though chattering away.

Snow spent all afternoon and last night clung to the side of her cage :( it wasn't until just a couple minutes ago she finally decided to sit on a perch. I have not heard one peep out of her either....poor little girl :(
I imagine they probably feel pretty scared. Safety in numbers, then all of a sudden they are by themselves and it's 'quieter'.

If Snow is still terrified, you might want to try placing perches and dishes up higher until he feels comfortable enough to start exploring down lower. If you have any safe trees in your area with leaves, you might even try putting a branch inside his cage to give him some comfort and a way to "hide".
Thanks Monica, I'll look for branches and move the dishes and perches. I put a blanket over the back part of the cage yesterday and it seemed to help.
What a pretty girl. This is why I prefer stores that do not sell live animals, too much temptation:) Look forward to hearing about Snow's progress.
*sigh of relief* I moved the food and water up next to the perch Snow has been sitting on, and Snow is finally munching away. I still have not heard a sound from him? (Lol) but I'm glad to see he's eating ❤️
New birds may not eat for the first day or two, but at least he's eating now! :)
It was kinda funny- earlier I was moving the dishes up for him and even though I was moving my hand ever so slowly, he still freaked out and tried to fly away...well he ended up perched on MY HAND! The look on his face was like "oh crap!!!" and flew off lol

The other 3 have been very entertaining lately- Lemon had a floofy stuck to the tip of his tail and Cloud was hopping after him trying to pull it off, but Lemon kept trying to get away as if Cloud was being a meany lol
Life with budgies can be comical! LOL
Life with birds in general. I so love Tricia parakeet and sweetie cockatiel. I deeply miss Wylie the macaw. They each have their own personalities and you just never know what they will do.

Snow is turning out to be quite the little sweetheart ❤️ he's slightly hand-shy, but doesn't mind hanging out on my finger :)
Awww snow is adorable. My blue beauty sadly passed away this morning. I hope she's in peace now.
Thank you for your condolences. Hugs. It was quite unexpected and shattering. She was such a sweet girl.
Snow looks so small on your finger....or is it your finger looks huge compared to Snow?

well, either way Snow is so very very handsome!
Beth are you saying I have fat fingers?!???? (JK!!!) LOL

Snow does seem small- even in person though...

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