Hi Xela!
Well, I can only speak for the suns…and they do have a very loud shriek. This is my 7 to 7:30 AM wake up call. Angelo, the matriarch, also screeches for any large bird that flies outside the window (frequent occurrence in a coastal area). They also make the sweetest little honks and mutterings too. I do not think they would work well in an apartment/condo setting, or with people who have sensitive hearing.
As for temperament, they are very loving. Angelo won’t allow scritchies but will give kisses. Zazu loooves kisses and will allow scritchies occasionally. They both like to sit with me and do hair and ear snuggles. They follow me around the house perched on head & shoulders. They are curious about anything I’m doing and want to investigate or assist (even tooth brushing, makeup application, etc). My juveniles are all about scritchies and cuddles.
Jendays are so genetically similar that they can easily breed with suns. Not sure if their noise level would be different.
Now my green cheek conure has a HUGE personality (he bosses the suns around), is the most cuddly and affectionate of the adults, and his loudest call isn’t even as loud as a budgie screech. He also follows me around and is always demanding kisses and head scritchies.
Best wishes on starting your birby journey. Hopefully, someone with a jenday will also comment!