Cockatiel or Conure?

If Dawn is scented, a really, REALLY good rinse with water should cut most of the scent.

As for the OP - I'd go with a cockatiel in your case. They're super forgiving birds in most accounts and although dusty, an air purifier can control that somewhat. At my height of bird ownership, I had 21 birds (cockatiels and green cheek conures- I was a hobby breeder) in an apartment. No one ever complained about noise :)
Make sure that you don't have appliances with hidden nonstick - air fryers, toasters, space heaters, hair heat tools, Dyson things other than vacuums (and maybe those). Candles are bad too.

Dawn dish soap, vinegar, baking soda will be your best friends.
Okay thankfully don't have any of those bits, just a current scented candle but that can be used well before I get one. Thankfully amazon has Dawn soap but it's not something that is in the ordinary shops here

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