I have to take albie to the vets and im so worried

2nd dose was definetly a fight . I was scared i was going to hurt him . Its a 2 people job and its for his own good but goodness me, does it make me feel guilty .

I mixed it with some fruit and he didnt spit it out so there is that i guess
If you can, get the syringe over his tongue and back to the right. Most important is getting the tip of the syringe over the tongue (so they can’t block it) and squirt the medication down the right side of the throat.
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Stitch I am so sorry to hear this! I know how much you love Albie, and it breaks my heart to hear he isn't feeling well. I really hope the test results convey good news, and I am thinking of you both! Keep us posted! Maddox wishes your Albie well too!
Hes just so quiet right now, its not normal for him . I miss his chattering.

the vet said itll be 10ish days so itll be a week on monday before i hear anything. I hope they show something .

Thank you for the good wishes ,its appreciated.
I'm so sorry that I missed this thread before!
I'm so sorry that precious Albie is sick, but I agree with everyone who mentioned what a great bird Mama you are for catching it so quickly!

If I had someone in to fix something in my house it would never have occurred to me to ask if they had birds. I would have let him see my birds without thinking twice about it. Please don't blame yourself, this isn't your fault at all. And you have protected him by noticing that he was not feeling well based on things that most people may have missed.

I wonder if there is anyway that you could get in touch with the repairman to let him know that he should have his flock checked for it? That also may make him take extra precautions before going into someone else's house.

If Albie loves yogurt, perhaps you could mix his meds in a little of it?

Here is a great post about probiotics by @Birds lover from Hawaii :


A post by @ravvlet with helpful info as well:


Do you have one of those cage heaters? That may help keep him warm as well. I know a few of our members have ones they really like, this is just an example because I don't have one.


Sending prayers and much love to both you and Albie, and hoping for the test results to be good.
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We did reach out and said his flock is fine and it didnt come from him basically . But there isnt really any other way he could have caught it . I have no one in my circle who has birds or contact with other birds and Albie is an only bird (we went through this with his amazing vet )

Weve been tag teaming Albie and his meds , hubby holds him and i give them and then he gets loads of praise and treats plus fruit juice to get rid of the taste . It seems to be working at least !

Yes he does have one of those snuggle up heaters , we bought it back at the end of September and he loves the thing .

Weve been giving him a little live yoghurt to help his tummy as i know antibiotics really do a number on your guts ,so he enjoys that
We did reach out and said his flock is fine and it didnt come from him basically . But there isnt really any other way he could have caught it . I have no one in my circle who has birds or contact with other birds and Albie is an only bird (we went through this with his amazing vet )

Weve been tag teaming Albie and his meds , hubby holds him and i give them and then he gets loads of praise and treats plus fruit juice to get rid of the taste . It seems to be working at least !

Yes he does have one of those snuggle up heaters , we bought it back at the end of September and he loves the thing .

Weve been giving him a little live yoghurt to help his tummy as i know antibiotics really do a number on your guts ,so he enjoys that
You and Dan are doing everything you can for him & he couldn't have a better team taking care of him.
Sending loving scritches to Albie from his Auntie Terry, and I'm keeping the prayers coming.
Oooohhh I hate waiting for blood test results! Hoping they come through ASAP and give you some answers, meanwhile more hugs and scratches coming you way – you can distribute them whichever way you like ;) :)
Thank you , i hate this feeling of helplessness, i wish i could do more for him and make him better now
If it does turn out to be psittacosis, I personally suspect Albie didn't catch this from the boiler man, but instead has been carrying this for some time and the move was just enough stress for his immune system to let down a little and the illness to pop up.

I researched extensively when I adopted Cotton, since I had to travel a few weeks later and my son was house-sitting and has a bird at home. It's incredibly unlikely to be present in a person enough to be contagious without that person being very ill, and it's also highly unlikely for someone to get enough on their clothing before leaving their house to be contagious.

I have access to both US veterinary research journals and human medical journals and was reassured that even though Cotton WAS positive and very sick, it was not really possible for my son to take it home to his bird after staying here for a week.

Whatever is going on, there's nothing you would have known or detected earlier, and you caught it at exactly the right time, and took him right to the vet. You've done your due diligence in letting the boiler guy know he was exposed, so from here its just helping Albie get better, and he's young and has been healthy, so hopefully once your vet gets tests back they can get him ship shape again shortly!
If it does turn out to be psittacosis, I personally suspect Albie didn't catch this from the boiler man, but instead has been carrying this for some time and the move was just enough stress for his immune system to let down a little and the illness to pop up.

I researched extensively when I adopted Cotton, since I had to travel a few weeks later and my son was house-sitting and has a bird at home. It's incredibly unlikely to be present in a person enough to be contagious without that person being very ill, and it's also highly unlikely for someone to get enough on their clothing before leaving their house to be contagious.

I have access to both US veterinary research journals and human medical journals and was reassured that even though Cotton WAS positive and very sick, it was not really possible for my son to take it home to his bird after staying here for a week.

Whatever is going on, there's nothing you would have known or detected earlier, and you caught it at exactly the right time, and took him right to the vet. You've done your due diligence in letting the boiler guy know he was exposed, so from here its just helping Albie get better, and he's young and has been healthy, so hopefully once your vet gets tests back they can get him ship shape again shortly!
My Gonzo had aspergillosis from the breeders. She was a tiny Quaker but I didn’t know how big Quakers should be. She was sickly all her life. I think birds can ‘come with’ latent infections and if something else troubles them, then the infection becomes active.

I hope Albie is better soon and you are doing exactly what you need to do to take care of him. You took action quickly and thoroughly and didn’t hope for the problem to go away.

Sending a “high four!” to Albie.
The antibiotics seem to be working !

Hes brighter , hes chatting again , hes chewing my coffee table and flying between us.

While we arent out of the woods yet , as he has to finish his meds, but i feel less worried now .
What fantastic news!!! It definitely sounds like Albie is on the road to recovery, what a relief you must feel to see him acting more like normal. This made my night:)
Yaaaaayyyyyy Albie, this is such wonderfully encouraging news!!! I’m so happy for you, and that chatter must be music to your ears! 💝
It really is , hearing him shout love you as i was leaving was both heart breaking and warming at the same time (dan is staying home with him while hes on antibiotics)
Oh that would break my heart too, but I’m so glad he has Dan at home with him, you must be so relieved he doesn’t have to be home alone too!

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