If it does turn out to be psittacosis, I personally suspect Albie didn't catch this from the boiler man, but instead has been carrying this for some time and the move was just enough stress for his immune system to let down a little and the illness to pop up.
I researched extensively when I adopted Cotton, since I had to travel a few weeks later and my son was house-sitting and has a bird at home. It's incredibly unlikely to be present in a person enough to be contagious without that person being very ill, and it's also highly unlikely for someone to get enough on their clothing before leaving their house to be contagious.
I have access to both US veterinary research journals and human medical journals and was reassured that even though Cotton WAS positive and very sick, it was not really possible for my son to take it home to his bird after staying here for a week.
Whatever is going on, there's nothing you would have known or detected earlier, and you caught it at exactly the right time, and took him right to the vet. You've done your due diligence in letting the boiler guy know he was exposed, so from here its just helping Albie get better, and he's young and has been healthy, so hopefully once your vet gets tests back they can get him ship shape again shortly!