I have to take albie to the vets and im so worried

You are doing everything humanly possible for him. Please dont beat yourself up, that helps no one. Fingers crossed, chin up, stiff upper lip, and wait and see. KNow that we are all there for you and Stitchie!

Oh he would absolutely eat an entire tub given half a chance, i cant leave any form of dairy on my kitchen side with out risking albie going head first in to any tub or removing lids off tubs so he can get inside them
Well i didnt sleep much because i was so worried about him and was up super early when he started fussing. Hes asleep in my hand right now.

I think he started to feel the cold as hes sat on my electric throw snuggled in my hand (the vet did say to keep him warm)

His vet loved me for being so proactive with him ,for him being insured and for my reason on doing the full work up - what the point if trialing antibiotics if we dont know the cause? He could have had a blockage somewhere . I want to k ow whats wrong with my baby and getting lab work done stops guess work and prevents misdiagnosis - most of the time .

Its thanks to this forum that i learned how well birds hide illness and how you need to act quickly .
Stitch, when our gut tells us there’s something wrong, we should not ignore it. You love Albie so much and know him so well that when you saw the signs he gave you, no matter that they were subtle, you knew what you had to do. If it had turned out nothing was wrong then no harm done, and your peace of mind would be restored. But as it turned out there *was* something wrong, and many other parronts either would not have seen it or just chosen to ignore it and the consequences could have been disastrous! Massive kudos to you Stitch for listening to your gut and being such an observant, loving and dedicated parront, Albie is such a lucky little birdie to have you! 💖
I have to dose my cockatiel Fang with meds for his heart condition every day, and I really thought he’d hate or resent me for it but he doesn’t, and it's been 4 years now. Most assuredly he’s not happy about it, but thankfully he saves most of his biteyness for the tip of the syringe. I hope Albie continues to take his meds for you like the little champion that he is!
I hope so cuz Baytril smells absolutely vile . Why cant they make it sickly sweet banana flavoured like they do for kids ?
I hope so cuz Baytril smells absolutely vile . Why cant they make it sickly sweet banana flavoured like they do for kids ?
They probably can, but vet offices tend not to. I don't know why, it's harder to force animals to eat than kids. I've had the same issue with doxy, the vet won't sweeten it or flavor it like the pharmacy does. I like to mix it with some loose seed, that's the only way that the budgies will eat it. Good luck with the meds!
Ive wrapped an electric throw around his cage plus he has his snuggle up heater ,i hope its enough to keep him warm

I dont know if im imagining it but he seems sleepier today , although that could be because he was sedated yesterday for xrays and its the side effects of the anesthesia.

Urgh i hate him being ill
I'm so glad you trusted your gut!

Cotton had psittacosis when I adopted him, and he was very sick. It sure is nerve wracking when they aren't well, isn't it?!

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