I have to take albie to the vets and im so worried

His liver is fine , his spleen is enlarged and its suspected pscitticosis , but wont know for sure until bloods and swabs come back
His liver is fine , his spleen is enlarged and its suspected pscitticosis , but wont know for sure until bloods and swabs come back
If he has psittacosis, the vet and you might discuss where he could have gotten this or if he had it from the brooder. I don’t recall his history but he’s pretty young, and hasn’t been around other birds, so probably “came with it”.

I hope he is not SO ill and tolerated treatment well. I’m sorry this is happening to you .
I had a conure with psittacosis, although it was a very mild form, so mild the vet described it as "dormant". The treatment was an injection of anti-biotics once a week for 6 weeks, and it was important that it took place on the same day for each of those 6 weeks. The procedure is to then have a blood test in 12 months time to make sure the organism is dead as it can be a little tricky to kill. My conure Baci took it all in his stride although I was a mess the whole time. If indeed Albie does have it, he is a young strong bird, so I'm praying for the same good results for him! 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🤞 🤞 🤞 🤞 🤞
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Its potentially from the guy who cane to check my boiler as he was fussing albie and then as he was leaving he said he loves parrots and has 8 him self

She thinks we caught it early if it is that , it just depends now on what the labs say it is

Albie was given a shot of antibiotics and 10 days oral (any tips on getting it down him ? ) that start tomorrow

The nurses loved him too
Its potentially from the guy who cane to check my boiler as he was fussing albie and then as he was leaving he said he loves parrots and has 8 him self

She thinks we caught it early if it is that , it just depends now on what the labs say it is

Albie was given a shot of antibiotics and 10 days oral (any tips on getting it down him ? ) that start tomorrow

The nurses loved him too
I asked my vet about oral dosage too, he said weekly injections were better, but there again I live literally a two minute drive from my vet so that worked best for me. Others may have better ideas about how to get Albie's meds into him and ensure he gets the whole dose, like maybe mixing it with a favourite warm mushy type of food that he can't resist gobbling down!

And of course the nurses loved him - how could they not, the little charmer!!
Its potentially from the guy who cane to check my boiler as he was fussing albie and then as he was leaving he said he loves parrots and has 8 him self

She thinks we caught it early if it is that , it just depends now on what the labs say it is

Albie was given a shot of antibiotics and 10 days oral (any tips on getting it down him ? ) that start tomorrow

The nurses loved him too
I’m so sorry. That was dumb of the boiler guy, but most people don’t think of that. Did he visit recently?

That’s why I don’t take my birds to pet shops. Or let them run around on the ground outside.

Yes, the weekly injections are more reliable. It’s important to get rid of this infection. Just a bit concerning that the spleen is enlarged; that suggests it’s been going on for a bit.
Some birds do well with taking meds straight from the syringe, especially ones that were syringe fed as babies. Not a bad thing to continue a little once in a while, so they accept that syringe when you need them to. I've never been that lucky. My boy Patches was a chow hound, and would do anything for a piece of toast. Cinnamon if at all possible. 🙄 Soooo, I made a slice every morning, broke off a little piece and squirted his med on it. The toast soaked it up like a sponge, and he ALWAYS finished it.
I feel guilty that i didnt protect him more 😔
Oh Stitch, don't feel bad, you couldn't have known! Thousands of other pet birdies don't have observant parronts like you would could have picked this up early like you did and done something about it the way you have. Albie is in the best possible hands now and has a treatment plan, it's a setback and very worrying for sure but he's in the best possible place to make a full recovery! Hugs and love to both of you! 🤗 💕💖
I feel guilty that i didnt protect him more 😔
I understand how you feel but it's not your fault! I'm the same way with all my pets and always feel guilty when anything bad happens to them. You take excellent care of Albie and he knows you love him. It's great that you caught it early and didn't hesitate to take him in for treatment. That alone shows you are an excellent parront and will do everything you can as he gets better. Sometimes things just happen that are outside of our control. I'm glad Albie back home and I hope both of you can take it easy today.
I hope the lesson others will take from this is that no matter how insignificant a change in your birds behavior or change in their poops ,get it checked out by an avian specialist vet .

I was given the option to just antibiotics or to do the full works , swabs,bloods,xrays
I chose to do the full works and its revealed an enlarged spleen. I get the results in about a week and a half -2 weeks and its worth every penny (£540in total)
I hope the lesson others will take from this is that no matter how insignificant a change in your birds behavior or change in their poops ,get it checked out by an avian specialist vet .

I was given the option to just antibiotics or to do the full works , swabs,bloods,xrays
I chose to do the full works and its revealed an enlarged spleen. I get the results in about a week and a half -2 weeks and its worth every penny (£540in total)
How did they find the enlarged spleen? Xray? I’m not sure if you could feel an enlarged spleen in a parrot.

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