I got a job

I'll have to ask exactly what she is tomorrow. She doesn't really have any red on her though. Catalina sounds familiar though.
Catablu macaws are very similar to B&G I'd say Kachina is more similar to the catalina macaw. Or maybe something other? Hybrid Macaws, About Hybrid Macaw Parrots, Types of Hybrid Macaws

She's quite possibly a multi-gen hybrid since she doesn't look like a first gen catalina. Catalinas are usually like "sun conue orange" where-as Harlequins are more "jenday conure red", as a poor comparison. Kachina is neither. More "gold" than orange/red.

If the beak wasn't quite as light as it is, I'd almost say a miligold, honestly! If you search for them though, you can find pictures of hybrids labeled as miligold and catalina that look like her.

Catablu's are Catalina x B&G... and they generally do look like pure B&G's to the untrained eye. Maybe she's from Catalina x Catalina parentage?

Makes me miss working with birds... haven't done it in a pet store type of situation before and I don't think I could, at least not here!

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