I got a job

Wow, I wish there was a bird shop anywhere near me, but the closest one I've found is in the Philly area, and then there are a bunch throughout New Jersey...all I have are Petco and PetSmart :(

Yeah in NJ there are like 3 within 20 mins of here but I got 2 of my kindest most well behaved birds at Petco lol.
you folks out there in the Americas have no concept of just how envious I am of you all, being able to have stores like this where you can truly get to know these sweet babies

Don’t be, they are few and far between. The closest one to me is one hour away. The next closest one is three hours away. And I’m in Washington DC. People are not able to go nearly as often as you think we can
Owlet: Oh well done you!! :D Congrats!

That is a glorious job.
(I was sort of hoping you could take Rico home with you- you already did great with Lincoln )
Owlet really excited for you...and a tad jealous. We expect more photos!
Of course! I will definitely bring more photos. I work 6 hours tomorrow then from open to close on saturday/sunday so plenty of time to get more pics! And the rate that birds come/go isn't very high unless it's a grooming day on which I wouldn't bring Lincoln. I'm really not worried about him getting sick at all and he wouldn't interact with the other birds. I would bring the t-stand I have at home for him along with his own food.

I am very conflicted about maybe getting Rico. I would love to care for him and get him on a better track (the shop is already doing wonderfully) but I also am reluctant to deal with another very specialized / hormonal bird especially since there's no guarantee that he would do well on what I feed Lincoln so I would likely have to make 2 entirely different chops and I am already making 3 chops a time for Lincoln. Also a co-worker of mine is interested in adopting him so we will see.
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Also: wise reasoning!
Congratz on ur new job i really want rico what a cutie pie good luck
Today I befriended a skittish budgie and it fell asleep in my hands and I love it

This is also my new best friend, Lovebug.
Yup....worst .... job...in...the....world....ever! :D
If your in the mood for a short road trip, Loveland, Co, check out these folks:
Avalon Aviary: Bird Supply Store and Parrot Breeder in Loveland, Colorado

They run a huge rescue off the back of their store. The website is horribly outdated, but like many rescues, they appear overwhelmed! In their ‘day’, you had to attend classes before they would consider you as a candidate! They also carry TOPS!
Maybe next time we go to the mountains... I hate driving in the mountains though D:
Yup....worst .... job...in...the....world....ever! :D

I know!!! such an awful job ugh why am I working here.

it's honestly such a perfect job for me
Brought Lincoln in for a bit, see how he would do and to get his nails/beak trimmed since he really needed it... he was okay for a bit, but the customers started flowing in and he got a tad stressed so I had my mom come pick him up.

Here's him and Rico. I showed this picture to my friend and she said "ooh Lincoln and feathered boy" and it really shows how far Lincoln has come. He's never been as bad as Rico is or was but yeah. Lincoln seemed rather interested in Rico. Not in an aggressive way thought just "oh look a bird kinda like me" and I got out a few other birds and showed them to him (at a safe distance just encase) and he seemed interested like "hello" so that gives me hope if I ever get a 2nd bird.
Wow, the difference is really HUGE.

Lincoln looks so good now!
(LOL, you could cheat and make it a before/ after picture)

Great move to have mum pick him up when he had enough - you are really attuned to this birds needs. He is lucky to have you!
Here's some more of the birds / splitting this into 2 posts bc apparently there's a 10 image limit.


I can't remember this guys name, it was something weird, but he's the love of my life. He won't let you pet him unless you play a whistling game with him first then once he is satisfied he will bow his head and he is SO soft. I've been looking to get a cockatiel and if he didn't already have a deposit on him I might have considered him xD


This is Kachina. Probably the quietest macaw I have ever seen. She rarely makes a peep aside from saying "apple?" every now and again which is her word for wanting a treat. I think she's a hybrid macaw of green wing x blue and gold but I can't remember what she's called.


This is Derango. He's an a**hole. Only a select few brave souls can handle him. He's not actually for sale, I'm not sure the entire story of how this came to be but his owner is disabled and occasionally comes into the store to help out / be with her bird (she is one of the brave souls who can handle him). He's a really good talker though and loves to tell people to f*** off. I may not be able to handle him or anything but he screamed at me less today so I think he's starting to warm up to my existence.


This is Pistachio. She's very sweet and you can relatively easily handle her but she's really active and will jump off and flutter to the floor and scamper around. Not out of fear of you or anything... it's just fun to her! She will gladly hop back up onto your hand though and loves scratches.


Some baby lovies awaiting their homes.

This is Cochiro and he hates me. Don't know much about him otherwise. He's certainly cute though.


This is Petricha and she's super cute. She's got some mobility issues though and doesn't have that great of balance or grip. She gets around just fine though.


This is Kirby. He talks a lot of jiberish and he's kinda mean but he's slowly warming up to me. Hopefully I can handle him soon.


This is Crackers the other military macaw. He doesn't like strangers very much, but he's starting let me pet him a little so that's progress.


I don't know the names of these two but they're interesting. They don't care for me too much but I also think they're highly touch phobic birds. The ring neck loves to drop things and laugh. The grey makes locks of clucking noises.


This is Billy. He's.. interesting. He talks a lot and is equally interested in people as much as he isn't interested in people. He likes to dunk his dyed toys in his water so it turns purple when he doesn't have purple toys.

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