I got a job

Owlet your job is my idea of a NIGHTMARE I wouldn’t be able to part with ANY of them!
Beautiful pics, and stories, I love seeing all the different kinds. :)
I'm also thinking that I would stop sales from happening if I worked at a birdstore like for instance today (I was at a bird store) when a mom bought a 11 year old a sun conure for his room. So the kids will be gone 8 hours a day because he has soccer practice and the bird will be in the room and alone most of the day and then he goes to his dad's house on Saturdays so yeah. Poor birdie. Hopefully the mom will step in and make him her bird. That story is the things nightmares are made of to me and if it were my job to sell that bird I'd have discouraged it big time.
Not to mention when the novelty wears off and the kid loses interest in the bird, this forum is full of sad stories just like it :(
That's what I like about this store, they're upfront about the musts of maintaining a healthy, happy, and socialized bird. They don't sugar coat it, especially with the older birds that may not have the best personalities and stuff and what they'd need to have them be happy even with the traits.
Yeah but even so, what if you know the people are going bto be terrible bird owners but you HAVE to sell it to them anyways?
you don't HAVE to sell anyone anything. Especially when it comes to live animals, you're completely within your rights to reject them if you feel it would not be an ideal situation.
Still wouldn't be able to sell 'em .... "nope sorry that one's mine... nope sorry that one's mine too... and that one... all of them in fact... sorry!!" Zero sales commission for me :)
I’m actually so jealous of you lol. The nearest store like this to me is 50 mins away and I just now found out ab it and still have yet to go there lol

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OMG, I want Tutti amd Fruitti SOOOO bad, lmfao, awesome pics
OMG, I want Tutti amd Fruitti SOOOO bad, lmfao, awesome pics

you're not the only one! And I'm expressly against myself owning both more than one and owning a cockatoo! :p

I'm glad the place tells things how it is, I run into people sugar coating pet ownership and... no, don't do that. Yes always remember that stores have the right to refuse service to anyone! Some corporate places never exercise this because money but with a pet store it should always be said that if the person doing the transaction/having spoken to the customer is not happy to sell the pet then they should refuse the sale.
I have not yet even met a customer that was buying a bird that hadn't already been to the shop dozens of times and knows the owner / my co-workers very well and vise versa. So all birds sold have gone to someone the shop knows and trusts so far.

Adventures of yesterday:
I got yelled at to not play with a specific cockatiel anymore since it was already bought and was starting to bond with me. I get it but also sad because I love that cockatiel. Is it wrong for me to hope the people who bought it never come to pick him up or something? I know it's always "i would like to make ALL the birds home" but I would be seriously thrilled to take care of this little guy.
On a sadder note, we had a bird die yesterday. He was a baby conure and we had him out and he was doing good for a couple hours just chilling and suddenly he took first flight right into a door and we couldn't bring him back from it. Owner tried CPR and we had him for a second but lots him again. It's bound to happen when caring for animals but it's still not fun..
On a better note; our military macaw, Ollie, let me pick him up and cuddle him for a bit. he's super sweet when he's not on his stand.
I get that! I fall in love with animals at pet shops when I just visit! let alone being around them all day.

It's unfortunate but it does happen, it's why birds in the wild have multiple young, in case one does do that. That's essentially what happened with Ozzy, he just didn't understand how to fly properly and spooked him self into a wall
Aww I am sad to hear about the conure...I suppose it happens.

Wonder if clipping weaned babies would help just so there aren't more of those incidents. As important as fledging is, I would hate to have you see it happen again and again with babies that think they can go through windows. My Ember is clipped but can still fly around the room, though there is not much lift after a couple seconds. As his flight feathers come in he will learn to fly better. But maybe something to think about for new birds if the owner is okay with it. I know some people are against it, but I have had it happen to me too, one of my newly weaned whiteface pearls took her first flight...right into a window and didn't make it. I think a clip would've saved her life honestly, but not everyone is a fan of clipping young birds.
The baby wasn't even weaned yet i don't think, I think he was still on one feeding a day. I could be wrong about that though as I am obviously not the one feeding the babies.

Yeah I'm.. debating the clipping bit. I think it's important that a bird learns to fly and it's best to do that when they're still young, but there's also lots of danger around it as I saw yesterday.
the thing with clipping when still weaning is as we know the chest muscles don't develop nor do the air sacs and some key confidence they need at that age.

On top of that all it does is delay learning to fly until they're in someone's house where they understand flight even less then. It's the unfortunate danger of a parrot growing up is they have the trial of flight where they need to figure out quick if they can do it
Kachina looks to *probably* be a Catalina, possibly even a Catablu... that is, Scarlet x Blue and Gold hybrid.

The Greenwing x Blue and Golds tend to have a much more red coloration, but the Catalinas also are usually more orangey... unless this bird is a second gen hybrid that looks mostly blue and gold.

Looks like a great place to work! And sounds great, too! (as in, better than my local bird store!)
Can they add those tiny little dot things to Windows and glass? They are very tiny and people look through them easily but birds see them.....such a sad loss. I know you want a cockatiel so I hope you find one.... So much fun to have a job like you do
I don't think the dots would have made much of a difference, it was a first flight so the baby just took off with no real objective and likely wouldn't have been able to turn itself away from the door even if it realized it was a solid object.

And.. .. there's a cockatiel i REALLY want but problem is, he's already bought. But he's been sitting in the shop "bought" for awhile now and I've been told if it goes on much longer he'll go up for sale again. I just need to convince my parents... they think I can't handle the responsibility.. which I really really could, like cmon now.
Kachina looks to *probably* be a Catalina, possibly even a Catablu... that is, Scarlet x Blue and Gold hybrid.

The Greenwing x Blue and Golds tend to have a much more red coloration, but the Catalinas also are usually more orangey... unless this bird is a second gen hybrid that looks mostly blue and gold.

Looks like a great place to work! And sounds great, too! (as in, better than my local bird store!)
Catablu macaws are very similar to B&G I'd say Kachina is more similar to the catalina macaw. Or maybe something other? Hybrid Macaws, About Hybrid Macaw Parrots, Types of Hybrid Macaws

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