Heating blanket around cage for winter?


Dec 17, 2021
Hello guys :) hope u have a good day, its nearly winter time and temperatures are dropping and im trying to find a solution for my cockatiels, cz temperatures are low in winter in my country (15c degrees daytime and night time like 8c sometimes 4c) i was using heater with 2000w of consumption and i had it on day and night to keep 20-25c inside the room but its too expensive, so i was wondering if its okay to cover the cage with a heating blanket, for sure i will make it optimal so they don’t chew the blanket or cables etc. any ideas are welcome thanks for your time 🙏🏼
and also to keep the birds warm, they love those birdie heaters that go inside the cage. they love to cuddle against it, and it's not that expensive overall. this is the one i use. (sorry a rather long link)


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