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Oct 8, 2024
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Cockatiels (Pixie, another on the way!)

hey guys i recently got a cockatiel, i got told it was a female. she is a lutino coated cockatiel. at the moment she is in a fairly small cage but don't worry i ordered a huge cage from amazon plus Shes almost never in her cage. Her name is Pixie, and she is a little brat (just kidding) she really LOVES jewellery and enjoys chewing on it, but i have stopped wearing jewellery around her because i read somewhere that she can get intoxicated and possibly pass away. She has met a lot of people for example my friends and family. When i go to take her out of the cage she nips my fingers and screams, i have started to let her come out on her own and she has stopped nipping. She also isn't loud; she does a few chirps but other than that she doesn't really do a lot.

CAN YOU PLEASE TELL ME ABOUTT UR COCKATIEL!! i want to see and hear about everyone experience as I'm enjoying mine very much.

my friend is getting a bird in about 2-3 week, her options are a cockatiel or ring neck. If you have any advice Youd like me to share with her, please let me know. i also wanted to know if it's good or bad to bring her around another bird at least once every 1-2 months. in the future I'll probably get a male cockatiel just to understand the different personalities and experience a male. I may also breed in the future once I'm not so new to the bird things.

when i got Pixie, the person clipped one of her wings, so she didn't fly away on our first day, which i hate to say but I'm glad they did because she used to try and fly away all the time. when she is able to fly again i have a harness ready so she can experience the outside world for herself, as she already does now

1. how do i tell if my bird is bonded to me?
2. what advice do you have for people new to owning a bird?
3. How big should a cockatiel cage be?
4. how do i tell the difference between male and female cockatiels? (p.s my bird has very noticeable barring under her tail, and she has a wide area below, not sure of what its called but the person i got her from said that.)
5. why won't my cockatiel bathe and is it okay to spray water on them instead? (She has a bird bath connected to her cage but doesn't go in it)
6. How do i start to train my bird?
7. what tricks should i train her?

Thank you very much for ready all of that (if you did!)
So, sounds like you and your friend are really enjoying birds. Clip both of her wings.. it’s safer. Sometimes birds are just sleepy. They play, take naps, etc. I have found that having a bird basket for them to perch on when they are with you helps some. The paper towel goes in the bottom, toys can be hung on it, etc. She may be a bit overwhelmed. Try offering special food like stem millet or Bird Street Bist
So, sounds like you and your friend are really enjoying birds. Clip both of her wings.. it’s safer. Sometimes birds are just sleepy. They play, take naps, etc. I have found that having a bird basket for them to perch on when they are with you helps some. The paper towel goes in the bottom, toys can be hung on it, etc. She may be a bit overwhelmed. Try offering special food like stem millet or Bird Street Bists
she has started to get better with her flying! do wings grow back because i want her to be able to fly? and are cockatiel sleepovers okay or does it make the birds lonley when they leave?
she has started to get better with her flying! do wings grow back because i want her to be able to fly? and are cockatiel sleepovers okay or does it make the birds lonley when they leave?
First- yes, flight feathers grow back. It usually takes between 9 and 12 weeks. Please take safety precautions with fully flighted cockatiels. They are fast escapees, windows, mirrors, and glass doors can cause concussions, broken necks, etc. second question- Cockatiels are “flock” birds. They do well with other cockatiels. Once they get to know each other and become friends ( 3 minutes to 3 weeks) they will enjoy get togethers. They do get sad when separated from friends and mates.

hey guys i recently got a cockatiel, i got told it was a female. she is a lutino coated cockatiel. at the moment she is in a fairly small cage but don't worry i ordered a huge cage from amazon plus Shes almost never in her cage. Her name is Pixie, and she is a little brat (just kidding) she really LOVES jewellery and enjoys chewing on it, but i have stopped wearing jewellery around her because i read somewhere that she can get intoxicated and possibly pass away. She has met a lot of people for example my friends and family. When i go to take her out of the cage she nips my fingers and screams, i have started to let her come out on her own and she has stopped nipping. She also isn't loud; she does a few chirps but other than that she doesn't really do a lot.

CAN YOU PLEASE TELL ME ABOUTT UR COCKATIEL!! i want to see and hear about everyone experience as I'm enjoying mine very much.

my friend is getting a bird in about 2-3 week, her options are a cockatiel or ring neck. If you have any advice Youd like me to share with her, please let me know. i also wanted to know if it's good or bad to bring her around another bird at least once every 1-2 months. in the future I'll probably get a male cockatiel just to understand the different personalities and experience a male. I may also breed in the future once I'm not so new to the bird things.

when i got Pixie, the person clipped one of her wings, so she didn't fly away on our first day, which i hate to say but I'm glad they did because she used to try and fly away all the time. when she is able to fly again i have a harness ready so she can experience the outside world for herself, as she already does now

1. how do i tell if my bird is bonded to me?
2. what advice do you have for people new to owning a bird?
3. How big should a cockatiel cage be?
4. how do i tell the difference between male and female cockatiels? (p.s my bird has very noticeable barring under her tail, and she has a wide area below, not sure of what its called but the person i got her from said that.)
5. why won't my cockatiel bathe and is it okay to spray water on them instead? (She has a bird bath connected to her cage but doesn't go in it)
6. How do i start to train my bird?
7. what tricks should i train her?

Thank you very much for ready all of that (if you did!)
Not an expert only my opinion , The cage is her/His territory , Takes time they'll accept you & Bond . They WILL allow you in . Wings , Long ago I got Parrakeets First Before Parrots to see would I spend enough time with them . , one day one of my Parrakeets flew out of the room & Didn't come back in . I went into the Bathroom and He was in the Toilet , could of Drowned . I think He flew into the Medicine cabinet Mirror or the window and Wrecked , So I believe clipping their wings is a safety practice , also for flying out the Door & loosing them . Some people Believe they should be allowed to Fly . He Is little & Fast .
Hi! Just thought I would put my two cents in... Not a cockatiel mom, but I have a green cheek, a little bigger, but similar.
I'm glad you want your girl to be able to fly, and I see a lot of people suggesting clipping her wings.
I'm sure you already know, but a clipped bird who escapes outside can fly with the right gust of wind, so clipping will not totally solve that problem.
Flight is important because birds need exercise- a lot of birds who don't fly can become overweight and it is simply better for their health to be active, as it is with any human.
Another thing- clipping a bird can cause your bird to injure itself- they will try to fly but can fall to the ground and injure themselves.
As for mirrors and windows, you should teach your bird what they are- I hold my birds close to it, then just encourage tapping and train them to realize what it is; it's something you definately need to do with all birds.
Maybe I'm a little biased against clipping because I had to re-teach my GCC, Henry, how to fly again because he had been clipped for so long that he forgot how to fly...
Honestly, it beats me why people who have one of the only pets that fly advocate for taking away their ability-- (of course, unless there is a medical issue or agression)

I think the most important advice I can possibly give you is to wait before you decide to get another bird. This is one of the biggest mistakes I made, as I adopted two budgies and a GCC within a couple months, and it quickly became a whole lot of work... it caused a lot of heartache and many very close calls to rehoming, but I'm glad I pulled through and kept them all. I'm assuming this is the first bird you've owned, and most of us bird people quickly develop the MBS (multiple bird syndrome).
I would advise to wait, at least a few months, and fully bond and train your bird, make sure they're completely healthy (vet bills are NOT a joke- even just for one bird)
Okay, breeding-- not an expert, obviously-- I believe that if you want to breed birds, you should have a whole lot of experience with birds already. (Right now I'm in a predicament of one of my budgies trying to laying infertile eggs, which is honestly a living nightmare.)
If you desire to breed birds, but also want a close relationship with them... eh... I'm not sure that's possible. As two breeder birds bond to each other, they often (what I've reasearched) can become over territorial of each other, of eggs, which can and will definately change your relationship with them. Also, there is no garuntee that your girl will want to bond and mate with another random male cockatiel. And eggbinding. I would recommend reading this.
Okay. Last thing I'll say.
I would not recommend frequently exposing your bird to another bird in a different household as diseases and sicknesses can be spread rapidly, sometimes even if both are vet checked.
I hope this helps you in some way; I totally get where you're at, and I wish you all the best with your girl. <3

hey guys i recently got a cockatiel, i got told it was a female. she is a lutino coated cockatiel. at the moment she is in a fairly small cage but don't worry i ordered a huge cage from amazon plus Shes almost never in her cage. Her name is Pixie, and she is a little brat (just kidding) she really LOVES jewellery and enjoys chewing on it, but i have stopped wearing jewellery around her because i read somewhere that she can get intoxicated and possibly pass away. She has met a lot of people for example my friends and family. When i go to take her out of the cage she nips my fingers and screams, i have started to let her come out on her own and she has stopped nipping. She also isn't loud; she does a few chirps but other than that she doesn't really do a lot.

CAN YOU PLEASE TELL ME ABOUTT UR COCKATIEL!! i want to see and hear about everyone experience as I'm enjoying mine very much.

my friend is getting a bird in about 2-3 week, her options are a cockatiel or ring neck. If you have any advice Youd like me to share with her, please let me know. i also wanted to know if it's good or bad to bring her around another bird at least once every 1-2 months. in the future I'll probably get a male cockatiel just to understand the different personalities and experience a male. I may also breed in the future once I'm not so new to the bird things.

when i got Pixie, the person clipped one of her wings, so she didn't fly away on our first day, which i hate to say but I'm glad they did because she used to try and fly away all the time. when she is able to fly again i have a harness ready so she can experience the outside world for herself, as she already does now

1. how do i tell if my bird is bonded to me?
2. what advice do you have for people new to owning a bird?
3. How big should a cockatiel cage be?
4. how do i tell the difference between male and female cockatiels? (p.s my bird has very noticeable barring under her tail, and she has a wide area below, not sure of what its called but the person i got her from said that.)
5. why won't my cockatiel bathe and is it okay to spray water on them instead? (She has a bird bath connected to her cage but doesn't go in it)
6. How do i start to train my bird?
7. what tricks should i train her?

Thank you very much for ready all of that (if you did!)
1 bonding you will know she will always watch you when u walk in a room you will be her only concern, I have had a few different kinds of birds cockatoo is one kind, there not very loud birds unlike Amazon's cockatoos , macaws . As far as baths I have a white faced Amazon hes 48 he been in out family since he was 5 any who he's not the only one that does this quite a lot bath when you vacuum around the cage something about vacuuming well your clear there cage so I guess it makes some sense an he uses his water dish, let me know if u try the vacuum.

hey guys i recently got a cockatiel, i got told it was a female. she is a lutino coated cockatiel. at the moment she is in a fairly small cage but don't worry i ordered a huge cage from amazon plus Shes almost never in her cage. Her name is Pixie, and she is a little brat (just kidding) she really LOVES jewellery and enjoys chewing on it, but i have stopped wearing jewellery around her because i read somewhere that she can get intoxicated and possibly pass away. She has met a lot of people for example my friends and family. When i go to take her out of the cage she nips my fingers and screams, i have started to let her come out on her own and she has stopped nipping. She also isn't loud; she does a few chirps but other than that she doesn't really do a lot.

CAN YOU PLEASE TELL ME ABOUTT UR COCKATIEL!! i want to see and hear about everyone experience as I'm enjoying mine very much.

my friend is getting a bird in about 2-3 week, her options are a cockatiel or ring neck. If you have any advice Youd like me to share with her, please let me know. i also wanted to know if it's good or bad to bring her around another bird at least once every 1-2 months. in the future I'll probably get a male cockatiel just to understand the different personalities and experience a male. I may also breed in the future once I'm not so new to the bird things.

when i got Pixie, the person clipped one of her wings, so she didn't fly away on our first day, which i hate to say but I'm glad they did because she used to try and fly away all the time. when she is able to fly again i have a harness ready so she can experience the outside world for herself, as she already does now

1. how do i tell if my bird is bonded to me?
2. what advice do you have for people new to owning a bird?
3. How big should a cockatiel cage be?
4. how do i tell the difference between male and female cockatiels? (p.s my bird has very noticeable barring under her tail, and she has a wide area below, not sure of what its called but the person i got her from said that.)
5. why won't my cockatiel bathe and is it okay to spray water on them instead? (She has a bird bath connected to her cage but doesn't go in it)
6. How do i start to train my bird?
7. what tricks should i train her?

Thank you very much for ready all of that (if you did!)
Hello…. I used to raise Cockatiels for a friends bird shop. I had several who were escape artists…. I ended up getting small locks to put on their cages. They were named Houdini, Copperfield, Merlin and Mandrake. I always kept my Tiels wings clipped. It was an adventure and I learned alot. In all the time I raised them I only got 1 normal grey. I had a pair that always produced 2 solid white, 1 lutino, 1 WF pied and 1 Cinnamon WF pearl pied. When they paired up Male was a WF visual and Female was a visual Cinnamon Pearl Pied. It was fun. I enjoyed watching them…. I always interacted with them.
I Don't know as much as some of these people . For Bathing Maybe get a Shallow Bowl with water and put in Spinach or Dandelion leaves , Shallow Not Deep enough to Drown , I feel you should get a cage as Big as you can with proper bar spacing , and maybe longer than Higher if you want them to exercise flying . But you did say She's out Most of the time . You Can spray them on the lowest MIST , Not stream , But of course she may not like it or be scared you will be able to tell . I have a little Timneh He LOVES it ! Bonded she will , and watch you and want to be with you sitting on you and Head scratches . For right now the cage is her territory / nest whatever , I Think eventually you will be allowed in . I used to have an Eclectus that Loved showers , But my house now has too much water pressure in the shower for a Bird .
1 bonding you will know she will always watch you when u walk in a room you will be her only concern, I have had a few different kinds of birds cockatoo is one kind, there not very loud birds unlike Amazon's cockatoos , macaws . As far as baths I have a white faced Amazon hes 48 he been in out family since he was 5 any who he's not the only one that does this quite a lot bath when you vacuum around the cage something about vacuuming well your clear there cage so I guess it makes some sense an he uses his water dish, let me know if u try the vacuum.
I personally think it's easy to know if they bonded I have a white faced Amazon an he never takes his eyes or eye off me when I'm around unless ofcourse he falls asleep or if I'm still like watching TV or on my phone soon as I move a muscle he knows he's perks back up an got his 👁️ back on me lol, no one can pick him up from me without getting bit, also birds do not see well in the dark or even a night light can be scary to them mine has a night light for night time but dnt u dare try to touch him in a unlighted area even when I walk thru a dark area of the house I can feel him grip more he bit me once birds have different bite grips they eventually know what hurts u an what dnt they will use that to there advantage playing verses mad mine had drew blood on others with me he gives warnings all birds get grumpy just like us maybe more so they all have different temperaments. Baths are important I didn't read anything about bathing? Burt is my parrots name normal only baths when I run the sweeper near his cage an change his papers so I prolong my sweeping I normally get wet 😂, as far as flight every bird owner has a different opinion on should u clip or shouldn't u but always clip both not just ones. Yes they grow back every bird is different on how fast or slow the wings grow back like the mod said. Mine does get clipped Burt that's mines name is in his '40s an always been clipped I personally think it's safer again my opinion I take him outside he doesn't wear a harness he's never been taught but like she said tho even with clipped depending on how long ago he or she was clipped the right gust if wind he ir she can be gone we lost a cockatoo that way she wasn't ours for very long day I a tree for days and then left an never seen again😔 I was a teen an it was my mom's bird, my mom past this past March an I inherited burt full time she got him when I was a teen I'm 51 now I didn't see hi. For over 5 years till that day I went in her place to take him home an it was like I never left he imprint on me an never looked back luckily he didn't go thru depression. I have to end this short . Sending good vibes and lots patience.

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