Harness Trainings/Outings


New member
Mar 28, 2024
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Two budgies currently.
Hey! I'm currently researching bird species that might be right for us, and cockatiels are high on the list. One thing that we would really like to factor in is the potential for a bird that can be harness trained to come out of the house with us sometimes! I know cockatiels can be more on the flighty side, so wanted to come on here and ask for first hand experiences and see what people have experienced harness training cockatiels and if you've had success taking them on outings/adventures at all?
Thanks in advance!
My cockatiel doesn't like the harness so I stopped trying to train him cos it was making him unhappy.
Not to say that all cockatoels are like that
I think any parrot can be trained to accept a harness. It took me about a year, of every night work with Salty to be comfortable wearing a harness, and we still practice it almost every night some 8 years later. The key is to go slowly, at the parrots pace and not yours. Not easy but it can be done.

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