Great training advice in the Amazon forum

Bird Mann

Active member
Sep 27, 2023
Maple Ridge BC
I care for and manage a bonded pair of Parrotlets.
Just want to say I really enjoyed reading all the excellent advice regards to biting and not
letting them be bossy etc. it's really worth the read, the advice applies to our smarty pants
Parrotlets too. I think Parrotlets are like mini me Amazons lol, anyone think that?

Happy Tuesday everyone,

Laurie aka BirdMann
Absolutely! Mini-'zons is a good way to describe them. Plus they have the braggadocio of tiny birds who think they are macaws! I had a beebee parrot, same size as a p'lett, who used to kick cockatoo ass at the bird shop communal play area.
Absolutely! Mini-'zons is a good way to describe them. Plus they have the braggadocio of tiny birds who think they are macaws! I had a beebee parrot, same size as a p'lett, who used to kick cockatoo ass at the bird shop communal play area.
Parrotlets should come with little leather jackets, with studs and chains and lets not forget the mini leather boots to kick flufferbutts. They really do think they are BIG birds. I am glad they like me, man if they didn't it would be horrible haha. :)

Laurie aka BirdMann
Just want to say I really enjoyed reading all the excellent advice regards to biting and not
letting them be bossy etc. it's really worth the read, the advice applies to our smarty pants
Parrotlets too. I think Parrotlets are like mini me Amazons lol, anyone think that?

Happy Tuesday everyone,

Laurie aka BirdMann
How do you stop them from being bossy?
How do you stop them from being bossy?
I’m not sure you can, but try redirecting maybe. I guess it depends on what you mean by bossy. Trick training helps keep their big brains engaged and is an easy way to distract them from bad behavior. But at some level , you have to accept the little terrors for who they are.
I’m not sure you can, but try redirecting maybe. I guess it depends on what you mean by bossy. Trick training helps keep their big brains engaged and is an easy way to distract them from bad behavior. But at some level , you have to accept the little terrors for who they are.
How do you stop them from being bossy?
Maybe smarts rather than bossy, for example if they call for attention and it always results in a yummy treat they know that works, and will do it often., soon you can feel like a pez dispensor. your bird has trained you :) If you set a pattern they will use it. it's training even when we don't realize we are training.....there is a lot in the way we respond, or not. I have made it so when I choose to approach their house I ask for a mimic and then I give a treat ( then he does this little flamigo flutter with his wings so cute!) - so it was my idea and he had to do something to get a reward. They are huge in temperament and smarts for their tiny size.
I am learning all the time, so are they! :)
Which videos do you mean? Regardless, the short answer is probably yes.

By the way, it's parrotlet (pronounced parrot-let).
Which videos do you mean? Regardless, the short answer is probably yes.

By the way, it's parrotlet (pronounced parrot-let).
lol thank you i do pronounce it spelling however leaves very much to be desired! i have filled entire notebooks with the spelling of just one word in the hopes of being able to spell it correctly!!! needless to say it hasnt worked....i tend to not join fourms for the most part because of my spelling but i feel its to important for ladyhawk that i learn as much as i can about parrotlets and the best way to care for and train all i can do is try my best ask husband to be how to spell a word when hes around and hope and pray people will be able to understand what i am trying to say.... i know it takes a LOT of paticence but please bear ( yes wrong spelling but spikes in the gragre...)with me as much as you can. i am smarter then my spelling makes me seem lol..i try to use only words i can at least get close to spelling. my siblings love reading my letters back to me the way they are written....and yes they do sound funny. i am learning a LOT here....i have removed the spray mallet from ladyhawks cage and thank God she has found her food dish and is eating from it!!! i have also gotten a wooden spoon ( one of my new ones that has never been used) to put treats in so i dont put my hand in the cage...she has even started comming over to the side of the cage thats next to my llivingroom chair... her cage is next to my chair... spike will be going to town today and iv asked him to get me a clicker or bell or someting like it to use when she does someting good....and iv saved the recipe on here for chop.....spike took a picture of ladyhawk and i will try to get it off the camra and post a picture of her here soon... ahh just noticed ladyhawk trying to lift the door of her food dish get some bread ties and tie it and the water dish doors down she is not the first bird to have figured out how to open those doors
ahh done i searched my craft room and found a large (for her) magnet much safer then the bread ties iv had to use in the i just put it on the outside at the top of the doors to her food and water dishes.... the doors lift up to take the dishes out to be filled... the spray mallet is out of the cage and i have a wooden spoon to give her treats from so my hand isnt in her cage......and she is once again at her food dishe and eating yea!!! i have kale and carrot here to but didnt put it in her food dish...i'll use those for treats to.. i am VERY sensitive about safe places and NOTHING would make me invaid anyone s safe place.... you see im agoraphobic my SAFE place being my home...i have a little teacup yorkie as a service dog which helps me get out from time to time....right now im working on going to church on ladyhawk has her safe place to herself with no intrusions...hopefuly when spike goes to the store he will be able to find clicker or bell or something i can use for that purpuse... if not i'll see what i can find on line iv been looking on line for parrolet toys on line maybe there be a clicker or bell i can order as well... and now to do more reading!!!
Rest assured you are doing fine and I have no problem reading or understanding your posts.
Sounds like you are doing well and right IMHO just take your time. Talk to her like you would another person or child. You can read to her (I used to gentle cattle that way) or sing, Just being near her is great.
My grey has been with us for almost 7 years and is just now starting to accept the BOSS (wife). It was over 2 years before she would even vocalize or talk when the BOSS was in the house. Some take longer than others to get comfortable.
thank you so much! human bird cat dog or other im mom lol espically since my children are now grown and bossy shy scared or just unsure it all takes time and paticence ladyhawk is getting comfortable in her new home has today begun to explore her home... i made sure to get the curly pearch typ thing she had in the store as that was what she was sitting on and they gave me the other toy that was in her cage... thees a couple of little mirrors on the cage which she basically just ignores a swing and a couple rings hooked together hanging from the top...she will get more toys as time goes by right now im just going slow and letting her take her time. every so often i walk up to the cage and talk softly to her and offer her some cale or carrot from the wooden spoon....for the first time today she actually came over to the side of the cage that is right next to my chair to hang out and by this evening she even turned around so she could see me lol i guess she figures if i can spend half the day looking at her its only far that she does the same!!! lol i dont know what time they covered her in the store so i cover her between 8 and 9 pm iv always wanted a parrot...but there out of my price range i was delighted to discover the parrolets.... iv had parrakets ad cocitails...and iv loved them all but a parrolet is new to me so as always its reserach research research!!! im looking around for something i can put on the bottom of her cage to use as a bath it has to be shallow...but not flat may have to take another trip to the pet store.... and oh yes ladyhawk has even started to chrip today.... we are making little yorkie climbed on to the arm of my chair and strained her neck trying to see what was making that chriping noise lol dont worry she cant reach the home has always been full of animals of all kinds.... i had an afrain tort until recently but had to give her up when it became to hard for me to take care of her.... it was mainly taking her out of her house and putting her in her soaking tub...which was getting a bit to heavy for me to manage....but i found her a great home with a tort lover who has several torts and i hear she is thriving there and quite happy....dosnt make missing her any easer but i am glad she is getting the kind of care she desirvers...and has other torts to hang around with. with all the other animals here i cant give ladyhawk an opened cage so she can come and go as she pleases but when we have had a bit of time to get to know each other the cat will be locked in her room and the dogs will be put in the wood shop ( they have beds food water and toys in there as they like to be in there when im doing my woodworking...i would have thought the noise from the saw drills and lath would bother there ears but they dont seem to mind it ...and the door is always opened so they can leave if they want to. she will be allowed to come out of her cage and explore the kitchen livingroom airea... im looking for a rod to put up at hall enterence so i can hang a curtin across it when shes out...
ok thats easy enough she dosnt mess with them anyway....the just left over from the last time i had cocatials....took everything out washed them and then put them back in will take them out might give more room for other toys or something who knows im still learning lol
Sounds like you're doing great and making lots of progress! I'm glad you plan to keep ladyhawk completely separated from the other pets when she finally gets to come out for playtime.

I wouldn't save the kale and carrots for treats-they need lots of fresh veggies in their diet.
lol thank you i do pronounce it spelling however leaves very much to be desired! i have filled entire notebooks with the spelling of just one word in the hopes of being able to spell it correctly!!! needless to say it hasnt worked....i tend to not join fourms for the most part because of my spelling but i feel its to important for ladyhawk that i learn as much as i can about parrotlets and the best way to care for and train all i can do is try my best ask husband to be how to spell a word when hes around and hope and pray people will be able to understand what i am trying to say.... i know it takes a LOT of paticence but please bear ( yes wrong spelling but spikes in the gragre...)with me as much as you can. i am smarter then my spelling makes me seem lol..i try to use only words i can at least get close to spelling. my siblings love reading my letters back to me the way they are written....and yes they do sound funny. i am learning a LOT here....i have removed the spray mallet from ladyhawks cage and thank God she has found her food dish and is eating from it!!! i have also gotten a wooden spoon ( one of my new ones that has never been used) to put treats in so i dont put my hand in the cage...she has even started comming over to the side of the cage thats next to my llivingroom chair... her cage is next to my chair... spike will be going to town today and iv asked him to get me a clicker or bell or someting like it to use when she does someting good....and iv saved the recipe on here for chop.....spike took a picture of ladyhawk and i will try to get it off the camra and post a picture of her here soon... ahh just noticed ladyhawk trying to lift the door of her food dish get some bread ties and tie it and the water dish doors down she is not the first bird to have figured out how to open those doors
No worries about your spelling. Spelling is one of those things that some are great at but some just aren't and it has little to do with education. Some say reading a lot helps and I agree up to a point but my ex was an Ivy League college English major and a heavy reader but bad at spelling. I'm a really good speller but a really lousy typist so my posts have spelling errors, too.
I think you can buy animal training clickers at most pet stores and online. People use to to train dogs all the time. I wouldn't use a bell because bird toys often have bells in them and you want a sound that they will only associate with their training.
Sounds like you're doing great and making lots of progress! I'm glad you plan to keep ladyhawk completely separated from the other pets when she finally gets to come out for playtime.

I wouldn't save the kale and carrots for treats-they need lots of fresh veggies in their diet.
thanks and yes the kale and carrots went in her food dish this morning with a small amount of seed...all they had in the pet store in teh dish was im gradully switching it over.... after my coffee i'll take the mirrors out and then wait a bit and put some mallet on the wooden spoon for her as a treat... right now we just want to make her feel safe and learn to trust me.... iv had birds since i was 16 mom got me a parrkit for my 16 birthday as my mothering instincts wore cropping up...since then iv had cokatials... like i said always wanted a parrot but there out of my price range ..... when i discovered parrolets i was thrilled!! so started saving lol already had a big cage so had most everything expnisve that i needed iv always had multi animals in my home once i became an adult...the puppies have learned to leave the cat alone and theres a gate across the hall so she can jump over it and go to her room if they seem to be annoying the teacup yorkie has been swated a couple times with claws in but the bread is stubbern so so far she hasnt got the message lol eventually shell get swated with claws out but gently at first...weve had the cat a long time lol so shes delt with puppies before .... although iv seen them playing a few times and ivy the cat is no angle either there are times when the dogs are just lying sleeping and shell creep up to one of them and then pounce!! lol and the chase is on until i get the cat and lock her in her room for about an hour which is no real pushment as she spends most of her time in there anyway lol its the just not being able t ocome out when she wants to lol like sending children to there rooms for misbehaving....its the fact that they HAVE to stay in the room that bothers them lol
No worries about your spelling. Spelling is one of those things that some are great at but some just aren't and it has little to do with education. Some say reading a lot helps and I agree up to a point but my ex was an Ivy League college English major and a heavy reader but bad at spelling. I'm a really good speller but a really lousy typist so my posts have spelling errors, too.
I think you can buy animal training clickers at most pet stores and online. People use to to train dogs all the time. I wouldn't use a bell because bird toys often have bells in them and you want a sound that they will only associate with their training.
ahh yes your right...i'll look on line for animal training clickers.... i think for ladyhawk a clicker would defently be best.....iv never used them when training my dogs as a treet usuly works best at least for me.....these days my training of them is mostly just sit stay come when your called and go potty OUTSIDE! my 2 year old rescued shitzoo is having a hard time with that one....who ever owned before me evedently didnt train her to go outside but shes learning slowly but surely shes learning and nw its time to get off here and get something down around the house before spike asks me if im EVER going to get off the computer lol
ahh done i searched my craft room and found a large (for her) magnet much safer then the bread ties iv had to use in the i just put it on the outside at the top of the doors to her food and water dishes.... the doors lift up to take the dishes out to be filled... the spray mallet is out of the cage and i have a wooden spoon to give her treats from so my hand isnt in her cage......and she is once again at her food dishe and eating yea!!! i have kale and carrot here to but didnt put it in her food dish...i'll use those for treats to.. i am VERY sensitive about safe places and NOTHING would make me invaid anyone s safe place.... you see im agoraphobic my SAFE place being my home...i have a little teacup yorkie as a service dog which helps me get out from time to time....right now im working on going to church on ladyhawk has her safe place to herself with no intrusions...hopefuly when spike goes to the store he will be able to find clicker or bell or something i can use for that purpuse... if not i'll see what i can find on line iv been looking on line for parrolet toys on line maybe there be a clicker or bell i can order as well... and now to do more reading!!!
Excellent in keeping environment as safe as possible. Good luck finding toys. Keep an open mind and especially use your imagination. That'll help keep you alert for potential danger. It'll also aid in you picking out fun and stimulating toys.
Parrotlets should come with little leather jackets, with studs and chains and lets not forget the mini leather boots to kick flufferbutts. They really do think they are BIG birds. I am glad they like me, man if they didn't it would be horribl

Laurie aka BirdMann
This post reminded me of a picture of my baby budgie Joey at two weeks looking like such a tough little guy! The way she posed with her wings back and her chest and crop puffed out like a little gangster!

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