Bird Mann
Active member
I have a food question for the wise ones 
My birds (two parrotlets) readily eat Roudybush mini, ( it's supposed to be a good one)
Can I remove their seed mix ? Abba 1600 small hookbill.
They also have available almost/or every day:
-a millet stalk to nibble on.
-Broccoli button fresh daily (they pick from the whole flower it's not chopped up
If the fruit is in season they get a piece to try, strawberries, apples, berries, pomegranate.
-They eat all kinds of seed cores from peppers, but they don't care for the flesh, bells, jalapeno, sarrano, chillies, ghosts .banana, any pepper that looks interesting we buy haha.
I've tried giving dandy lions and pansies but no eat..
-I make them sprouts from soak seed they get for about 4-5 days a week .
-Sometimes I give them cole slaw mix which is shredded cabbages purple, green
and some shredded raw carrot.,(I've read about the uncooked carrots)
I also give them bird clay, it looks like grit but it's clay - they love it like it's candy.
They have cuttle, and mineral blocks (and the beak ones with no nutrition.)
I also have one more question. I gave them as toys three thumb sized silicone/kidsafe plastic alligators
which are green and look like geccos., my girl will attack them to play with holding one in one foot while going at another with her beak., I wonder if in the wild if tiny lizards would be
a food source they immediately caught their interest and continue to entertain they treat
them like prey really enjoy I wonder!
I tried the chop thing, and it was not a birds are super picky, produce has
to be perfectly fresh and tasty or they will not touch it, if food is wet they flick it.
So is seed needed here?
So I just found out I was correct! re the little alligator lizard toys that
are attacked like prey one held tight in a foot the others neck chomped and flipped around....this from a website I am looking at for what they eat in the wild:
"In addition to insects, parrotlets may also consume small reptiles and amphibians. This includes creatures such as lizards, frogs, and even small snakes. Parrotlets are known to have a voracious appetite and will hunt these small animals if given the opportunity."
Very cool...I knew it had to be.

My birds (two parrotlets) readily eat Roudybush mini, ( it's supposed to be a good one)
Can I remove their seed mix ? Abba 1600 small hookbill.
They also have available almost/or every day:
-a millet stalk to nibble on.
-Broccoli button fresh daily (they pick from the whole flower it's not chopped up
If the fruit is in season they get a piece to try, strawberries, apples, berries, pomegranate.
-They eat all kinds of seed cores from peppers, but they don't care for the flesh, bells, jalapeno, sarrano, chillies, ghosts .banana, any pepper that looks interesting we buy haha.
I've tried giving dandy lions and pansies but no eat..
-I make them sprouts from soak seed they get for about 4-5 days a week .
-Sometimes I give them cole slaw mix which is shredded cabbages purple, green
and some shredded raw carrot.,(I've read about the uncooked carrots)
I also give them bird clay, it looks like grit but it's clay - they love it like it's candy.
They have cuttle, and mineral blocks (and the beak ones with no nutrition.)
I also have one more question. I gave them as toys three thumb sized silicone/kidsafe plastic alligators
which are green and look like geccos., my girl will attack them to play with holding one in one foot while going at another with her beak., I wonder if in the wild if tiny lizards would be
a food source they immediately caught their interest and continue to entertain they treat
them like prey really enjoy I wonder!
I tried the chop thing, and it was not a birds are super picky, produce has
to be perfectly fresh and tasty or they will not touch it, if food is wet they flick it.
So is seed needed here?
So I just found out I was correct! re the little alligator lizard toys that
are attacked like prey one held tight in a foot the others neck chomped and flipped around....this from a website I am looking at for what they eat in the wild:
The Natural Diet Of Parrotlets: Exploring What Foods They Eat In The Wild | PetShun
In their natural habitat, parrotlets enjoy a diverse diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, seeds, and insects. Learn more about what these small but mighty birds eat in the wild and how to provide a balanced diet for pet parrotlets.

"In addition to insects, parrotlets may also consume small reptiles and amphibians. This includes creatures such as lizards, frogs, and even small snakes. Parrotlets are known to have a voracious appetite and will hunt these small animals if given the opportunity."
Very cool...I knew it had to be.
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