If my birds eat pellets do they still need a seed mix?

Bird Mann

Active member
Sep 27, 2023
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Maple Ridge BC
I care for and manage a bonded pair of Parrotlets.
I have a food question for the wise ones :)

My birds (two parrotlets) readily eat Roudybush mini, ( it's supposed to be a good one)

Can I remove their seed mix ? Abba 1600 small hookbill.

They also have available almost/or every day:

-a millet stalk to nibble on.
-Broccoli button fresh daily (they pick from the whole flower it's not chopped up
If the fruit is in season they get a piece to try, strawberries, apples, berries, pomegranate.
-They eat all kinds of seed cores from peppers, but they don't care for the flesh, bells, jalapeno, sarrano, chillies, ghosts .banana, any pepper that looks interesting we buy haha.
I've tried giving dandy lions and pansies but no eat..
-I make them sprouts from soak seed they get for about 4-5 days a week .
-Sometimes I give them cole slaw mix which is shredded cabbages purple, green
and some shredded raw carrot.,(I've read about the uncooked carrots)

I also give them bird clay, it looks like grit but it's clay - they love it like it's candy.
They have cuttle, and mineral blocks (and the beak ones with no nutrition.)

I also have one more question. I gave them as toys three thumb sized silicone/kidsafe plastic alligators
which are green and look like geccos., my girl will attack them to play with holding one in one foot while going at another with her beak., I wonder if in the wild if tiny lizards would be
a food source they immediately caught their interest and continue to entertain they treat
them like prey really enjoy these...so I wonder!

I tried the chop thing, and it was not a hit......my birds are super picky, produce has
to be perfectly fresh and tasty or they will not touch it, if food is wet they flick it.

So is seed needed here?


So I just found out I was correct! re the little alligator lizard toys that
are attacked like prey one held tight in a foot the others neck chomped and flipped around....this from a website I am looking at for what they eat in the wild:

"In addition to insects, parrotlets may also consume small reptiles and amphibians. This includes creatures such as lizards, frogs, and even small snakes. Parrotlets are known to have a voracious appetite and will hunt these small animals if given the opportunity."

Very cool...I knew it had to be.
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This sadly depends on who answers as some will say; Yes, only pellets and then there are old timers (like me) who have seen decades pass by.

We target a healthy and wide variety of Veggies as a base. To that we add an excellent cross-section of human grade seeds, nuts, and grasses. To that we will add a 'few' Harrison pellets as a 'diet' supplement!

We do not provide Sun Flower Seeds nor peanuts.

Now, we target only Amazons (New World Parrots) and have switched away from a heavier level of Pellets as we have seen problems with heavy pellet diets as we pay close attention to our Amazon's Blood Chems.
This sadly depends on who answers as some will say; Yes, only pellets and then there are old timers (like me) who have seen decades pass by.

We target a healthy and wide variety of Veggies as a base. To that we add an excellent cross-section of human grade seeds, nuts, and grasses. To that we will add a 'few' Harrison pellets as a 'diet' supplement!

We do not provide Sun Flower Seeds nor peanuts.

Now, we target only Amazons (New World Parrots) and have switched away from a heavier level of Pellets as we have seen problems with heavy pellet diets as we pay close attention to our Amazon's Blood Chems.

Let me guess kidneys? I've witnessed that in the dog world....reason many show breeders have switched to raw feeding. kibbles and pellets both
have grains in them, there was a big problem when they decided moldy grain was good enough for dogs.

I'd like to try a master mix like you describe. I'll check out the chop page
I like the idea of mixing it up with some seed and a few pellets.

Sunflower seeds are not in their food bowls, but I am guilty of using them as friendly treats and to reward my boy for copying what sounds I make. My girl does not care for them. They can cause fatty liver disease so I've

Human grade seeds. yes. I tried to find some on Amazon, no go.
Maybe I'll have better luck at a health food store.
First to find a good recipe. I will check out the chop page.

The bird seed mixes are very disappointing!
Even the 'best'......are dusty and tiny itty bitty 3rd rate looking seeds.
I remember seed I used to pay 79cents for a box and the seed was
beautiful clean and big! first rate!

Parrotlets are old world and new world I just checked.
I didn't know that.

Thanks for your wisdom! now to find a recipe, there's lots here
to look at.

I, too, try to profit from the wisdom of experts. Their advice varies, but the Rickeybird's diet has seen him through 40 years of good health. He has eaten Harrison's pellets since day one, supplemented by fresh healthy treats. My first, and later, my current avian vet recommended it. My bird loves the pellets now, but to get him converted, my avian vet suggested putting pellets out all day, and putting seeds (his old diet) out for two 15-minute periods a day. That would sustain him but leave him hungry enough to try new stuff. I presume the same technique could be used to get him to eat other healthy stuff, like fruits and vegetables! My guy was eating pellets in a couple of days, and now I can feed a good variety of other stuff, knowing he has the pellets as a basic. Pellets are out all day... fresh treats a few times a day. I also like Harrison's via mail because I never have to worry about out-of-date products. Seeds and nuts? Yes, human grade, unsalted... I pick out a few as a treat every day, as well as a big fat HOT red or green chile pepper. He gobbles the seeds first, then eats the flesh during the day. Anyway, that's our story. *I* should eat as well as my bird!
I, too, try to profit from the wisdom of experts. Their advice varies, but the Rickeybird's diet has seen him through 40 years of good health. He has eaten Harrison's pellets since day one, supplemented by fresh healthy treats. My first, and later, my current avian vet recommended it. My bird loves the pellets now, but to get him converted, my avian vet suggested putting pellets out all day, and putting seeds (his old diet) out for two 15-minute periods a day. That would sustain him but leave him hungry enough to try new stuff. I presume the same technique could be used to get him to eat other healthy stuff, like fruits and vegetables! My guy was eating pellets in a couple of days, and now I can feed a good variety of other stuff, knowing he has the pellets as a basic. Pellets are out all day... fresh treats a few times a day. I also like Harrison's via mail because I never have to worry about out-of-date products. Seeds and nuts? Yes, human grade, unsalted... I pick out a few as a treat every day, as well as a big fat HOT red or green chile pepper. He gobbles the seeds first, then eats the flesh during the day. Anyway, that's our story. *I* should eat as well as my bird!
That is a neat trick, they do have pellets out all day and they eat them and and seed, and fresh hot pepper seeds and broccoli. Maybe I take away the pepper flesh away too soon I'll leave it in longer and see.. I want to increase the fresh produce and decrease the seed which will be easy since they like their pellets, I like the idea of variation. My guys wont touch nuts I tried with nice fresh walnuts. I'll put this idea out to my avian vet who we'll be seeing next week., it's so fun watching them eat the the little ghost peppers for the first time! my husband was beside himself haha.
40 years of companionship holy moly. That is pretty special! Happy New Year!
Thanks and Cheers!
Since I have a sun a GCC a quaker and 5 budgies they all get exposed to everything. The conures seem to like the fruits the most and the budgies love the cauliflour and millet but they all jump around between either. SO I dunno I Just put out everything and they bounce around.
Something with a mix of seed, pellets and veggies/fruit is probably best for your cutie. As to what percentage to feed.. it'll differ from person to person. I'm with 'Free as a bird'.. balance is key.
This advise comes from my avian vet.
A balanced diet is always best.
Look at what they eat in the wild, that food source should be always readily available.
I wish I could find out what Parrotlets eat in the wild, I've done a bit of research and can't find anything helpful. More questions for my Avian
vet! Thanks!

New World Parrots are those whom's natural range is within the Americas.

Fruits are a joy, but with Amazon, one must remember to vasty limit Fruits because of their sugar content. Sugar with a dash of hormones is not a positive combination.

The term 'balanced diet' is commonly used and rarely explained. For the owner, it can be confusing at best. The term Natural Range is one of the most important terms when it comes to diet for your Parrot becomes much easier when one learns that it is meant to direct one toward what is commonly found in the natural range of your Parrot. The goal is to find a map that defines your Parrot's region and use that as tool to determine what commonly grows there.

Example: The vast Amazona Family is found in near all of Central and South America. But individuals species are found in much smaller areas, hence the minor difference in their diets.
New World Parrots are those whom's natural range is within the Americas.

Fruits are a joy, but with Amazon, one must remember to vasty limit Fruits because of their sugar content. Sugar with a dash of hormones is not a positive combination.

The term 'balanced diet' is commonly used and rarely explained. For the owner, it can be confusing at best. The term Natural Range is one of the most important terms when it comes to diet for your Parrot becomes much easier when one learns that it is meant to direct one toward what is commonly found in the natural range of your Parrot. The goal is to find a map that defines your Parrot's region and use that as tool to determine what commonly grows there.

Example: The vast Amazona Family is found in near all of Central and South America. But individuals species are found in much smaller areas, hence the minor difference in their diets.
I thought that too, then I stumbled on this, it's an invasion I guess! haha.
It does say as you do, they originated in the South America
I have found some great info on their natural diets. :)
regarding sugar in fruit, I could not help but notice it's not good
during hormonal season it supercharges the hormonal symptoms
for sure. I'll look into the history of origin and try and get a closer
target area., out of interest and who knows maybe they do eat geccos.!
https://petshun.com › article › are-parrotlets-old-world-or-new-world

Are Parrotlets Old World Or New World? Unveiling The Mystery

Parrotlets, the tiny and vibrant birds that captivate bird enthusiasts worldwide, can be found in both the Old World and the New World. Originating in South America, parrotlets have spread their wings to various regions, including Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and even parts of the United
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