Great training advice in the Amazon forum

lol thank you i do pronounce it spelling however leaves very much to be desired! i have filled entire notebooks with the spelling of just one word in the hopes of being able to spell it correctly!!! needless to say it hasnt worked....i tend to not join fourms for the most part because of my spelling but i feel its to important for ladyhawk that i learn as much as i can about parrotlets and the best way to care for and train all i can do is try my best ask husband to be how to spell a word when hes around and hope and pray people will be able to understand what i am trying to say.... i know it takes a LOT of paticence but please bear ( yes wrong spelling but spikes in the gragre...)with me as much as you can. i am smarter then my spelling makes me seem lol..i try to use only words i can at least get close to spelling. my siblings love reading my letters back to me the way they are written....and yes they do sound funny. i am learning a LOT here....i have removed the spray mallet from ladyhawks cage and thank God she has found her food dish and is eating from it!!! i have also gotten a wooden spoon ( one of my new ones that has never been used) to put treats in so i dont put my hand in the cage...she has even started comming over to the side of the cage thats next to my llivingroom chair... her cage is next to my chair... spike will be going to town today and iv asked him to get me a clicker or bell or someting like it to use when she does someting good....and iv saved the recipe on here for chop.....spike took a picture of ladyhawk and i will try to get it off the camra and post a picture of her here soon... ahh just noticed ladyhawk trying to lift the door of her food dish get some bread ties and tie it and the water dish doors down she is not the first bird to have figured out how to open those doors
Think of Millet as 'cookies' and sunflower kernels as 'chocolate bars'
this puts things in more of a health perspective. Parrotlets are like kids if you put out a buffet with chocolate bars and cookies, and salads/veggies what do you think they are going to eat? :) so keep those things for special occasions like rewards, not often and on your terms.
This post reminded me of a picture of my baby budgie Joey at two weeks looking like such a tough little guy! The way she posed with her wings back and her chest and crop puffed out like a little gangster!View attachment 77758
this is perfect for a caption! we should have a best caption contest lol! what a healthy looking little babe.
Not a bad idea. I like baby birds. They are so cute.
This post reminded me of a picture of my baby budgie Joey at two weeks looking like such a tough little guy! The way she posed with her wings back and her chest and crop puffed out like a little gangster!View attachment 77758

Not a bad idea. I like baby birds. They are so cute.
I just can't resist baby birds! I could have more because my budgies want to breed but I have too many already and spent six of the last nine months raising two babies one after the other and it wore me and my husband out. I promised him no more baby birds- at least not for quite a while!
thats what im doing now....i give her the spray mallet on a wooden spoon right now i scrap the mallet seeds? on to a wooden working up to holding the spray mallet itself in my hand and feeding it to her hopefully with out getting bit to often or to hard lol its a treat
Why do you scrape the millet seed off the spray? Just hold it in your hand at the far end and offer the other end to them. A long millet spray should keep your hand safe from bites.
yes thats what im starting today i wanted to give her just a little tmore time to settle into her new home thats she chirpping and comming to the side of the cage thats right next to my chair i'll be holding the spray mallet in my hand im going to get my bar stool and set it next to the cage so i can sit and be at the cage for longer periods of time one of the things iv read about how to bond with your parrlot was reading to them so the bar stool will let me do that to....i havae detraartive disk desies so i cant stand for long peroids time.... and we have her cage on a rather high stand so the cat cant reach her ... but being right next to my cage she cant reach her away because im right here and she is locked in the bedroom at night....ladyhawk is not the first bird iv had along with a cats and dogs i have a strict rule in this house no fighting and no one is allowed to eat other members of the family!!! lol and i make SURE theres no way anyone can do that lol
love the picture lol yes ladyhawk is a little pistal lol when shes mad at me shesits with her back to me lol ( her cage is right next to my livingroom chair.) the last couple of days shes spent more time on the side near my chair and looking at me so shes comming around...howeve she didnt get any spray mallet today as each time i held it out to her she hissed at me and tried to bite me!!! so the mallet went away now this evening i held it out for her ( unfrountly my hand has to go in her cage a little bit) and she did politly eat some lol I put the bar stool near her cage so i could sit a little longer lol i slowly moved it away from her a couple of times and she relunctly hopped a little closer to get it lol good birdies who dont bite or try to bite mommy get spraymallet as long as there nice bad birdies who bite or try to bite mommy loose there treat!! and mommy goes away good for training BUT i have to think of something to give or do for her when shes being good but i have to leave so she isnt confused as to why im taking it away....not sure if she can learn to understand GOOD GIL!! ok time for mommy to go clean or something like that far she hasnt touched the ball on the bottom of the cage even when i put some food in it... im thinking about looking on line to see if i can find a book on parrlots....might have things in it that i dont think to ask about as well as tips on some things that i dont think to ask about....iv always bought books on animals iv never had before of every kind they always have things to watch for tips on training as well as things to try to train them things to watch out for perks of things most like or dont like history that sort of thing.... i had an afracin tort until 2 months ago i love her dearly but they require large inclosers espically if you keep them inside and have other animals and they need to soak AT LEAST every other day....they dont get huge or really really big but it was just getting to be to much for me to take care of her as well as she should be let alone to spoil her which i personally feel i need to do to some extent to make them happy....getting out her soaking tub filling it with warmwater then carrying her to it go back and clean the top bedding getting her food around and water washing off her cave then putting her back and cleaning her soaking tub....i just couldnt do it properly any more sigh ahh but i miss her...i do know how ever that i made the right decission for her....the person i gave her to has several torts of different kinds as well as a mail afracin tort who if they got along well would be her mate...the woman also has an outdoor airea for her torts to enjoy during the summer months she a retired teacher so usuly sits outside by the tort playground when she has those who get along together are in there with a screen on the top im sure sissy is happer there then she ever was with me...not that torts are all that social even with there own kind spike tells me id turn our home into a regular zoo if hed let me and i was still healthy enough to take care of everybody lol hes proubly right lol but i promised him i wouldnot ask for anymore animal children after i got my parrlot....3 dogs a cat and a parrlot i think is all i can manage to keep happy and healthy these days right now i have 3 dogs sittig with me in my chair, the cat is sleeping on my sleeper sofa ( its opened as thats my bed lol) and ladyhawk is on her ladder playing with the rings hanging from the top of her cage lol and spike is happly sitting in his chair on his computer lol one thing about animal children they behave better then human ones!!! lol i dont have to get up every 5 minutes to see where everoe is what they are doing and what was that larage crash in the other room!!! and why you two fighting or yelling at each other and hey can you keep the noise down to a mild roar id like to HEAR the tv if you dont mind and how can you be hungry AGAIN lol while i get up and get something for them to eat or yell from the livingroom to the kitchen when they tell me they forgot what goes in the omelt again?? lol or mom its burnt!!! or can you fix this while informing they HAVE to soak the burnt pan or when your doe eating WASH YOUR DISHES as iv finished washing todays dishes lol ahhh how i miss those days there all grown and on there own now....which is good because by the time thanksgiving is over each yar and they go home im ready for bed!!!lo and yes i do make them help wit the cooking and cleaning lol

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