FINCHES! Ffffffffffffffffffffincheszszszszszs!!!!!!


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 14, 2016
Reaction score
Cleveland area
The Rickeybird, 40-year-old Patagonian Conure
I have longed for more birds over the years, buttttttt...

I just don't have time/resources/space/life expectancy (lol) to take on another parrot. Plus, the Rb is so intolerant, aggressive, and evil that it just wouldn't work.

Solution? Finches! Specifically, a pair of Zebra Finch hens, discovered and obtained on impulse (long story). They're in quarantine in a far end of the condo now but... I am enchanted!

They're wonderful. Beautiful, energetic, BRDZSZSZS!
I have challenges - converting to pellets, maximizing diet, designing cage, finding toys...
But just LOOK AT THEM!

This is a new adventure. It might be good for some of you in a similar situation.

the Beckys.webp
I have longed for more birds over the years, buttttttt...

I just don't have time/resources/space/life expectancy (lol) to take on another parrot. Plus, the Rb is so intolerant, aggressive, and evil that it just wouldn't work.

Solution? Finches! Specifically, a pair of Zebra Finch hens, discovered and obtained on impulse (long story). They're in quarantine in a far end of the condo now but... I am enchanted!

They're wonderful. Beautiful, energetic, BRDZSZSZS!
I have challenges - converting to pellets, maximizing diet, designing cage, finding toys...
But just LOOK AT THEM!

This is a new adventure. It might be good for some of you in a similar situation.

View attachment 78678
Awwwwwwwww congrats Aunty G, I love zebbies, they're gorgeous and they make the sweetest sounds!! 💖 💖 💖
I once had a boss who kept finches. She dubbed the evil one “Bluebeard” because he killed his numerous wives. As a result of these tales, I do not trust finches. They may look tiny and innocent, but you never know what evil lurks….
Awwwwwwwww congrats Aunty G, I love zebbies, they're gorgeous and they make the sweetest sounds!! 💖 💖 💖
Don't they just?
I like to sit quietly by them until they come close and just stare. When quarantine's over, they'll have their introduction to you-know-who, bless 'em.
They are so sweet! I want all the birdies. HRH Mr. Fluffypants makes enough poops to keep me in check. But they're such cute little poops...
OMG yessssssssssssssssssssss... their eeny-weeny l'il poops are the size of this... 0
I once had a boss who kept finches. She dubbed the evil one “Bluebeard” because he killed his numerous wives. As a result of these tales, I do not trust finches. They may look tiny and innocent, but you never know what evil lurks….
I had heard such tales... yeah.
That's in part why I was happy to get two females (probably siblings).
They're peas in a pod.
I looooove Zebra Finches! I used to have a bunch. Cute as the dickens and they make the sweetest noises. :D
meep meep meeeeeeeeeeeep meepmeepmeep
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeep meep meep meep!
That is a special message to the vampire!
Oh my gosh they're darling. And they make such cute sounds, you'll barely be able to hear them after 40+ years with RB screams!
Inger, you are soooooooooooooooo right buttttttttttttttttt...
The Rb is already experimenting with the finch noises, God help us.

Like... meep meep MEEEEEEEEEP!
[dial volume up to abut 100 decibels]
Congratulations. Enjoy! Maybe Rb will start mimicking the good soft sounds. The again maybe not.
Oh he is starting to mimic them alright.
Kinda like a mating-calling moose might mimic a squeaking mouse...


Since I can hardly tell them apart, and since they are such an identical being in movement and habits... AND they'd never learn to respond to a different name .
I was stymied about names until I gave in and just dubbed them... The Beckys.

Becky was a worker at the bird store.

So I guess I have Becky 1 and Becky 2?

Or just...
The Beckys.

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