Bird Astrology

Skye Aquarius
Marigold Scorpio
Thimble Aquarius
Chubba Chubs Aquarius
Lexi Pisces

Skye is up and down. He never knows quite what to do, one minute he is chewing on me, the next he won't come anywhere. Sometimes he courts Marigold, others Thimble. Marigold is sensitive. She loves being a mother and caring for chicks. She had her wings clipped too early as a chick, and this has effected her confidence in flying and foraging. She is most happy when provided with a nest box. Thimble is playful. She loves exploring my clothes and skin and tries to rip my nails off. She can be aggressive. Lexi is interesting. She never does anything I would expect her to. Once, during a storm, lightning struck near the cage. The other budgies started panicking and flapping about. But when I went to calm them, Lexi was still asleep.
Oops, just realised that this is an old thread.
Hmm, I'm a Pisces and my new GCC is an Aries. This could be fun!
(but I'm also a Gemini rising which may confuse the poor dear)

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