A Rickeybird RANT !!!


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Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 14, 2016
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Cleveland area
The Rickeybird, 40-year-old Patagonian Conure
I need a good rant. I just got the bird back into his cage for his daily nap. He is completely horrible today! Thank you in advance for indulging me! I love this place.

Okay, here I go.


Ever since I had the Rickeybird (he was a 3-month-old chick with his big-boy feathers half-grown-in), he has been a COMPLETE MANIAC. In the juvenile years, he was a happy, funny, affectionate maniac; since sexual maturity, he has been an aggressive, rooster-y, defiant maniac. He has been fully flighted for most of his life, so we can add that to the story.

Two main elements set the stage for disaster.
First... I am supremely unassertive with him. I can stand up to people and institutions, but not to my bird.
Second... there's no such thing as time-out or containment; he flies away as fast as a streak of lightning.
The ONLY way I get him into the cage is to toss a Serrano Chile in there, and he (having no impulse control) flies in after it.

I have viewed tons of vids of wild Rickeybirds. They are social, nesting near one another in the limestone bluff burrows which they dig. They (especially the males) defend their nests year round, and seem to spat and scrap and scream CONSTANTLY, just like my guy! They seem like an insanely hyperactive type of parrot.

He never EVER sleeps or even dozes when he's out. He always naps daily from about 1-3 pm, since he was a baby. These days, I put him in his cage so that I can do lunch, and he's quiet up there in his palatial estate. He hears me coming up the stairs at 3-ish and wakes up, lest I catch him snoozing and steal his food or pull his tail-feathers... WHATEVER. And he is charged up and ready to rumble.

HE HAS RULES, which he enforces with screeches or bites. A partial list of The Rickeybird's Rules. Don't touch face with hands... don't touch other people while he's out... don't try to pick him up with a hand when he's on my shoulder or his penthouse roof... don't touch the Evil BounceyBall (hey, there, Mr. GoodWrench)... don't let the remote/phone/similar-small-devices get too close to him (don't EVEN try to TALK on the phone)... don't take a bite of a treat without offering it to him first... oh, and don't touch my feet or my shoes... and do not EVER let the poor-nervous-little-chichuahau-size dog bark in his presence... and don't wear any new tee-shirts with splashy designs... don't EVEN wear new jewelry... introduce new glasses RESPECTFULLY and slowly... and beware if Paula Abdul or Jennifer Lopez come on the television or radio!!!!!!!!!!!! He gets so excited that he'll attack any living thing near him, plants included.

The thing is... he is ON, full speed, ALL THE TIME! When anybody else is around, he's screaming and jumping and flapping. When we're alone, yeah, he's nicer; the screams are replaced mostly with words and songs, but... he's still in overdrive.

Wanna feel better about your bird? SKYPE with me and the Rbird. I guarantee that you will be horrified at the Rb and simultaneously GRATEFUL for YOUR darling! Ask Wrench13... thusfar our only cyber-victim.

Maybe I should start a business. "FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOUR PARROT". PayPal me ten bucks; spend ten minutes on Skype with me and the Rb; and proceed to thank your lucky starzszszszs!

I have "met" a few Patagonians via this site. They seem much nicer! Maybe they're exceptions? Maybe they're females? Maybe they've just been clipped/disciplined/etc? Maybe the Rickeybird is just a perfect Patagonian storm???

Oh, well. When life gives you Rickeybirds, make Rickeybird LOLs! Than goodness for the Scrapbook. And all of you.

Thank you. RANT COMPLETE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahahaha, I know Curry probably isn't nearly as bad as what you're saying. His screaming just started out of nowhere and we do share our living space so I want to try to be courteous to the others.
Rickeybird is awful.
Glad I could cheer you up!!! :)
I'm feeling your Patagonian rant (although Archie isn't on the same level as RB)

Archie has days when all he wants is for us to all sit in the living room together - he shouts endlessly until we eventually sit down and then usually stuffs his face with pellets or has a little old man nap!

For several months now he decided he likes me giving him head scritches through the cage,
but hardly ever if he's perusing his empire from the open door. My husband gets most of the Archie cuddles but o do all his food, touch training etc.

When we went on holiday he boarded at our vets. A few weeks after we got back he had to go back for check bloods. He was so soppy rubbing his head on my hand and looking at me as if to say "I love you, please don't leave me here" - and then when we get home he's back to shouting at my hand!!

I'll have to video Archie attacking paper tissues - he's not interested if you give him one, he just wants the one I'm using to clean up his poop and goes all out to get it even if I'm in the way!

Another favourite pass time is reducing wooden shapes to matchsticks and throwing the shapes he doesn't like out of his foraging bowl - normally the orange ones! He flings them as far as possible across the cage so they bounce off the walls - even funnier when he forgets to let go as he's flinging said item and then he has to shout at it because it won't go away.


And yet we love them. Sometimes I'm so proud of how far he's come in the 8 months we've had him it brings happy tears to my eyes.

Yay for grumpy old Patagonians [emoji8][emoji8]

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Our family "Rickeybird" is our daughter and son in laws blue tick hound.
He is about 120 lbs of insanity. Dog trainers are stuck but Diesel (the dog Rickeybird) is the worst ever but is loved more than any. So we send funnies too. #dieselthedogrickeybird
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Well, you can join us this Spring when we go to the Blessing of the Animals and get to watch as our Amazon assures that everyone else glows in the comfort that their pet is much better. At least their pet's do their disruption in pet speak and not an Amazon's version of English!

I truly believe that the early service that we go to is nearly full compared to the later services because everyone knows and gives thanks that the Bird People brought their Parrot again!!!
Kentuckienne... I need to find an avian psychiatrist. Oh, what the heck. He's only gonna live another 20 years or so. Mr. Rival purposefully gets the bird going sometimes! The fun times really start, though, when Mr. Rival gets a phone call while the bird is loose. You should see him run out the front door before answering.

Nicky, you are my hero for telling Archie's story. He HAS come a long way. I wonder if he really might be even older than the Rb. Maybe there's hope that Rb will get older and MELLOW OUT!!!!! Oh, and Archie probably doesn't like you stealing his poop! And Rb has a very similar tooth-pick manufacturing business on the side...

LeaKP... #dieselthedogrickeybird it is!!!! I just Googled those dogs. YEOWWWWW!!!!!
GEEEEZ, they are amazing. Stamina - check. Loudness- check. Crazy - check. You nailed it.
Oh, my gosh, Sailboat. I drag the Rb to a blessing every few years. The running joke is that he needs less of a blessing and more of an exorcism. How I wish we lived closer. That would be an experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, my gosh, Sailboat. I drag the Rb to a blessing every few years. The running joke is that he needs less of a blessing and more of an exorcism.

I need a house-call just like that priest in "The Exorcist"!

Calling Father Merrin!!!!!!!!!

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpyg94OzHK0"]The Power of Christ Compels You - The Exorcist (4/5) Movie CLIP (1973) HD - YouTube[/ame]
According to our vet Archie is about a million years old so he could be breaking Patagonian records for longevity [emoji6]

We could start a world wide trade in parrot-made toothpicks [emoji3]

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I can see it now...
Artisan Toothpicks, by Archie'n'Rickey.
This was an LOL Rickeybird a while back...
Haha that's a great idea [emoji3] only problem is Archie can be pretty lazy and is likely to decide he can't be bothered and shout at me to do it for him [emoji6]

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For ONCE, I think the Rbird may actually step up. He ***NEVER*** gets tired of making toothpicks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Archie can supervise.
He'd be good at supervising - he can be a bit bossy though, we may have to send him on a leadership course so he can improve his interpersonal skills [emoji6]

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Considering his supervisee, a course in exorcism might be a good bet! :34:
I may pay for this, but, GO INDIANS (politically incorrect logo and all). The Rickeybird is a FAN. He told me once. Yeah. Got to support the bird.

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