Please Help Save Pete, The Rescue Parakeet.


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Jul 23, 2013
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I have one lovely rescued parakeet, named Pete.
Hi! My mother just rescued a parakeet this morning. We found him stuffed in a box with a graham cracker inside. We don't know how long he was left there, but we have decided he's a gift to us. Taking him out of the box, he really bit into my mother twice, and will not stop flying around his cage, he is also very shaky. He can fly, his feet look healthy, he just seems very shaken. He is blue all over with a zebra design on his neck and around his eyes and on his feathers and a full white face and a black tail. We don't know how old he is, or anything. But we do not know %100 if he is a he. He/she has a white-ish blue cere above its beak. But we really do want to love him and make sure he is happy with us and healthy. Please all the advice in the world would be so helpful. We've owned finches before so we have a cage, its rather large. It has four perch bars and two circular hoops. We have him regular bird food and a water bowl, he has been eating and drinking and we also gave him Kaytee Natural Spray Millet's, one at each end of the cage.. please help us to tame and help make this parakeet a happy bird again. He/she needs to know they're loved, and a box incident will not happen again. Please help us. :blue2:

Also, I'm about to leave for college, my sister is about to graduate college, and take on a full time job at the hospital, her and her fiancé live below us, but he has a full time job, my dad works over time just about every day and my mother varies working from 6:30-3 or even to 5, so should we invest in another parakeet? If so that's perfectly fine. We just want to make sure Pete is happy.
make sure your perches are natural wood not plastic or dowel rods. His food should be a seed/pellet blend and offer him fresh fruits an veggies. I suggest getting his wings clipped by a vet just for now so he calms down and it will be easier to tame him. At first dont try to touch him just sit by the cage speaking softly or reading aloud to him.
Oh wow, that was sure an interesting way to end up with a new friend, no? :eek: Was the box left by your front door?

Marcia has given you some GREAT advice already. :) Could you possibly post a picture of Pete and his cage? We might be able to tell you whether he's a boy or a girl.

Once you know he is perfectly healthy, and ONLY then, would I consider giving him a friend (another parakeet).
Thank you guys so much! No, my mother works for USPS and he was just left inside the front door, in a box. We are creature loving people. We have 6 dogs, a ferret, a bearded dragon, and I myself own two very happy hermit crabs. We've rescued three of our dogs, and the many of our older ferrets, we've also saved and helped two field mice live happy and healthy lives. So I will definitely look into these suggestions. Two of his rods are natural wood, but his two up in the top of his cage are plastic. We will replace those asap. His food is Kaytee Forti-Diet. We also have home grown raspberries and blackberries, are those okay to feed him? Thank you guys so much for your help! i'll post pictures right now.
rasberries and blackberries are great for them!! And kaytee forti diet parakeet is good.
Oh yay! we're really into home grown veggies and fruits and stuff so. That's great. Do I need to chop them up for anything or do I just put them in there? They're not like the big store bought ones, they're much smaller with more defined berry chunks. But he keeps chirping. Not high pitched like squawking but chirping. Is he okay? :/ I feel so bad for this poor angel. So now he's going to be extremely pampered now.
Alright! I got some pictures up finally. Sorry it took so long, this computer really enjoys lagging. But thank both of you very very much for helping me. I'm glad there are people out there who genuinely care about all animals like we do. This little guy probably wouldn't have made it. Thank you.
Judging by his stripes and eye color, I would say that Pete is 4-6 months old.
If it is ok with everyone here I am going to move this thread to the "budgies" section ... never mind, I changed my mind.
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I know the thread is a few weeks old , but I hope my suggestion is heard . I would first keep him on a seed and pellet mix diet so he could start feeding well with minced fruit and veggies mixed in . There is a album called happy budgie songs or something like that . I played it for my budgies when I first brought them home and it calmed them down a lot . You could look it up on u tube . How is he settling in ?

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