Feeding hemp seeds?

Truly, I've been encouraging my winged creatures hemp seeds, they love it! I additionally read an article saying that hemp oil is better than red palm oil for our winged creatures. I have perused such a large number of beneficial things about red palm oil that I chose to change it out. I keep the hemp oil in the refrigerator (you can get it at the wellbeing nourishment stores) They appear to cherish this too!

Red palm oil is used or the beta carotene it provides. It is a vitamin a powerhouse, unlike hemp oil. So you cannot say hemp oil is better, two different uses. It’s like saying Tylenol is better than an Epi-pen
Something I must add. The hempseed you get from pet stores around here is dead, burned out seed! Doubtful of any value! Now the hempseed I buy from Costco for me, that is a vibrant seed!
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I also need to add for any eclectus owners who read this: avoid hemp seed as a constant staple in the diet. It is a major contributor to evoking hormonal behavior.
Sounds delicious!

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