Loosing color?


New member
Sep 13, 2024
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Budgie- BooWoo
Cockatiel- Scooter
Hi guys! My almost 3 month old cockatiel has been looking a little grey lately to me. As if heā€™s losing his pink undertones. Iā€™m a little worried and I havenā€™t seen a lot out there. First picture is his normal pink beak and second is from today where he looks really grey.

I plan on taking him to the vet to get a new bird checkup soon but Iā€™m wondering if I should take him asap.

Heā€™s such a sweet boy but he has been my most challenging bird yet. I give him fresh veggies every morning, and he only would eat the corn so I stopped putting that in the mix, now he only eats the peas. Doesnā€™t touch the kale, carrots, broccoli, any fruit of any kind. He also doesnā€™t seem to be eating any of his pellets ( I leave a full bowl of roudy bush crmbs in there at all times)

Iā€™m scared heā€™s not eating enough so I do give him 1/2 tbs of seeds every two days.

Iā€™m worried Iā€™m under feeding him but he has plenty in there he just doesnā€™t eat anything except for the peas or corn which I know is not an all around good diet if thatā€™s all heā€™s eating.

Any advice would be great. He doesnā€™t seem to be acting any different but he also has some behavioral things that Iā€™m trying to break as well, so the ā€œnormalā€ chirpy playing bird is not really his personality Iā€™ve noticed and itā€™s hard to determine if heā€™s not acting like a ā€œhealthyā€ bird given he has severe separation anxiety and just sits there and screams until I take him out. I do find some of his shredded toys on the ground after I get home from work so I do think he plays with them while Iā€™m gone but I donā€™t ever see him play with them.
At 3 months, he is going to go thru a lot of changes until he reaches adulthood. He is going to go thru a fairly big molt as he gets in adolescent feathering and then there is puberty, where they just lose their minds! Be patient and then more patience.

It took more then a year before my amazon decided to recognize pellets as food, offering it every day! We feed him frozen 18-20 ingredient chop, nuked to about 105degF and crumble up a few Nutraberries to absorb excess water. THat way he gets some pellet input there too.
At 3 months, he is going to go thru a lot of changes until he reaches adulthood. He is going to go thru a fairly big molt as he gets in adolescent feathering and then there is puberty, where they just lose their minds! Be patient and then more patience.

It took more then a year before my amazon decided to recognize pellets as food, offering it every day! We feed him frozen 18-20 ingredient chop, nuked to about 105degF and crumble up a few Nutraberries to absorb excess water. THat way he gets some pellet input there too.
Thank you so much!! I wasnā€™t sure if the grey color was him just changing/growing or if it was something serious. If you wouldnā€™t mind I would love a good chop recipe/how to store it. I will try the crushed pellets too Iā€™ve seen a lot about that!!
Here is my last chop batch recipe. I bag 3 days worth into sealable freezer bags and freeze them. Hit them with a mallet or tenderizer, portion off 1/3, zap it for 40 seconds or so (to 105F deg) and crumble up some nutraberries to absorb the excess water. Last batch I made 25 or so bags of chop. All except the Brussel sprouts, beans, corn and pasta were put thru a food processer.

double handfuls of Habanero peppers
double handfuls of red chilies
big handful of jalapeno peppers
2 red bell peppers
2 radicchio
3 broccoli heads
1 cauliflower head
1 large can corn, rinsed and drained
1 can red kidney beans, ditto
1/2 lb pasta, single ingredient, no salt, no added vitamins
1 bundle organic kale
1 bundle brocoli-rabe
2 bundles leafy parsley
1 pound brussle sprouts, chopped
1 bag baby arugula

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