Kakariki feeding


New member
Aug 26, 2024
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Hi all. I'm very new to the forum & newish to bird keeping. I have 2 pairs of Kakariki kept separately that are allowed to fly free several hours a day at different times. They are eating constantly & seem to love dandelion leaves the most, along with peppers, sprouted cress, green beans, blackberries & various other fresh foods. I read that any parrot mix must contain safflower seeds, so I bought such a food, along with a fruity mix that also includes chilli's etc. My concern is that they seem to not be eating any of the smaller seeds contained in either mix, which includes the safflower seeds that I assume are important. Should I stop feeding a mix & buy seeds separately so they eat what I give them at any point?
Any advice would be appreciated.
I would love to know a kakariki!
I have no experience but I saved this a while back...

I would love to know a kakariki!
I have no experience but I saved this a while back...

Thanks. Not long but a good article.
Hmmmm... well, that's all I got.
Well.... maybe just put the little seeds out alone until they become familiar/attractive?
Now that really IS all I got.
Ooops, one more thing... maybe write a facility/specialty place that deals with them?
I promise, that's it.

Gopd luck. Keep us posted, please.

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