FeeBee scared my dear hubby last night!


New member
Feb 14, 2012
Alberta, Canada
Currently bird less.
So I was giving the boys a bath. They were both in the tub together. That doesn't happen too much anymore these days as they are now 7 and 8.

Anyways, they are in there splashing around and laughing, having a good time, etc. I'm in the laundry room down the hall and dear hubby is watching TV in the living room.

All of a sudden I hear this mad flapping and flapping so I run down the hall towards the living room to see what's up because FeeBee came to us with clipped wings and really doesn't fly anywhere. Well as I'm heading into the living room, I almost get knocked over by the hubby who is running the other way. I say, 'whoa, what happened'? He can't even talk, he just points to the couch.

Here FeeBee must have heard the fun the boys were having down the hall in the bathtub and tried to come looking for them. He launched himself from the top of his cage and managed to fly a good 10 feet over to the couch. Now he would have had to fly over my hubby who was sitting on the rocking chair with his back to the cage. Dear hubby was always scared to death by the sound of flapping wings when I used to own my Quaker who was flighted.

It scared hubby so bad that he literally flew off his rocking chair. The TV remote and cordless phone that were in his lap went flying half way across the room. I'm quite sure he hasn't moved that fast for a few years. lol

Poor FeeBee is hanging on to the top of the couch looking very strangely at me like "What's up?"

Anyways, it was quite the experience for both of them.

I wonder why FeeBee would have felt compelled to fly like that? Maybe he really is starting to feel like part of the family and just wanted to be in the room with the action? It's funny because the last two days, I've noticed him flapping really hard on the top of his cage for a few brief bursts at a time. I thought maybe he was just wanting to stretch or get some wing exercise. Maybe he was really trying to see if he could make it to the couch all along? lol
Funny story and made me laugh! Well, they do want to be with their flock and will get there however they can. You're lucky he doesn't climb down his cage and just run over there. Pete will; I can't leave him on his cage unsupervised.
My Macaw tries to make the 6 foot flight from her perch to the couch. Or she'll just fly off her perch and hit the ground, then go for a little walk. She walks into the kitchen and down the hall, happily looking around like a tourist.

Scared my sister to death the first time Safira tried to fly right at her head.
My Macaw tries to make the 6 foot flight from her perch to the couch. Or she'll just fly off her perch and hit the ground, then go for a little walk. She walks into the kitchen and down the hall, happily looking around like a tourist.

Scared my sister to death the first time Safira tried to fly right at her head.

I have to say much as I love macaws, I wouldn't want her flying right at my head either, lol!
You're crazy, its the little birds you gotta watch out for. Them and their little beaks! At least Macaw's are easy to catch, they're like big footballs with feathers. Those little ones man.. they're scary.
You're crazy, its the little birds you gotta watch out for. Them and their little beaks! At least Macaw's are easy to catch, they're like big footballs with feathers. Those little ones man.. they're scary.

Lol, well conure beaks can be kind of scary. But, at least she can't dig talons into my scalp. Or give me a concussion.

I almost hit a buzzard on my motorcycle. I dived to the tank and it skimmed over the top of my helmet. I have to say, I think had I taken a full force hit, it might have knocked me off the bike.
I couldn't stop laughing....LMAO!!!!!! That would of been a sight to see....lol.....

Most of my birds don't really fly, they rather sit on you or walk towards you for you to pick them up. Willie have flew 3 times since I had him and all three times he flew towards me cause he wanted to see me. Maybe he wants some attention from your husband?
LOL! I can't stop laughing too.
All my fids are flighted and it happens to us sometimes unexpected flying, but nothing THAT FUNNY!
FeeBee probably want to join her human flock to have fun too :)
LOL! Shame you couldn't have gotten it on video, would have been something to see!
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I have nothing against FeeBee being flighted. He just came to us that way from his former home. So until those wings grow out again, he's stuck doing what he has to do to get around.

And yes, he probably would love to climb down from his cage and go for a walk. I've seen him many times down at the bottom of his cage on the outside, trying to figure out just how far of a fall that might be. One time he was hanging completely upside down by his toes and his beak just about touching the ground. I really thought that was going to be the day he learned how to get down. But he changed his mind and climbed back up again. I have one of those wooden ladders from my last bird and I've put it at the bottom of his cage to allow him to get down to us if he wanted to but he still seems to scared to go near it. Even though it has been sitting beside his cage for over a month already. As soon as it touches his cage, he won't go there to try it out.

I wish I would have got the whole thing on video. It would have been hillarious! lol
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Oh and I should add that my hubby was laughing about the whole incident with our friends last night, so I guess he'll be okay. ha ha. I still laugh out loud when I see the whole scene again in my head. ha ha ha

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