Feather plucking after loss of an owner


May 17, 2010
South Africa - Cape Town
Mustache Parakeet - Milo
CAG - Charlie
Good afternoon. My sister suddenly passed away on the 21st of September. I have inherited her African Gray (Charlie) and Moustache Parakeet (Milo) and she has left me here log in details for this forum in an instruction manual, saying I should ask any questions I might have here, hence I am posting on her profile.
I have never owned birds before and even though her instruction manual is quite comprehensive, there is still so many questions.
For now I need some help with the following please.
Both birds are very familiar with me as I have looked after them numerous times over weekends and holidays. The African Grey however is plucking the feathers on his chest and I am assuming that he is grieving the loss of his mom and also feeling our emotions. How do I help him to stop plucking and also help his grieving process. I bought him new toys, I make sure that he is out of the cage as much as possible and play cartoons on the tv when I am not around to keep them company. Not sure what else I can do from my side. Would really appreciate if you can give some advise.

New bird mom

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