Alllllllllllllllllllllrightythen it's time for an update.
We have been scrambling around with last minute prep before another chick order arrives some time late next week. We are getting our first guineas and geese! Very excited!!
I was trying to figure out if I could fly to Previous City to visit with my mom for a few days and bring some more of my stuff that I haven't finished packing and moving, but the logistics of flying in a cast just got more and more overwhelming the more I thought about it so we have decided to wait until I am out of the cast for me to fly home for a visit and to get some work done. After all, my mom is a teacher and once her summer break starts, she will be able to visit us for much longer than a few days anyway. Yes, there are the mobility golf carts and various other things to help accomodate me getting around the airport and onto the plane and such, but it seems like a lot of unnecessary stress and potential to reinjure myself if I push too hard. My mom's house is a 4 story thing too, and my old room was on the top floor. Honestly I don't know how I was thinking I would manage moving things down the stairs when I can only just barely manage to move myself up and down stairs.
Currently, I am in the boot/cast if I am on my feet. Recently I have started taking it off to sleep, or if I am just sitting with Freedom or the little guys. I am using only 1 crutch now, and some of the time (usually earlier in the day before I start to get tired) I am not using a crutch at-all. I am able to do more and more, but my stamina is at 0, which is the main reason I decided to delay the trip. Carrying wood over for a fire yesterday, I was literally winded after making the trip twice and carrying 4 small sections of wood. And the wood pile literally is so close to where we had the fire that a well thrown rock could have hit it. I will get back to normal, but it is taking fruteratingly long.
My fiance is going to drive to Previous City on Saturday instead of me going there. He will visit with his parents, and bring back some things of mine that I would have brought had I been able to make the trip myself. He should be getting back a day or two before the baby chicks arrive.
Speaking of baby chicks, yesterday before we lit the fire, I had all the "chicks"(hatched in early march) over pestering us being cute, and I shared my lunch with them, how could I resist? Lol. At one point they were ALL begging for tidbits of my ham sandwich. :3 George doesn't seem to be a huge fan of them, but he also doesn't seem to hate them. The young cockrels are only just starting to crow(badly), so he probably doesn't see them as a threat yet. It is so cute.... er ah er ah errrrr is the proper crow. These guys? More like derp a doo(with the last syllabule trailing to nothing, their voices too high pitched, and sometimes failing on them midway or cracking mid crow. They are so awkward and adorable at this age!! Soon tho they will turn into moooooonsters. Speaking of which:
We have officially named the adult heritage bronze hen: The Warden. George has been being a bit of a snot lately to Nibbler and Waddles(and to Mr. Bug, uggggggh. Why, George??), and The Warden seems to have taken personal offense to this. When he acts like a brat, she will come running over and put him in his place. She is the smallest bronze turkey we have, and yet she is the feistiest of the lot. She and George are about the same size, but she is 100% in charge of him.
If he doesn't chill out, he is going to get himself killed. We wouldn't do it(too attached to the little punk), but giving him free to someone else? Sure. Dinner or breeder, whatever. He is a good roo to his hens. Protects them, keeps an eye out for predators, feeds them tasty snacks. But he is being a JERK. Also, he is rushing Mr. Bug while he is walking our Anatolian Shepherd foster. Whooooo is a confirmed chicken killer. She almost grabbed George the other day. No bueno. Even a punk jerk rude butt head rooster doesn't deserve to be mauled to death. If it is his time to go, he deserves a humane way out. He may be acting up, but in his screwy little rooster brain, he is just doing his job.
George and co still have 3 chicks, and they seem to be doing great. The indoor chick is doing great too, and since it is a bantie mix, he is abouuuut the size of a new baby large fowl chick. We likely will pair him up with one of the new chicks who arrive next week so he will have a buddy and not be so lonely.
Nibbler is laying herself a clutch of eggs we noticed. My last count she had 3 in her little nest in the barn, but that was 2 nights ago, so it is probably to 4 or 5 by now. We will let her sit on them if she wants to, and hatch us out another generation of mutt ducks. Mutts are such fun birds to have around. Don't get me wrong, the purebreds are great too, but there is something fun about a heinz 57 duck or chicken that I just adore.
We are still letting all of the fowl free range during the day, and so far so good. The march "chicks" are not great at foraging yet, but so far do good at avoiding getting got(knock on wood). I really, really, *really* am enjoying having the birds all loose during the day. But it is time to sort thru the March birds. Choose our keepers and sell the other pullets(and cockrels if someone wants them). Plan for the cockrels is to separate out the cool ones(we have a polish roo, a lavender ameracauna roo, and a few other neat ones we want to hang on to) and put them probably in large pens where we will give them some pullets and have them confined to use as breeders(and keep them from fighting each other). The rest of the cockrels we will hang on to for now until they are big enough to ride the rides at freezer camp(lol). And perhaps a bit longer. We are going to send them to a colder climate based on behavior, and hopefully at the end of it we will be left with 1-3 roosters who are good to the ladies, good foragers, good with each other(sometimes, sometimes you can get lucky and have a few roos who will exist peacefully together as flock roo), and nonaggressive to people. Because this George situation is not ideal.
You can stare him down if you know how to read him and you have the right attitude about it, but Mr. Bug is having some difficulty. I have been watching and advising him, which helps, but I'm not always there and he is still learning bird body language. One time George managed to get Mr. Bug with his spurs(thru jeans so not much cutting damage) in *just* the right spot on his knee, and his leg gave out momentarily! Yipe! This was while he was walking one of our dogs, so thankfully they didn't try to eat George, but still. Sigh, dumb bird.
We still have not finished the first raised bed, but we have all the materials and will probably build it today. In the AM yesterday it was quite stormy, so we didn't get a chance to get started, and by the time the skies cleared, it was time to build the fire to cook dinner(still no oven/range, but it isn't so much a priority. Summer we can cook outside, winter we have the wood stove), so we didn't get anything done on it yesterday. Oh well. It will get done when it gets done.
The last budgie clutch of the season is starting to fledge now. The pair managed to successfully raise 8! Good job!! So 2 of our pairs bred this spring, giving us a total of 21 baby budgies so far this year. 8(2 4 chick clutches) by one pair and 13(clutch of 5 and clutch of 8) by the other. We are meeting a grandmother tomorrow who wants to buy 2 of them. They will likely be caged budgies, but that's alright. In a big enough cage with toys, 2 budgies can be quite happy talking to their people rather than cuddling and playing with them. Not every bird home is the same, and what works for some is different than what works for others. That said, we are going to steer her towards the less people-attached chicks(and it goes without saying, but I will say it anyway: these are the older, fully weaned, a few months old chicks that we are selling. We do not sell any babies that we are not 100% sure are fully and utterly completely weaned).
I'm sure I could add more information in here, but i have already written a novel on this post(yipe!!) So I will just leave this update as this.