Kakariki constant flock call.


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Jan 30, 2025
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I desperately need help and advice. I have a Kakariki (assumed) male, that is 1-year old. He is constantly screaming/doing flock call. From morning to evening (unless he naps). Was parent raised, has big cage (5ft high, 4ft width, 4ft lenght), all the toys and flies free 2-4h a day. Eats well, bathes daily and is active. The constant loud screaming is just starting to drive me crazy. He is my sweet boy and hes normal chatter is absolutely adorable. What can i do? Does he need a friend? An exorcism? Any advice is appreciated.
-sorry about typos etc as english isn't my first language.
He sounds adorable but LOUD! You have given him a great cage most birds can only dream of, plus free flight, baths, toys, so you're a real star! Others may have more direct advice on how to stop the flock calling, but I'm going to suggest ear plugs or noise canceling headphones because it's really hard to get a happy bird to be quiet, and I would hate to see a bird rehomed because he drove his humans crazy.

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