The dumbest question is the one not asked. For instance "Is it safe for my little kid to grab at your large parrot or could it bite her tiny fingers?" would be a great question to ask before you walk your small child up and stick her right up to our bird before we have time to register what's about to happen. This happened in a store while we were shopping. It happened so fast we didn't see it coming until it happened. In a flash I jutted my hand in front of her beak and blocked the child's fingers. Sailor was still new, still bitey enough to draw blood on me if she wanted to and we were hoping to get her used to seeing other people from a safe distance(not realizing at the time how hands on people would be without asking). Now I say it before anyone's close enough to be in bite range just in case. And even then people still reach out for her after we tell them and my husband has learned to step back when he sees them reaching. I think they assume that if we can touch her everyone else could too and we are just being selfish or mean to withhold the petting.