Living in hawaii I get a lot of people who say things like "oh my auntie breeds lovebirds! Maybe you want a lovebird, too?"
I breed birds, so some of my pets were produced in my house. So when they see, say, Titan, and ask where I got him, and I tell them, it goes right to "ooohhhhh, how much you get for them?" And "it's not hard right?" Or even more often I get my LEAST FAVORITE question, which I get asked 2/3 of the time people find out that I breed..... "You got Greysor eclectus for sale?" After I say no, I often get asked "no? What about cockatoos. You have cockatoos? No? Macaws? You know where I can get one real cheap? Don't wanna go to Pet Hale, too expensive! Just want one real cheap!" It makes me sick. But rather than getting mad I try to use it as an opporumity to explain the deep and complex needs of any parrot, and how hard it is to not screw them up as babies (using whatever example of nasty parrot is owned by their cousin, friend, boss, etc), and how much harder it is to take good care of a parrot than a dog or cat.