Does anyones budgie(s) talk?

I wonder if there is any difference between the American and English budgies in ability to talk?

I was wondering the same thing!

I don't think there would be any difference in talking ability. It's more the individuals along with their environment. Some birds are probably naturally more inclined than others, and if those inclined birds have just the right environment and stimulation that they happen to like, they'll talk :).

The English is a bred variety (developed for show) of the wild type Budgerigar, but they're genetically the same.
Do you have a pic of your budgie? Most are the American type. Where did you get him? The English ones are usually sold through breeders.
What a beautiful bird she is! :) She is an American budgie. That's what they sell at Petsmart. My Twigs came from petsmart too ;) I like the name Pixie too. I had a male named Pix.
Puck the Budgerigar had a vocabulary of 1728 words and is listed in the Guinness book of records. He could also make up his own sentences.
My two don't talk, but my grandmother's did. He would say 'hello' and 'kiss kiss' and a couple of other things. He was sneaky about it for a long time though, he would only practice talking when no one was around. My grandma only heard him from the kitchen.
It seems like single budgies bond and talk to their owners more than a pair or more of budgies do when bonded together. All the talking ones I ever saw on youtube where not with any other birds so that may be the trick. This one here isn't quite as clear as Disco, but he does repeat random chatter he hears in the house from his people:
[ame=""]Bird cuddles up and talks himself to sleep Video #11 | Liz Kreate - YouTube[/ame]
I breed the English budgies. Years ago, my little brother wanted one, so he handtamed one himself, and before that budgie was 3 months old, he was hanging onto his cage door saying "Tony, step up!" and calling my greencheeks in the same room, telling them to step up also. We were amazed! No trying to teach that guy to talk, he just picked up everything on his own!

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