Cough and a little wobbly .


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Feb 15, 2022
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ZOO , Blue Fronted Amazon, 36 yrs old , have owned him 33 yrs now
New here . My Amazon , ZOO, 36 yrs old , has been with me 33 yrs now . He started coughing a little yesterday , 2/14/22, , and seems a littlle bit wobbly. Foods been the same as always and he's always been a healthy bird , We live in Northern NYS , St Lawrence Cty,and can't find a close bird vet . It's been a cold winter with the house getting down to 55 degrees F. this past week . Never had him sick before , is there some kind of medicine I can get to help the cough .?
New here . My Amazon , ZOO, 36 yrs old , has been with me 33 yrs now . He started coughing a little yesterday , 2/14/22, , and seems a littlle bit wobbly. Foods been the same as always and he's always been a healthy bird , We live in Northern NYS , St Lawrence Cty,and can't find a close bird vet . It's been a cold winter with the house getting down to 55 degrees F. this past week . Never had him sick before , is there some kind of medicine I can get to help the cough .?
I don't think there is any. Steam can help open their pathways in their loughs..

I reccomend you contact an online vet for advice :)
Id consider this an emergency, and find an avian veterinarian today even if you have to drive over an hour .
Burds hide being sick until they are so sick they no longer can. By thst time they have been sick for awhile and things are much more serious. Birds that have symptoms of weakness ( wobbly) fluffed, extra sleeping can be 48 hours from Death .
Its best to be that cautious . Instead of not taking it that serious and having your bird die. So many come here and ask, then their burds dont make it .

Yes , cold temperatures in fifties is to much for them. They would eat more to help maintain body temperature, they would seek out shelter and group together with other burds to maintain body temperature, or other behavior adjustments, plus bodies adjust to slower to big temperatures changes.
This cold puts extra stress on their bodies.

Warmth is very beneficial to birds with any health issues to support them. Aiming for environmental temp of 80-85f to support a sick butd. You can use a radiant heat panel like the sweeter heater i use as sold in Amazon, or K and H makes a snuggle clip on warmer and their may be others. Heat lamps aren't safe.
Even turning your home up to 74f can help some.

Wishing you the best. Keep us updated. We all learn from each other. And we can offer support tips but we can't replace an avian veterinarian.
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A good basic

When anything is suspected and after avian vet visit and during treatment, I think daily weight checks are a good way to monitor. Weekly weight checks are a good routine to establish to look for changes in a healthy bird. As often health issues lead to weight loss as they can burn 3x their normal calories when sick. And regularly monitoring weight and picking up any changes by weight loss before other symptoms leads to easier treatment and cure. But with or without weight loss any symptoms should be taken seriously..
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Like everyone is saying - by the time parrots exhibit outward signs of illness, they are really sick, not just a little bit. Me personally would be driving however far you need to to get a real Certified Avian Vet involved, and right soon too. Hope things turn out well!
Welcome to the forums to you and ZOO, but I'm sorry that it's under these very worrying circumstances. I would echo the advice everyone has given above to seek the opinion of and treatment by a certified avian vet as soon as you possibly can. I hope that the following link will help you to find your nearest specialist ...

Wishing you all the very best of luck and praying for a full recovery for ZOO! 🙏
What everyone is saying!!

A "coughing" Amazon is rare, too very rare! More commonly sneezing.
Add weakness (wobbly) and I would be very concerned.
55 degrees is very low for an Amazon especially if it is prolonged. With temperature that low, I would also guess that the Humidity is also very low as well.
What does your Amazons, poop look like?

Does your local Zoo have Birds? If they do, they have someone (A Vet) that visits or is on Staff.
Farm (large Animal) Vets at least have some a working knowledge of Farm Birds and at least understand what medication and dosage for Birds.
He also needs the needle tip trimmed on his beak..that can sometimes start to cause an issue with eating enough.
Such pretty blue 💙 on him
We are all worried for you guys. I know the stress you feel when worried about your baby.
Welcome to you and Zoo,unfortunately under not ideal curcumstances! I agree 100% with what everyone has stated...Zoo needs to see an Avian vet NOW...not a week or few days.


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