So very sorry to hear this! You were the angel that came into his life first to rescue him and now he can be the angel to watch over you. Your story is so full of love.
For some reason, I keep thinking of It's a Wonderful Life.
I am not sure why exactly, but Pip reminds me a bit of Clarence....the angel-in-training who has kind of always had a rough time and isn't the most graceful but is oh-so-adorable---
He helps George, but George also helps him, and he gets "his wings" because of it...Now, Hannah, I don't think you are deeply troubled like George was, but it just keeps popping into my head for some reason.I thought about posting this morning and erased it because I wasn't sure if it was too obscure of a reference, but Izjbean's comment made me think of it you know
(scroll to 32 Seconds in) This is the scene that keeps popping into my head when I think of you and Pip...and if all the animals (or people) you helped could sing (past or present), I bet you a million dollars they would be in the crowd singling Auld Lang Syne with smiles on their faces

It's amazing what a difference one person can make it the lives of many (human, bird, or other)!
If you haven't seen this film, you need to watch it, because my comparison would probably make a lot more sense then lol...