Thank you everyone.... I called the clinic this morning and let them know what's going on, so I'll be taking Cloud AND Chili in....they'll do a fecal on cloud and then go from there. Hopefully all she needs is another antibiotic shot as Julie suggested, but I can't leave her there like last time (I'm running on VERY limited funds right now).
As for Chili (in case anyone is wondering), she's going through a TERRIBLE molt right now- she's clearly uncomfortable and I believe the pin feathers are jabbing her and causing more pain when she tries to preen her back and wings. I showed the dr a video (when I took cloud in last week) of what she's been doing, and she confirmed it's because she's molting so bad and that she's not sleeping well at all because of it.
I've been misting her 2-3x/day every day as the dr suggested since last Thursday, and hubby and I have been doing preening sessions with her throughout the day (every day) but she is still having a rough time.
Plus, we've had her for almost a year now and she's due for a check-up anyways, so I'm hoping and praying we can get both of them sorted out tonight.