Cloud is sick :(

That pic is hilarious, Shirre! We won't be forgetting Lemon's pose anytime soon! Lol!
Well, looks like Cloud is going back to the vet tomorrow :(

I originally had an appointment scheduled for Chili, but since she's not the one who's sick I'll have to postpone it and take Cloud instead- her symptoms have returned, so I'm hoping there's another medicine that will work...(??)

:( :( :( :(
Oh! Cloud :( Shirre, I'm sorry! Darn it!
I know that sometimes another round of antibiotics are needed to knock an infection completely out. I'm confident she'll get all better in your care. I'll watch for updates :)
oh no thats not good. Hopefully things go well.
Oh, no! I'm so sorry, Shirre! But Cloud is a tough little budgie with a fighting spirit. I don't doubt she'll be back to flying soon enough.

I'll keep you both in my prayers, my friend.
Thank you everyone.... I called the clinic this morning and let them know what's going on, so I'll be taking Cloud AND Chili in....they'll do a fecal on cloud and then go from there. Hopefully all she needs is another antibiotic shot as Julie suggested, but I can't leave her there like last time (I'm running on VERY limited funds right now).

As for Chili (in case anyone is wondering), she's going through a TERRIBLE molt right now- she's clearly uncomfortable and I believe the pin feathers are jabbing her and causing more pain when she tries to preen her back and wings. I showed the dr a video (when I took cloud in last week) of what she's been doing, and she confirmed it's because she's molting so bad and that she's not sleeping well at all because of it.

I've been misting her 2-3x/day every day as the dr suggested since last Thursday, and hubby and I have been doing preening sessions with her throughout the day (every day) but she is still having a rough time.

Plus, we've had her for almost a year now and she's due for a check-up anyways, so I'm hoping and praying we can get both of them sorted out tonight.
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Yes, I'm anxious for an update as well.
I 'third' that... Will be waiting for update. Good luck!
Well, Cloud's fecal test came back clear, which was confusing but also a relief. I told her she's been puffed up and sleeping on the bottom of the cage, so what's going on???? Turns out it's too hot in our house.

We don't have central ac, and rely on one unit to cool our "great" room which consists of the kitchen, living, and dining rooms. So adding another ac unit (or two) is now a high priority.

She's a happy little bird- she was chirping and stuffing her face with food the whole way home lol and she got to re-join her buddies in the flight cage.... So everyone's happy 😊
Yes! Shirre, I'm so glad everything is okay! AC units. That's doable. Breathing a sigh of relief over here.
Stephen I'm so happy she's fine and made a comeback! But when the vet told me her poop was clean I was like YESSS!!!! Wait- what???? Lol so then she asked what the temp is in our house- apparently this weather we're having is NOT ideal for our fids, and she's been seeing A LOT of pneumonia cases in the last couple weeks because of the weather 😱 So, we need to lower the temp in our house at least 10 degrees.
Wow, good news for little Cloud!! :) I was worried when I read she was on the bottom of the cage:11:! Oregon doesn't seem like a place I think of as "hot".
You're right- a lot of people think of Oregon as this oasis state that has perfect weather....the vet said our state actually has a terrible climate. It's been incredibly humid lately too, so that doesn't help at all!!! Yesterday it was 99* with humidity around 30-40% 😱
It's been more humid than normal here too lately. Seems like every year it gets more humid. Many people think SoCal has perfect weather, but unless you're a couple miles from the beach, it gets HOT. I'm surprised we're not into the 100's yet this year like it usually gets in August and September. I hate the heat!
It's really humid here too, North of you. I've been taking the birdies on the deck in the cages and we all hose down with cold water. Seems to really help. Bosley has started going into a major molt because of it too
All the forest fires here in BC and in Washington state isn't helping either. We have an air quality advisory in effect.
Here in Washington it's always humid. I know Oregon can be hot I remember when I was younger, about 8 years old, on one of my yearly trips to hermestan my brother and I were unabearably hot and my brother pointed out that IN THE SHADE it was 105 degrees. So I have no doubt Oregon can be too hot for the birds. I mean here in Washington yesterday it was 85 degrees and I live pretty much as close to the candian border as possible. Personally I love the heat but my brother can't stand it (I can't stand being cold) However I always make sure that if it's going to be towards the 80's to at the very least put one of my box fans on high and point it directly at my dog. Maybe putting ice in the birds water dish can help out some.
Shirre, I am so glad that Cloud is once again on the mend! It is been brutally hot here lately, as well, and humid which is unusual. Last week it was 95 degrees in my living room at 7pm:(
Yeah, it's crazy how hot it's been getting lately- she said ideal temps should be low 70s at the most, and our house on hot days gets to high 80s. She said they really just don't do well in the heat, which can cause the lethargic/sick symptoms like they did in cloud. Which all makes sense because it's a cool 70 in my house right now and they're all boppin around chirping and twittering away... So, as soon as we have the money we'll be buying at least one more ac unit, maybe two.

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