Have any of your birds ever fully recovered from a yeast infection?


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2022
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New York
I Sun Conure who hatched March 23. 2004. I adopted her on May 8, 2005
I had a Quaker Parrot named Nikki who lived for 19 years
I grew up with Budgerigars named Screech, Zoar and Blue Baby
Alright, folks, buckle up, it's going to be a long ride.

I took Sunny to the vet on Wednesday, July 24th because she suddenly lost weight in less than two weeks. Typically weighing around or near 110g the morning right after her first poop of the day, she was as low as 105g. In the 19 years that she has been with me (she was adopted at 1 year old), she has never weighed this low.
At her appointment they did a full exam and workup. She weighed 106 g. They took an x-ray to ensure that nothing looked enlarged, damaged, or smaller in size. The x-ray also ruled out any tumors growing. Thankfully, the only thing the x-ray showed was that she had some arthritis which is to be expected for her age.

They took some bloodwork—chemistry and CBC. The chemistry test returned normal, meaning her organs are functioning normally. I am waiting for the CBC, as that is not done in-house. I got the results of the other bloodwork yesterday, which showed a slight elevation in gamma proteins. I looked this up online, and it says this can happen when there is an infection.

They did a gram stain, which is a poop test and that showed that she had some yeast in there. My vet asked me if she had eaten any bread or the like in the last 48 hours and I said no. He said she probably had some yeast infection, which would affect her GI tract and cause some changes in appetite, which would then cause weight loss.

He sent me home with Nystatin, an antifungal medication for the yeast infection. It is an oral medication that I am to administer by syringe for 10 days. He also gave me Gabapentin to alleviate the pain she is experiencing from arthritis and to make her more comfortable during her recovery from the infection. Finally, he gave me Recovery Formula, which is food I can sprinkle on her regular meals.

If it weren't for the change in weight, I would have never brought her to the vet because she was and still acts normal. I don't want to know what might have happened if I hadn't brought her in at all. Would she have gotten really sick?

I have a follow-up appointment on August 13th in which the vet has to take another gram stain to check if her poop is clear of yeast. I am also supposed to have another blood test done to recheck her proteins. That's supposed to be in about a month.

Have any of your parrots made a full recovery from a yeast infection? What are the odds of her surviving this? She doesn’t display any symptoms, but I worry, given that she is 20 years old, that, she could take a turn for the worse. My Quaker parrot died last year in May. I thought I would have Sunny for a few more years. My Quaker had chronic liver disease. Weeks before she died, she was taking medication for a respiratory infection. Looking back it probably was just a response to her failing liver but still, l the last time I was nursing a bird with an infection, she died.

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